First night of methadone

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First night of methadone

Post by leggo_my_legs »

I started with 2.5 mg of methadone last night. I was excited at first but then got myself all worked up about the possibility of cardiac side effects and couldn't sleep well at all. The pharmacist said I am on other meds that can possibly cause QT prolongation (Trazodone and Zoloft). I take the trazodone for sleep, but I was too worried to take it last night so then of course I didn't sleep well.

I finally took half of my usual dose of trazodone due to the insomnia. By god, I woke up alive. So I will try again tonight.

I live alone and that adds a whole level of fear to these kinds of concerns. If something happened to me, it's likely that I wouldn't be found for days. That makes me really sad. I also worry about my dog. Maybe I need to start texting or calling someone every day, maybe that would make me feel better. I find as I get older, living alone is more scary. I have always been very independent, so these feelings are not a welcome change.

I'll try again tonight, but overall feeling discouraged and scared of the unknown. I also have a stomach ache today and feel unwell in general. Not sure if that's a side effect, a virus, due to my emotions, or something I ate yesterday.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by ViewsAskew »

Sounds like a mixed bag. I guess given that being alive continues each day, you will likely be less concerned over time (a little dark humor).

I wish I had some smart, pithy advice, but sadly, none. Just a long distance hug. You will figure it out and it will be better. I said so, drat it!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Hi Ann,

Thanks. I felt progressively more awful as the day wore on. Long half life of methadone? It seems very true. I may get up the courage to try it again over the weekend, as I'm still not sure if this was a bug or what. But I did also feel sedated...

If anyone had a reaction to methadone, I would be interested in your experience.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by debbluebird »

Do you have someone who will check on you if they haven't heard from you ? Do they have a key ? You might consider this too.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by legsbestill »

Hi Leggo, Having tried quite a few different new medications over the past year, many of them from the 'scary' end of the spectrum, I totally relate to your anxieties. I was surprised at just how anxious I felt every time I was trying something new. I really feel for you. Could you ask a friend, neighbour or even an acquaintance if they would be prepared to look out for a text or email from you twice a day - morning and evening - and if they don't receive it to call over? I would imagine many people would be pleased to be asked. You wouldn't have to give details of the medication - just tell them it's new and you are anxious. After a while taking the meds becomes much less frightening and you could stand your guardian angel down again.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by badnights »

I like legs' idea, leggo. Just the confidence of knowing that someone would be checking on you (and pup) might ease the worry enough that you feel safe trying the meds the way they were intended by your doctor. Although she warned you of a risk, she didn't feel it was big enough to warn you against taking them together, did she?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: First night of methadone

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Hi all,

Thanks for your kind and thoughtful replies. Good ideas; I had thought to ask someone if I can text them. I will have to think about who. Maybe my sister though she lives far away she could call someone local if problem.

The day after I took the first dose of methadone, I started having intestinal problems. I've had 2 bouts of c diff in the past (anyone heard of it or had it? It's horrid).

Anyway, I'm being tested for it again. The symptoms sure feel the same, and it's been going on for 5 days now, which makes the flu a less likely culprit. I was exposed to c diff at work. You should not take anything that slows the GI tract if there is suspicion for c diff because it can drammatically worsen the outcome of the illness. So, no opioids for me for awhile. :( :(

So I've been stuck with my unmedicated PMLS for 5 days now, plus feeling chronically ill with the intestinal issues. The fatigue from the infection alone is oppressive; I can barely get out of bed sometimes, then there's the regular tiredness from PMLS. Just kind of done right now. Very miserable. :(

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by leggo_my_legs »

badnights wrote:Although she warned you of a risk, she didn't feel it was big enough to warn you against taking them together, did she?

She actually didn't warn me. I found out about the risk here on the board, and asked her about it. She didn't seem to know anything about it! I wasn't impressed. She's only had a handful of patients on it over the years though.

In doing my own research, I found out I'm already on multiple meds that can cause the problem (I think it's QT elongation?). I was surprised to find that out.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, fun at all. I have heard of c diff but have not known anyone who had it.

I have some intestinal issues - GI said it is likely IBS, but he wouldn't name it that because he said it was a diagnosis I didn't want to have in my records - not sure why. In the years since, I have found the most common trigger foods and if I avoid them, I have few issues. Your post reminded me of not wanting to leave my house unless I had a bathroom route planned...

And to not sleep, either. No wonder you feel awful.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by badnights »

Oh no! I bet you're devastated by all this. You poor thing! If you can get hold of unpasteurized (raw) fermented veggies, like raw saurkraut, that would help to keep the good bacteria in your guts from being decimated if they treat you with antibiotics. It's probably a good idea to eat a bit every day anyway, since C. diff might actually be brought about by antibiotic treatment for other infections.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: First night of methadone

Post by stjohnh »

Antibiotic treatment is by far the most common cause of Clostridium difficile intestinal infection. Probiotics help.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Ann, I wonder if your GI didn't want you to have the diagnosis in your records because no matter what else you might have, they always seem to blame it on IBS, therefore risking missing something important one day. Just a thought. In my experience, IBS tends to be used as that catch-all, we-don't-know-what-you-have category of PCP-ville.

Badnights, thanks for the sauerkraut suggestion. I will look into that.

I got the test report back today and I am surprised and happy to know that it is NOT c diff!!! I am so glad about that. However I still feel awful! PCP asked if I want to start antibiotics in case I have diverticulitis (I do have diverticuli). I requested that she consult with my GI first who I haven't been able to reach. So that outcome is pending.

In the meantime, my doctor said to follow a low residue diet (I have to look up what that is). I just feel quite bad. I have a brain fog that seems to be coming from the stomach issues, not my usual PMLS brain fog.

Yes, I will be absolutely militant about taking my probiotics from now on.

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by ViewsAskew »

Leggo - he implied that it was bad to have it for insurance rates/denials in the future. But, this was 2004, I think and before the US ACA prevented such things.

My mom makes her own sauerkraut - extraordinarily easy - and I make my own yogurt. It is an heirloom culture - do not know what is in it, but it makes me feel as if I am doing something good for me, lol. I also found a specific yogurt at a Middle Eastern store that has six or seven different cultures instead of the typical 3-4. No
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: First night of methadone

Post by badnights »

That's the great thing about fermented food. Probiotic pills have a few different strains, maybe 7 or even 15, but a wild ferment can have hundreds or thousands, most of them still unindentified and so unable to be included in probiotic pills, which therefore seem to be a pale imitation of the real thing.

I make my own saurkraut too - easy peasy! I was freaked a bit at first by leaving food out of the fridge. IT took a while to think of it as normal. Now I ferment all sorts of things, like ground dahl to make dosas, oatmeal for a day or two before cooking, radishes, salsa. I haven't made my own yogurt yet because I would have to use a coconut-milk-friendly culture, I could probably start with a commercial cocogurt, but haven't gotten around to it.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: First night of methadone

Post by peanut1 »

I tried methadone a few years ago and got a grand total of 0 hours of sleep. I did this twice, even cutting the dosage and taking it in the morning and still got 0 hours of sleep. I wish I could find a med that consistently worked. It's like I'm afraid to take meds more than a few nights in a row for fear that the drug will not work and then I have NOTHING.

Would love to learn how to make fermented foods. I tried making sauerkraut and it turned out terrible.

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