Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

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Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

Post by Yankiwi »

Mostly in the afternoon and evening if I start getting symptoms I can just get up, walk around and do something to distract my brain so it forgets about my achy legs.

Last night I took my ropinerol about a half hour later than I should have and missed the window of opportunity to fall asleep. As I lay in bed my legs started to hurt more and more (you know how it is) and after a half hour I knew I had to get up. I went downstairs and washed the kitchen floor (I have a very small kitchen) on my hands and knees. Then I sat on a Swiss ball massaging my calves for about five minutes to wind down from the floor activity and was able to get to sleep almost right away.

If you have a special trick or activity, please share. These tricks wouldn't necessarily be the same as hot baths or compression.

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Re: Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I use a timer so I don't miss doses. I have one on my phone, one on my computer, and a manual timer. Between them, I rarely miss a dose. But, sometimes, it still happens.

I don't think there is a one size fits all solution. There are many things listed in the Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, Diet section that would help - reading through some older posts may give you many ideas.

Generally, we either have to keep our minds busy - Sudoku, crosswords, solving math problems, etc., or do activity. We all do different things. I prefer mental stimulation if I'm up. If I'm in bed, I do some weird leg exercises I can't even explain, lol. I tried awhile back and couldn't. All I do, basically, is tire out my muscles using slow movements and gravity so that my muscles shake. That often is enough to let me get to sleep.

And, as you did, I almost always do some housework :-).
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Re: Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

Post by Yankiwi »

Thanks, a timer is a great idea. I'll go set one up on my iPhone now.

I, too, do lots of weird leg exercises but if I'm in bed they almost never work. Sometimes a mini backbend that puts pressure on my Achilles works but I have to keep it for about a minute or more. And I try to do it without waking up my husband. Luckily, he's usually a good sleeper.

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Re: Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

Post by Polar Bear »

My phone alarm rings 4 x daily for medications.
Even grandchildren shout to me if phone alarm goes off and I'm not in the room .. 'Tablet Time Granny B.' :lol:
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Re: Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

Post by Yankiwi »

It's nice to have grandchildren to help remind you, they will know all about schedules and time.

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Re: Anybody have tips to fool the brain?

Post by Yankiwi »

Recently I've started to do jigsaw puzzles in the middle of the night (along with all the other things I do). There is enough concentration to help my symptoms go away faster than just hoping they will.

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