What Severe RLS is Like

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by badnights »

at about the 6 week mark (how long it took to kick in) it was like going from a rainy day to a beautiful day. Sort of fake really, but it kept me going.
How do you know which state is fake? Maybe you need the meds to enter reality :D

I have to say this - I hope I'm not a broken record, cuz I've mentioned it before, but it still amazes me.
I've dealt with low-grade depression all my life, and low-grade anxiety (which blossomed into panic attacks for a while) for 10-15 years. I started going to a HIIT gym in 2014 cuz I had a broken knee and couldn't play hockey. Turns out there's something about the gym workouts that fixes things for me.

When I miss going to the gym for 3 days, I become anxious again. It takes a little longer for the depression to come back, but it does. I have never, since my first year at the gym, felt anxiety or - except for once - depression, unless I missed a few days in a row.

Hockey didn't do this. Something about lifting weights, I think. In a HIIT gym, the workouts are pre-set. Sometimes you start with lifting weights (bench press, back squat, etc) and end with a short workout, other times there's no weights and a longer workout, but the workouts have weights in them too, like dumbbell snatches and kettlebell swings. They might also have cardio things like rowing or box jumping. The workouts have a competitive aspect (eg. how many rounds can you do in 10 minutes) to get you to push yourself. I don't know which part(s) of the program help the depression and anxiety, but I suspect just lifting weights would be good enough. Not sure, though.

My son has depression. He goes to a gym (not a HIIT gym, just weights) and it works for him too. I know other people too... I'm pretty sure it's the weights. It's something you might want to try, might be better than pills, and it really makes you feel good, too, It's not just an absence of depression.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by debbluebird »

Please don't assume that your wife dislikes you. I learned a long time ago to never assume anyone else's feelings. Talk to her. Tell her how you feel.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

Not possible to see doc sooner unfortunately.

Interesting thought about which reality is real.

Exercise does help me and have not done much lately, maybe I will work on it lol.

Seems many of us RLS people have depression too, not surprising, take care.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

How about St Johns Wort for depression?

I searched on St Johns Wort on here and it does come up a few times but then few people take Suboxone like I do for RLS. Difficult to find anything on web about interactions. I am going to take it unless anyone has some negative feedback on using it. Thanks in advance.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

I investigated the interactions more on web and it says it may lesson strength of Suboxone. I’m going to get some though as I am taking only 75% of my prescription now, so I could take the other 25% if it weakens it. If it takes more than that then I will stop taking St John’s Wort (by the way it has to be one of the strangest named drugs out there).

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by Polar Bear »

I haven't used St John's Wort but have read about it from time to time and am aware that it can cause various interactions with other medications. I dare say you have found these interactions as you have investigated it's use. Please be careful.
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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

Polar Bear wrote:I haven't used St John's Wort but have read about it from time to time and am aware that it can cause various interactions with other medications. I dare say you have found these interactions as you have investigated it's use. Please be careful.

I will be careful. It may not even do anything but then it could make me happier which would be fantastic.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

One thing the 1000mg a day St John’s Wort seems to be doing is taking away my appetite, either that or I am coming down with something. Also seems to make me feel warmer. Not sure if I feel much better but then it could take awhile. I almost never loose my appetite which is strange. 2 nights ago I forgot to take my suboxone I take before bed, take it 4 times a day. Normally no way would I have slept throughout the night so St John’s Wort does not appear to affecting Suboxone which is good. So I will continue to take it a few months and see if it help, the first 5 days seem okay.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

Dang I think I am coming down with flu, I am stopping St John’s Wort in case it is from it. Just took my temperature though and it is up 2 degrees. I sure hope it is not flu as we were having family here for Easter. I may have to just stay in bedroom while they are here. The year before we both got flu on Christmas. Sure hope my wife doesn’t get it, I can’t even think of eating- yikes.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

Actually my wife found this Cow Thymus medicine and I was over whatever it was in a few days. This is the third time this stuff has worked on me to reduce the effects of getting sick. It worked on my wife even better, she was coming down with it yesterday and is already okay. She has us take it right when when begin to get sick and you take 1 tab every 15 minutes most of day then the next day or two 4 times a day. I don't know if it is all in the mind or whatever, but all I know is we are both okay now. :D

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by Polar Bear »

Glad to hear you are on the mend. I've never heard of Cow Thymus.

I hope you coped ok wih your family visit over Easter.
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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by EeFall »

I see another 5 weeks have gone by since I have been on here. There is all kinds of things I could be doing but mostly work out in the yard getting the plants and yard looking nice. It makes me feel irritated about myself as I have the talent to do many things but apparently not the inclination to actually act.

Lately I have tired of reading Science Fiction books and have been reading about real science such as quantum physics and how the universe actually became to be. Funny that the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson particle and field has really screwed up many physicists, especially as the worlds biggest particle accelerators haven't found much since then. It seems like a large percentage of physicists do not believe in a supreme being but it is looking more and more as if information came before matter. But would they acknowledge that the universe was (is being) created? No, because that would mean there was someone who created it. :D

So on the far side of physics - I am also reading Peter Pan, the original J.M. Barrie text as I heard it really is much different than the Disney movie type version and is actually more of an adult book. So far I am enjoying it.

We came back last week from a 3 day trip to see my wife's sister who was in remission with lung cancer and now has it in her bones also. Yikes. Such terrible things happen, and she had lost her husband to Alzheimer's disease‎ a few months ago.

My RLS is doing okay, it would be even better if I didn't forget to take my Suboxone when I am suppose to. Yesterday I forgot to take it twice out of 4 times and ended up taking a larger dose at night which is just the thing I try to avoid because of hyper-alertness. It would seem that having alarms setup and my wife helping me to remember would work, but I guess not. At one point yesterday I told Alexa (Amazon Echo) to turn off alarm then promptly forgot to take med. Sort of the saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by Polar Bear »

Eefall I was going to advise putting your phone alarm on, then I came to where you tell Alexa to turn off your alarm.

Guess you need to tell Alexa to ignore you - when you tell it to turn off the alarm :wave:

A few years back we went through a spell where we had friends and relatives passing within a short time of each other, also Cancer, Alzeimer's, and a couple of close friends who are fighting the battle at the moment. I sometimes get fed up with my ailments and meds but actually I'm fortunate.

I am also a reader, nothing as clever as Physics ( leave that to my offspring), and nothing as fine as J M Barrie. My forte is the psychological forensic type thriller, Amazon Kindle is very much appreciated.

Good to hear from you again.
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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by stjohnh »

Polar Bear wrote:... My forte is the psychological forensic type thriller, Amazon Kindle is very much appreciated.

I read a lot too. Kindle unlimited is wonderful. $10 a month.

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Re: What Severe RLS is Like

Post by Polar Bear »

Excellent. Kindle iused with me constantly, very useful when waiting about. Mine is now synced with my phone so I use it when reading on the go.... bus/train etc

Now what to do with the paperbacks stored in boxes. I doubt that charity shops would be interest any more.
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