Relaxis Pad

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by pjmccoy1 »

Yes they called me back and told me about the special in June which would, in effect, reduce the cost to approximately $28 to trial for a month if it doesn't work and you send it back. What they couldn't tell me is what they do with the relaxis pads that are restocked. Do they ship them back out after they have been previously used at the same price?
PJ, Heaven Bound

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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by Norm »

I would try a good heating pad first before buying the infrared unit. My experience with heat (not infrared) has been that my WED gets worse. All that means is that it does something. Others may get better.

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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by mh380 »

I recently got a Relaxis pad, and I've run into a few aspects of it that are problematic for me. My symptoms can occur on my quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and the soles of my feet (sometimes mostly one area, but usually multiple areas at once) so I am having trouble figuring out how to get the pad in contact will all parts of my legs that are experiencing symptoms. The best I can come up with so far is to sleep on my side with the pad between my legs, but then the intensity of vibration is uneven, being fairly strong on my inner legs, and too weak by the time the vibration passes the midline of the muscles. In addition, I'm having trouble determining what the right level is for me, or even if there is a right level for me. So far, light vibrations haven't been effective at covering up the discomfort of my RLS symptoms, but heavier vibrations make them worse than if I hadn't used the Relaxis in the first place.

So I'm wondering if any of you find that it is necessary to use Relaxis for many days in a row before you start seeing benefits, or if there are any tricks or tips for dealing with RLS symptoms across the entire leg, and for determining the right vibration level.

To answer a few questions that I saw earlier in this thread, I find that it can be a little noisy, especially when it is between my legs rather than pressed against the bed, but if you are okay with sleeping with earplugs, it is not too bad. In terms of sharing a bed with a partner, my wife doesn't seem to mind the vibrations, but she is a heavy sleeper, and we have a memory foam mattress that seems to dampen the vibrations before they reach her. Because some of the motors are flapping freely when the pad is between my legs (I can't make contact with all 6 motors) the noise from the pad in that position has brought her from a deep sleep to a light sleep a few times.

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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by ViewsAskew »

My guess would be that it should work instantly - like massage works for some people instantly, or like therapeutic stockings.

Based on the data that seems to point to multiple forms of RLS - I'd also guess that this isn't going to work for everyone.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by 2BassetMom »

I just came across this thread. I want to try the Relaxis Pad as nothing is working at the time. I have a difficult time with meds because of A-Fib so I am relying on physical treatments. I just purchased a travel heating pad for our truck as I often get restless legs while riding any long distances. We are planning a trip to the coast that will involve a drive of at least 6 hours. I hope this works. I use a heating pad during the night draped across my lap to calm my legs.

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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by pamhb »

I have a Relaxis pad, but unfortunately it hasn't been that effective for me.

The Relaxis pad puts through an oscillating vibration. You set it so that the vibration sensation is just below the threshold of your active RLS sensation. You then essentially have to learn to "train your brain" so that it focuses on the sensation created by the pad, and not by your RLS. Over time your brain is supposed to learn to shut off the RLS sensation in favor of the Relaxis pad sensation. For many users, there is a training curve where the RLS sensations get worse, until your brain learns to shut them off (in theory).

When I first tried the Relaxis pad (I was much more heavily medicated at the time), it seemed to work as promised. As my medications were reduced and my symptoms worsened, it no longer helped. The RLS symptoms simply worsened with using the pad. However, now that my RLS is under better control, it might be worthwhile dragging it out again and giving it a go.

Our diseases are highly individualized, and one person's experience may be better or worse than another. If you decide to try the Relaxis pad, however, make sure you take advantage of any introductory offer they have.

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Re: Relaxis Pad

Post by pamhb »

In terms of other suggestions for your trip, RLS has a circulatory component to it. You'll want to make certain you maintain good blood circulation to the lower limbs when you travel. To this end:

1. Keep the base of the car seat tilted as far forward as possible, and/or use a cushion so that your butt is higher than your knees when you're sitting. For many of us, having our knees higher than our hips acts as a trigger.
2. Give compression stockings a try. They don't work for everyone, but they may work for you. You can buy moderate level compression stockings in any drug store.
3. Do some leg exercises every hour -- or better yet, stop frequently so that you can get out and stretch and walk around. ... e-sitting/
4. Wear loose clothing.
5. Most of us travel fairly well in the morning and early afternoon, and less well as the day wears on. Plan your travel so that you do most of it during the best part of the day for you.
6. See if you can work some hydrotherapy solutions in. ... rapy.shtml. Warm your feet up with the car heater or in hot water and then walk in the morning dew, the cold ground, or a mountain stream.
7. Start your trip with a brisk bit of morning exercise and some stretching, to get the blood moving.

Happy trails!

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