First night on oxycontin

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First night on oxycontin

Post by leggo_my_legs »

I took 2.5 mg (half of a 5 mg pill) per Dr. B's instructions. I felt that it provided "light coverage" of the RLS, which I am lucky to get for only about 10 min just before I fall asleep. That is, I didn't have the symptoms, but I felt like I was almost going to, if that rings a bell. His thought was to stop the symptoms each night before they start so make sure to take the oxycontin 30 min to 1 hour before bed.

I don't know about the PLMs because I didn't tape myself, so I'm not sure why I woke up 3x and feel awful this morning. Not sure if I woke up having to pee, or if I woke up and then peed. My sleep apnea index was fine so it wasn't that. I just had my A1C done so I know I'm not diabetic, though I'm hovering close to prediabetes and working on losing weight. But I don't have frequent urination during the day.

The log Dr. B is having me keep is helping; ie now I can tell him, 'Well, I felt like crying when I woke up early after waking up 3x in the night. I didn't feel like crying when I only woke up 1 or 2x in the night.' To me, this is increasing the suspicion that my symptoms are not due to depression but lack of good quality sleep. But I suppose depression can cause lack of good sleep. However, decades ago when I had the severe kind of depression that causes early morning awakening, I also had anhedonia and low interest. I don't have those things right now. I have normal interest and lack of ability!

Still not 100% sure if it's the PLMs causing the lack of good quality sleep and multiple awakenings as he thought my sleep study #s were kind of low to be causing this much.

"This," whatever "this" is, (RLS, PLMs, or something else) is the most frustrating condition! I hate feeling like this. Tonight I am going to increase the oxycontin to a whole pill, and take 100 mg trazodone. Last night I decreased the trazodone to 50, not being sure how the oxycontin would affect me.

I guess I'll have to stop falling asleep to the show Family Guy playing softly in the background on Netflix. I started that a year ago and find it oddly comforting. I guess I will try shutting it off, though I don't want to.

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by debbluebird »

How about some white noise in the background? Hope this all works out.

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by ViewsAskew »

White noise sounds like a good idea, Deb. Have you tried that, leggo?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Thanks. I was just realizing that the problem is probably not Family Guy (thank goodness!!! ;) because I've had some good nights since a year ago at least. Family Guy IS my white noise. ;)

I turned it off the other night and I had terrible insomnia so there you go.

I keep saying I'm going to videotape myself to see if I'm moving a lot but it's such a pain to set up my notepad to video myself that I haven't done it yet. I need to just do it. It will be helpful to have some objective info.

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by sleepdancer2 »

I think videoing yourself will be worth the effort so you can know what you're working with. My home video was so revealing that just for fun I posted it on YouTube. Question about the sleep study - were you wearing your CPAP machine during the study when the doc didn't think your numbers were enough to cause your problems? Shoot, even if there's just a dozen during the night and half of them cause arousal, that's still some pretty disjointed sleep. I've got some thoughts on this but I'll wait for an answer so I don't ramble on and on about something not relateable. :) Also to consider, even if a med causes you to sleep through movements, it doesn't necessarily mean the movements have stopped. If they still are going on, your sleep stages may still be affected and your muscles won't have enough time of unuse to properly renew. Sleeping through the night will not be your only marker of success. BTW, I feel my PLMD and OSA treatments are going well, yet I still wake up several times a night. I think waking up a bit between sleep cycles is common. I'm more concerned about the quality of sleep between the wakings. Does it seem deep and restful, or is it restless and shallow? Hopefully you can get an idea what you're dealing with and how to get some relief.
My Augmentation Sleep Video:

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by leggo_my_legs »

sleepdancer2 wrote:I think videoing yourself will be worth the effort so you can know what you're working with. My home video was so revealing that just for fun I posted it on YouTube. Question about the sleep study - were you wearing your CPAP machine during the study when the doc didn't think your numbers were enough to cause your problems? Shoot, even if there's just a dozen during the night and half of them cause arousal, that's still some pretty disjointed sleep. I've got some thoughts on this but I'll wait for an answer so I don't ramble on and on about something not relateable. :) Also to

Sleepdancer, I've seen your video! It's what inspired me and gave me the idea to tape myself a year ago. Thank you for that!

I did it last night. For crissakes it wasn't that hard! I found changes since a year ago. I'm not having the little toe flexies, unless the video didn't pick them up. What I am having is large motor movements...kicking with my whole legs, moving my arms, etc.

I only had about 6 or 7 but I bet I'm waking up. Sleep quality is awful.

No sleep study wasn't with cpap.

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by leggo_my_legs »

I heard back from Dr. B. He basically said not to waste my time taping the PLMs. :lol:
I was a little confused as he said they don't cause arousals, but then why do I have the arousal index from my sleep study? This was over email so I didn't have the chance to ask him.

He said there are many other possible reasons for the poor sleep quality and we will have to investigate that. Honestly, I kind of wanted to to be the RLS/PMLs because at least that is a known cause. Now I am at a loss and I don't want to go down a diagnostic rabbit hole. :(

Plus, because I'm losing my other health insurance (which was actually rotten anyway) due to my job situation, I'm about to sign on with a large HMO and I'm concerned about getting tests I may need. Although my insurance had a high deductible, it was a PPO and it was easier to get tests I need. Though the doggone in lab sleep study cost me $600 out of pocket...20% coinsurance on a 3K bill.

I guess I just have to be patient with this.

I'm not sure I'm doing well at my new part time job which I started in July. I am about to be observed, so I guess I will find out. It requires a lot of memorization and of course my memory is crap right now. It might be too much to expect of myself to do well in a job where I was sick the first 2 months, working two jobs, and not sleeping well.

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by badnights »

I did it last night. For crissakes it wasn't that hard!
Oh lord, can I ever relate to that. I have been through so many episodes of putting something off, and when I do decide to do it, it takes less time than I spent deciding to put it off all those times!

I'm not sure I'm doing well at my new part time job which I started in July. I am about to be observed, so I guess I will find out. It requires a lot of memorization and of course my memory is crap right now. It might be too much to expect of myself to do well in a job where I was sick the first 2 months, working two jobs, and not sleeping well.
You're doing better now, so your "observation" will probably go well.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: First night on oxycontin

Post by leggo_my_legs »

badnights wrote:
I did it last night. For crissakes it wasn't that hard!
Oh lord, can I ever relate to that. I have been through so many episodes of putting something off, and when I do decide to do it, it takes less time than I spent deciding to put it off

Exactly! It took all of half an hour to an hour to figure it out. I think it was more about the emotional weight of the issue for me.

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