methadone long-term

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methadone long-term

Post by tea4one »

I’ve been taking an opioid of some sort for over 5yrs. I currently take methadone 7.5mg nightly, but for some time I’ve been experiencing sx 24/7, the kind that come on almost immediately on laying down. I am able to get some rest, but every hour during my usual sleep time I am
in pain from the usual twisting and crawling sensations.
I frequently experience muscle twitching in my thigh, something that has increased over the past year or more.
I could go up to 10mg but I feel the methadone may worsen my depressive mood.
Has anyone else struggled with the lessening efficacy of methadone?


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Re: methadone long-term

Post by ViewsAskew »

I do - but it happens much more quickly for me. I usually get tolerance in under a year. I have to stop it occasionally to prevent it. Not fun at all.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: methadone long-term

Post by tea4one »

What’s the longest you have gone without a med? Recently I went about 7 days, unintentionally. It was awful.
Somehow, I went around 2mos about 5yrs ago. I experienced lessened symptoms but I was begging for something more than the Horizant I was given after seeing Dr. Early.

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Re: methadone long-term

Post by ViewsAskew »

I went two months without any opioids about 8 months ago. I am going to do it again soon, then see if I can switch to a shorter acting opioid and then switch between opioids and dopamine agonists.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: methadone long-term

Post by tea4one »

I think I’d rather be subjected to waterboarding or worse than have to go through that. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this.
I’ve switched from methadone, to suboxone, to fentanyl, and one other, then back to methadone, but without extended breaks.
The last week to 10 days without methadone is something I don’t wish to repeat. I’ve wondered if Incould get away with a tiny dose of mirapex or requip; just so that I wouldn’t have to worry about filling the methadone every month or so, and all that goes with it. Unfortunately, I’ve had terrible impulsive behaviors along with them in the past, not to mention the augmentation.
If I gambled again it could kill me. So, I don’t know if the potential benefits would outway the risks.
I get the feeling that people like us, dealing with the worst of RLS, are all walking a very fine line to maintain a lesser standard of normalcy.
I like to think that some day I’ll develop some cool ESP as repayment for all the agony. A guy can dream. :)

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Re: methadone long-term

Post by badnights »

I like to think that some day I’ll develop some cool ESP as repayment for all the agony. A guy can dream
:D :)
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: methadone long-term

Post by ViewsAskew »

badnights wrote:
I like to think that some day I’ll develop some cool ESP as repayment for all the agony. A guy can dream
:D :)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: methadone long-term

Post by Joanie60 »

I hope you find an answer that doesn't involve risk of impulsive behavior!!!! Isn't it crazy when some tiny neurological "thing" controls so much of my life?? My sanity, my behavior, my calendar, my activities, my relationship with pharmacist lol. I know others carry much heavier loads but sometimes :oops: :oops: .....RLS and I have a pity party. But then I have to stay active, mind and body, because of the stupid RLS, so even my pity party gets ruined hahahaha.

Hope everyone has a great day :-)

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