Need sequential compression device

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Need sequential compression device

Post by needhamal »

I am a longtime RLS sufferer with what my sleep doc (chief of clinical sleep neurology at a major teaching hospital) says is one of his most extreme cases. I was on Clonozepam for 16 years (that's not a typo), and tried DAs but had augmentation with both Pramipexole and Ropinerole. I am now on 400 mg of Lyrica along with 1 mg of Lorzaepam; this combination is yielding about 4-5 hours of inefficient sleep per night. I also tried and failed as a subject in a study using the SENSUS device. Now my doc is recommending that I buy a sequential compression device for my legs and feet. I previously bought lymphadema bags on eBay but they didn't help me; my doc would like something that wraps around my ankles and feet (the bags were not compressed to the feet). Am wondering whether anyone has a recommendation. I've seen a lot of products online (Kendell, ArtAssist) but my doc doesn't know one from the other. Note that SENSUS provide electrical impulses which is different from sequential compression (most if not all of you know this already). Thanks!!

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by Polar Bear »

I haven't tried any of these but hopefully you will hear soon from someone who is familiar with their use.

In the meantime, referring to compression, brought to my mind the simple use of ACE bandages. Some members have at times used these to give compression and some element of relief My own feeling is that if ACE banadages worked very well we'd all be wearing them, but who knows, they could be worth a try at little cost.... and could be wrapped as tighly as wished. Compression stockings have also been discussed.
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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by ViewsAskew »

There is so little evidence here about these devices. The only study I'm familiar with definitely showed improvements for most participants. These machines are often expensive and you have to wear the device up to an hour before bed. For many of us, that makes it hard to incorporate into our lives - so if other methods work, we tend not to try this. And, I'm not sure how you use it if you have symptoms that last many hours a day.

I think Polar Bear's idea may be a good one - at least try something like surgical quality stockings and see what happens. For many of us, it either works great or doesn't help at all. If it helps - even a bit - then you'd know trying one of these devices would be a good thing.

But, as to which one... I think some places rent them. Maybe that would be a way to figure it out.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by badnights »

I'd love to try some of those, but the cost is prohibitive. If I was SURE it would work, on the other hand, I;d go for it. But definitely it would have to go around the foot and ankle.

Can't you leave them on as you fall asleep, Ann? Is it supposed to be harmful if left on too long?

Needhamal, have you ever tried opioid treatment?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by ViewsAskew »

I don't know, Beth. I just remember reading that you treat yourself before bed, then go to sleep. They are long - cover the body from foot to top of thigh - looks like something I'd want off :-). ... B00HPQDQQW
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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by Victoria »

I've been suffering from RLS for decades, and it plagues me at least a few times a week. About 6 years ago, I read about an expensive compression device. It made sense to me, as I saw a possible connection between that theory and how itch "signals" to the brain can be stopped by scratching NEAR--not ON--the affected area. Anyway, I thought I might get a similar response using ACE BANDAGES-- and they WORKED! SERIOUSLY! I do have to wrap up (from my foot to my knee) ASAP, after the first tingling starts, to get the BEST results. If I put it off, it ends up taking longer or I have to wrap tighter. But, ACE bandages have worked so well for me, for the last 5-6 years, that I very rarely need to take my Clonazepam! I don't think I've needed to take it more than a few times (total) in the last YEAR! Now my husband thinks I should try compression socks, but I haven't gotten around to trying them yet.

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by badnights »

I've used both compression socks and tensor bandages, but they are just nowhere near enough, and if I make them tight enough to help significantly, they cut off the circulation :(

It's great - beyond great - that the bandages are still working for you. You might like the socks. The socks come in different grades from high to low compression.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by ViewsAskew »

What I'd really love to do is create a set of questions for all of us - so that we could possibly identify who is helped by what. Beth and I are very similar re. how our bodies respond to treatments and how we experience symptoms. The compression bandages and Ace bandages have never worked for me, either, but they clearly work for a sizable minority of people.

As Beth noted, definitely try the compression stockings. They come in different lengths, too. Years ago, a chiropractor would stop by every year and post about how these stockings were still working for him. He used them for years. It's definitely something worth trying for everyone.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by mh380 »

As far as I know, there are 2 studies showing the effectiveness of SCDs for RLS. Here is a link to the first one, which is a small study ( ... 000000.pdf). The following study did something similar, but with more research participants (it's behind a pay wall...sorry). Things that stand out to me: 1. they used an Aircast system, though it looks like they just chose that because that was the machine that they had access to. 2. The people in the study had to use the SCD before bed for an hour, but using it during sleep was "not proscribed", which means they could sleep while using it if they wanted to. So it might be nice to pick a model you think you could use while going to sleep 3. The system they used had a knee length legging, but they don't say why they made that choice. I know knee length is much more common, so maybe that's just what they had to work with.

For me, I've been looking into which systems might be best. The Kendall is nice in that the leggings look comfortable, and it monitors the rate at which your blood vessels refill, so it can maximize the rate at which it compresses and releases (ranging from every 20 seconds to every minute, I think). In the research cited above, they chose 1 compression every minute, but it might be nice to have a faster rate as long as it doesn't hamper your circulation. Sadly, it doesn't seem to let you choose how fast it goes, or how strong the compression is, so you have to hope that the automatic settings are appropriate for your RLS. I think the Aircast is more programmable, but I'm looking into that right now, so I'm not certain.

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by mh380 »

To ViewsAskew: I was thinking it could be smart to make a survey asking people about how they experience their symptoms, what has worked for them, and maybe some other factors (e.g. family history of RLS, biological sex, age of onset). There is an analysis called Cluster Analysis that might be able to tell from that data if there are distinct types of RLS, kind of like we are now learning that there are multiple disorders that all get lumped together as schizophrenia. I know how to make web surveys and analyze data, but do you have thoughts on the practical side of how to get something like this running?

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by Yankiwi »

A well made survey would be excellent, I'd fill it in.
As for compression stockings, about 10 years ago I got a pair when I had surgery. In the hospital they used a compression device and that was fine, soothing in fact. A few months later I wore them onto an airplane for a long flight. The plane hadn't even taken off and I was getting rid of the stockings which was pretty tricky while strapped into my seat. I absolutely hated them but if they do work for anyone—great. It seems that RLS people fall into two opposite camps with these, as with a lot of things.

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by mh380 »

Quick update: I rented the Kendall 7325 SCD with a knee-length legging (my symptoms are in both the upper and lower leg) but didn't find it to be particularly helpful. I tried using it for an hour before bed some nights, and also using it while going to sleep other nights, and neither reduced my symptoms nearly as much as just a long session of stretching or using a percussive massager. Going to sleep while using the device was a challenge in itself.

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by badnights »

Thank you for that! How did you manage to rent it?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by mh380 »

I went through a company called the Medcom Group. I paid $325 for a 1 month rental, and after a bit of a discussion about price, they said they would have been willing to apply half of that money towards a full purchase, which cost about $600 for a refurbished model. If you want to give it a try, your doctor will have to send them a prescription.

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Re: Need sequential compression device

Post by badnights »

Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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