Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

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Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Hi all, it seems 1/2 to 1 hr after taking gabapentin for plmd, I am actually getting restless leg movements while awake ( which I don't usu have), very large jerky movements. Is this possible or do I have "medical student syndrome" and going nutty? Thanks.

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Gabapentin? Interesting. If you'd said pramipexole, I'd have said augmentation. And you usually do not have such movements (so taking the meds sooner wouldn't help).

Does it help your PLMS - hard to know, I suppose. I can never tell unless my husband tells me.
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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Hi views,

No it's not helping. I use free Camera Trigger app to videotape, it has a motion detector...

I'm still trying the gaba to be a good sport. Waiting to hear from MD to see if I should keep titrating or stop since no response yet. I'm only up to 600.

I feel totally exhausted and emotionally dysregulated today. And I've got a long day ahead. :(

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by jul2873 »

When it looked like kratom was going to be made a Schedule 1 drug (and it well could still) I asked my GP for a Rx medication, and she said Gaba would be the best. I only got up to 300 mgs a day, and at that level I still had no relief at all from RLS, and was having significant side effects, the worst of which was breathlessness (and I have asthma). So I started going off it--which was scary in itself, as I had a lot of pain, and the breathlessness really just got worse. I really took my time coming off it, and even spent an extra week cutting the last pill in half, but the breathlessness still hung on for about three more weeks. I'm just feeling better now, and have no inclination to try that drug again.

The doctor then gave me a script for Pramipelole. I got it filled but haven't taken any yet. As long as it looks like kratom may survive I don't plan to.

This wouldn't be such a lousy disease if the medical establishment could only come up with decent treatments . .

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Hi jul,

Sorry for your rotten experience on it too. I'm having some breathlessness too! And general limb swelling. Yeah I'm gonna start decreasing it.

I'm not getting relief fast enough from MD.

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by jul2873 »

Just decrease really, really slowly. It's really murder to get off of. Good luck. Be careful!

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Thanks. I've only been on it about a week!

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by Madmom02 »

Leggo, I have a complicated history with gabapentin but I want to offer a note of reassurance. I was recently on 100-200mg gabapentin for about a week and stopped with no difficulty at all. Years ago, I was on 1,900mg of gabapentin for months and stopped it without a taper. I was put on .25mg clonazepam the day I stopped the gabapentin (which, unbelievably, stopped the RLS for months) but I had no problems with quitting the gabapentin cold turkey.

I understand that now, for high doses, it's best to taper but 600mg isn't a lot in terms of how high gabapentin dosing goes and you've only been on it a week so hopefully you won't have any problems.

Everyone is different in how medicines affect them when they take them and when they stop. You might check with your pharmacist about how to best safely and efficiently reduce your dose.

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by Sojourner »

leggo, Sorry for the difficulties you are having. Even this short thread illustrates how difficult it is to treat this disease and how varied our individual responses are to medications--getting on them, getting off them, whether they work or not etc. And still, we are often the laughing stock of the neighborhood.

Wishing all who visit here some peace this night.
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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Thank you madmom and sojourner! I am more comfortable with the opioids as I've taken norco before as needed, but I don't dare ask for one yet. I have some leftover tramadol and I slept better last night but i can only take it once a week or so, it gives me heart palpitations.

I am also afraid to try these new meds for fear of nasty side effects. But clearly I need to get over it.

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Re: Worse on GABA? Or crazy?

Post by ViewsAskew »

You just about have to. I've tried so many things I didn't want to. That has given me a lot of credibility with my doctor and was worth it. Those sleepless nights - and the horrid side effects - definitely did not seem worth it at the time, though.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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