Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

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Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by brteyes_12 »

My wife has found something online that works for her called Seratame. I also have RLS, although not as bad, and have tried it but had no luck. Why it doesn't work for me but works for her is beyond my understanding. Anyway, I just thought I'd see if anyone else has tried it.

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi brteyes - this is one of the very interesting (or annoying!) components of this disease. There are literally hundreds of things one person said helped that another said did not. The doctors have a term for this - that I can't think of right now - but WED/RLS is exceptionally similar to pain in the sense that our own bodies and minds can alter it. Changing how we think - by concentrating - can reduce or eliminate symptoms, for example. Same with pain. Doctors expect to see many people, then, who take something and find it works. It may not be doing anything chemically, but the act of taking it and believing in it may be all they need. Not saying this is what happened to your wife! Just that it's something we see a lot.

I looked at the ingredients in this.

Vit E
Folic Acid
Passion Flower
Lactobacillus Acidphilus

Vitamin E has been implicated in WED/RLS. Could be that your wife if low in this (many of us are) and that helped her. That alone could do it. Magnesium has long been cited as helpful - but research hasn't found that to be true. We've had quite a few people come here over the years, however, and say that it did help. And, gut bacteria has been implicated by one study. The acidophilus could be helping in that way. My guess is that nothing but the E and magnesium have been tested in a clinical setting.

There is one other reason that things do and do not work. We've come to believe (at least some of us here and I think some of the researchers, too) that RLS/WED is easily confused by inexperienced doctors and by many patients with other diseases.

Last week, my sister-in-law told me that she now has RLS/WED. Oh, I said, tell me about it. We talked for awhile and I eventually discovered that she doesn't have WED/RLS, but she most likely has small-fiber neuropathy. If she'd gone to a GP and said 1) I can't sleep at night. 2) I have this weird feeling in my legs, 3) I have to move around to make it better - most GPs would have said, oh, you have WED/RLS. It was only because I knew so much from hanging out here and reading a LOT of research papers, and knew that two of our members here have been diagnosed with RLS/WED when it really turned out to be small fiber neuropathy that I was able to ask to specific questions to distinguish it.

My guess is that some people who think they have WED/RLS, really have some type of neuropathy. I don't know if it's 20% or 1/2 of a percent, but it's definitely a problem. It's a VERY hard thing to explain to people when you have it -- as is neuropathy. And, people use such different terms - some say painful, some say electrical, some say throbbing, some say pulling, some say it's like soda pop in their veins. Some say it's the bone, some say it's the muscles, some say it's the veins. No wonder docs have a hard time!

Whatever the reason, I'm glad it worked for your wife. I hope you find something to work for you, too.
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by golfgla258 »

I'm on my second week of Seratame and can't tell if it's helping or if I WANT it to be helping. My RLS has not completely gone away, but it DOES seem to be shorter in duration.

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by Polar Bear »

Welcome golfgla258 - It's good that your symptoms appear to be shorter in duration and if the Seratame appears to be helping, well and good.
We would be very keen to hear your opinion on Seratame in perhaps another 4 weeks and hopefully it will still be providing some benefit.
The Seratame Web Site does indeed make it look very promising.

I have not tried Seratame but have on many occasions tried other over the counter and natural remedies without success, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a cynic.
Having said that, we know how differently RLS affects each person and if Seretame provides relief I'm delighted.

ViewsAskew, in the post above, is very informative.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by JimmyLegs44 »

I'll add my two cents to this discussion. I've been taking Seratame for a little over a month. I am currently augmenting on pramipexole, which I've been taking for over a decade. I had very low expectations that Seratame would have any effect on my RLS, at least initially, because of the augmentation. I just wanted to try it out and have it in my system for a couple of months, ahead of my next planned drug holiday attempt, with the hopes that once I am able to get off the DA, Seratame will be all I'll need to control my RLS.

Before taking Seratame, my daytime RLS was severe, my evening RLS also severe, and I would awaken 2-3 times per night, and most nights it would be bad enough to require me to spend 10-20 minutes on my recumbent bike. Usually when I awaken with RLS, I first try to do a stretching trick that I learned from this site where I squat in a sitting position with my back against the wall, as if I was sitting on an invisible chair. I'll do this for a count of 50, then walk around and do some karate kicks for 30 seconds or so, then I'll sit against the wall for a count of 40, then more kicks, finally a count of 30. Then I try to go back to bed. If that doesn't work, then I head downstairs to the recumbent bike. So basically, I measure the severity of my nighttime RLS by whether or not I have to use the recumbent bike. If it's really bad, I'm using the recumbent bike multiple times during the night.

Anyway, here are the results:

First 2-3 weeks - I saw almost immediate results, which really surprised me. My daytime and evening RLS was much improved, and when I awoke with RLS, it was much less difficult for me to get back to sleep (back-against-the wall stretch did the trick). Rarely did I have to go downstairs to the recumbent bike. Although I still had symptoms, they were MUCH less severe than they had been for the 2-3 months prior.

