Daytime restlessness?

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Daytime restlessness?

Post by Rubyslipper »

I have had RLS for many, many years and have had it pretty much under control for quite awhile. Lately I have noticed that unless I am really engrossed in what I am doing, I just get this restless feeling. Somewhat like my legs feel at night but not as extreme and it feels like it is an all-over body thing. I do wonder if it could be the beginning of augmentation and I will look under that thread for information. I can't seem to concentrate and just feel fidgety. Anyone out there like this?
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Re: Daytime restlessness?

Post by Polar Bear »

I am also a long time RLS-er, some 35 years, and do indeed often feel the general restlessness all over, just humming in the background. My symptoms are 24/7 and I take medication around the clock.
Concentrating on something doesn't make any difference.
'Proper' RLS symptoms remain in arms, legs and one shoulder, though not all of them at the same time. (fingers crossed, touch wood... etc. etc. )
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Re: Daytime restlessness?

Post by Rustsmith »

That describes the way that I felt prior to finally getting a diagnosis, which makes diagnosing augmentation in me somewhat difficult. But that is just me and the severity of my RLS/WED.

However, your symptoms do sound a lot like augmentation, especially considering the length of time that you have probably been "under control". Take a look at the questions that are used in determining whether it is augmentation or not. You can find them in the link in my signature or in the Augmentation forum.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Daytime restlessness?

Post by ViewsAskew »

It's been so long since I augmented, I am not sure I would remember accurately. I seem to remember mine being more progressional (if I can make that into a word!) - but mine happened early on and fast. One week it started at 10 PM, then a month later 8 PM, then two or three months later 4 PM, and so on, until it was 24/7.

That feeling you describe is close to what I called "pre-RLS". I could always tell when it was going to start by that. I would be sort of humming inside, wriggling my feet, moving in my chair, but I didn't have traditional sensations yet.
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Re: Daytime restlessness?

Post by badnights »

What you describe is what I call "low-grade" WED/RLS. Humming in the background. When I augmented, it happened fast, like Ann - within a week, probably actually days - and it was hellish. It was very active, all over legs and arms, eventually starting around 10 AM after a week or so....That was ropinirole. The next time I augmented, on pramipexole, it came on a little slower and was much worse- it was crazy in me even when I was jumping up and down at my computer.

But if this is new for you, then I agree, there's a good chance you're augmenting. What DA are you using?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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