Last week or so - I noticed my RLS became more severe. I would awaken around 3:00 a.m., and found it very difficult to get back to sleep. After biking, I could get back to sleep for 30-60 minutes, then the RLS would awaken me again. I started wondering if the Seratame was losing it's effectiveness towards the end of my 30-day supply.

Last two nights (1st two nights of my 2nd month's supply - fresh bottle) - Saw immediate results once again. I've slept thru the night for two nights in a row now.

So mixed results, and the "freshness" of the product may make a difference. Still a short sample period, but I'm hopeful and will continue using it as long as I'm seeing positive results.
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by golfgla258 »

I'm on my second bottle of Seratame and I'm still very happy with it! I only experience my Restless Legs about 1-2x/week now, and when I do, it's always BEFORE I go to bed and when I've done something to contribute to it...overly tired, poor food choices, alcohol, etc. I've ALSO found an Amish Leg Cramp remedy (apple cider vinegar, garlic juice and ginger) which immediately alleviates my RLS when sprayed and rubbed on my ankles/lower legs. This stuff is GREAT!!!

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by JimmyLegs44 »

Just wanted to provide an update on my experience with Seratame. I just finished my second bottle. Per my post above, I definitely noticed improvement most of the first month, and the first two nights after starting the 2nd bottle, and speculated it might have something to do with the freshness of the product. I must have jinxed myself (joking), because it seemed to be much less effective right after that post. The rest of the month's supply did not seem to be effective at all. Frustrating, but it seems so many things provide only temporary relief. I really wasn't expecting any relief at all, since I am augmenting on pramipexole, so I guess I should be happy.

Because I have had sporadic relief with this product, I think I will continue to use it until I am off pramipexole, which will hopefully be before year-end.

One other note...my 2nd bottle showed up the day after my 1st bottle ran out (just in time). My 2nd bottle ran out Thursday night, and my 3rd bottle has not shown up yet (was not able to take Seratame last night). I'm guessing it will show up today, but even so, you'd think the next month's supply would show up at least a couple of days before the current bottle runs out??
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by golfgla258 »

I felt the same way about the refill not coming earlier than just a day or 2 before running out, so I ended up ordering an extra bottle to have on hand "just in case". Luckily, I am on my 4th month and still doing really well!! I also supplement w/ this Amish remedy, which I apply topically to my ankles and lower calves just before I go to bed. So far, the combination of the 2 has given me very predictible restfull sleep :)

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by JimmyLegs44 »

golfgla258, glad to hear you are still having success with Seratame.

Were you previously (or are you now) taking prescription medications for your RLS? I'm thinking it is harder to get relief from Seratame while on drugs, but just guessing.

What is the severity of your RLS?

Finally, when do you take it? I believe on their website it says to take it right before supper, which is what I've been doing, but it seems it would make more sense to take it later, maybe an hour or so before bedtime.
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by golfgla258 »

I was diagnosed 20 years ago, when there weren't any meds out there for RLS. Consequently, I started w/ all sorts of things from magnesium to seizure meds and finally ended up on Prozac for about 4-5 years. That worked quite well, initially, but was very hit or miss after about a year. My husband and I haven't slept in the same bed for 10 years, if that's any indication of severity. I go crazy on planes and car rides, and what used to be a strictly night-time event is happening in the late afternoon now. I guess I didn't read the website very well, because I have been taking Seratame in the morning ever since I got it!! The last couple of days I HAVE had more symptoms than usual, so maybe I'll try it at dinner for awhile. I DO take medications for other things, too, so I am not drug-free either. I've gotta' tell you, though, this Amish stuff really works wonders, but smells awful!! :)

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by badnights »

golfgla258, you said
I've ALSO found an Amish Leg Cramp remedy (apple cider vinegar, garlic juice and ginger) which immediately alleviates my RLS when sprayed and rubbed on my ankles/lower legs.
May I ask why you considered trying that remedy? Did you try it for cramps and serendipitously discover that it also works for WED/RLS?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by golfgla258 »

I posted in August when I'd only been on Seratame for a couple of weeks. I'm still on it and doing WONDERFULLY!!! It DOES take a few weeks to "kick in", so you have to give it some time. Also, I misread the instructions and took it in the morning, rather than an hour before bed. When someone else in the forum wrote about the timing, I switched to evening dosing...it didn't work as well!!! I'm back to taking it first thing in the morning, and I usually don't have more than 1 episode/week (unless I drink or eat something that I know triggers it.)

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by badnights »

Yes, but why did you try a cramp remedy? Do you get cramps with your WED/RLS symptoms?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by billnjulie »

My husband has been using Seratame for about a year. He also uses the magnesium spray that is also available. The spray gives him instant relief. The last couple nights have been unusually rough for him...waking every hour. He found that using too much spray can make your legs feel like they burn. He normally doesn't need it but once a day. I read where others have tried the Amish Leg Cramp with success so am going to have him try this.

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Re: Has anyone tried something called Seratame?

Post by AdaBrown »

I think that's kind of normal and this often happens. From my personal experiences, it may because the inner body environment is individually different. Like some substances are rich in some people but poor in other people, which making the different result. Besides the drug was not designed for all types of body environment.

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