21 year old with RLS!!

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Joe V

21 year old with RLS!!

Post by Joe V »

hello everyone. For the last 2 months i have been getting chronic dull aches in my left thigh which have been waking me up at night and causing time awake in the middle of the night!! i went to seen my doctor and she said it was a muscle pain!!
Today after doing a search on the net i have realised that my problem is restless leg syndrome!!
Matters are made worse by the fact that i work in an office 8 - 5 with a total of a 1 hour round trip to my workplace (driving)

as i said i am only 21 and i am fearing that i am not going to be able to live a normal life anymore and that my life is ruined.
I play sport as well and i am worried this will not be possible anymore because of this disease!!!

please help me with some advice

Joe V


Post by Joe V »

can i add to the above that so far i have been taking nurofen tablets whenever the aching begins. I did not know if this was the right thing to do??

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Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm

Hi Joe and Welcome

Post by becat »

Hi Joe,
Sounds like it's time for a doctors visit. It sounds like RLS to me. Did you have growing pains as a small child or does anyone else in your family suffer with this? Strangely, even if you have family members with it, you may not find the same symptoms, but it does run in families.
If you rule out RLS by way of other illnesses, medications that you could be having an adverse effect from, things that would cause RLS as a secondary problem.......well then find a doctor to help diagnose and treat you. Many of us didn't look for help until our Quality of Life was at issue. Being so young I know it must be hard to read some of this board and think where does that leave me? Don't let it scare you. There are people here with different levels of RLS, some of us regulars are the far end of severe. Don't give up hope.
It may just be time for you to try a different medication, if the OTC meds aren't working. Always go for the lowest class and the lowest dose first. RLS can be a long road.
your educating yourself is important and vital. This thread has two sticky notes. Read that information and print out the RLS algorthim to take to your doctor. Not many doctors know what RLS is or how to treat it well, but have hope. If you find your doc is not in the know, ask for a referal.
Your welcome here anytime. Comment, ask questions, we're glad you found us, only sorry you had to.

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:57 am


Post by joevictory »

what do you think i can do regarding work?? I work in an office monday - friday from 8 - 5. my workplace is a 45 minute drive away from my house so obviously i am still for alot of the day.
Do you think i am going to be able to continue this type of work?? The aching in my leg is present most of the day but then between 1am onwards it is at its worst, about 5 times a week!!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Many of us do continue working. Only the people with severe symptoms at the far end of the spectrum have to have work accommodations or have to stop working completely. Changing your job may be a small price to pay, however, if you are miserable and doing something else or living closer to work would make you feel much better.

Lifestyle changes may be enough to keep RLS at bay for now. But if it is painful, medication may become an important option to consider. I haven't seen too many people write about OTC meds helping painful RLS very much.

Please go to the Welcome 'sticky' thread in this section (New to RLS). The second post has a list of lifestyle things that can be done - and maybe should be done - before or in conjunction with taking medication. You may find that doing these things will help you immensely. Another post in that thread contains a bedtime management routine that helps many.

After you do those things, your RLS may have been helped tremendously and meds may not be needed at this time. If they are needed, then the hardest part is educating yourself about the options. Many docs just aren't as RLS-educated as they should be. That's where all the rest of the advice and links in the two stickys come in to play.

You are young, RLS doesn't always worsen terribly, lots of research is being done. New medications will start popping up in the next few years, ones designed specifically for RLS. And there is a lot of knowledge now to treat you effectively, given you become well-educated about RLS and get a doctor who either is knowledgeable or who listens well.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:29 pm
Location: Montana

Post by Mylo »

Hey Joe,

I'm 23 and I have RLS. *wavey* Nice to meet you.

Right now I work at a deskjob (although not 40 hours a week - that's for the summer). I answer phones, doing tech support. Many times I end up pacing as I answer calls (gotta love wireless headsets), and my workplace just sorta expects that I walk up the hall versus calling a technician on the phone. My boss and all my co-workers know about my RLS, so they just roll with it.

It was mentioned you visit the doc. I have to concur. The time I am not at work I am in class (University student), so I can't just up and pace there! At any rate, my doc and I are working to find a med that is effective - we've found Sinemet to be the most helpful, although I need to go back in on Wednesday for Side Effect Problems. *sigh*

I'm a field geologist, as well; so I spend many, many days walking up mountains. My legs ache, they hurt, and sometimes I wonder why I do it. But I'm determined to not let RLS control me, but me control my RLS.

I know it's rough and uncomfy, but don't despair. Keep learning, as much as you can. Talk to a doc, and really make sure he understands what is going on and how it is impacting you. Voice your concerns, from work to sport to simply sleeping at night. Be flexible with what he/she suggests, too.

If you need someone to vent to, give me a PM. I'm more than happy to listen. :)
Diagnosed RLS in February 2005.


what do I do??

Post by alyseeber »

I have been diagnossed w/ restless legs and I'm only 23. My doctors have been switching my medications but nothing is really working. This has been the hardest time in my life and I'm severrly depressed. I'm taking Klonpin and paxcil at the moment and I noticed a little relief. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm new to this website and I'm open to any suggestions /support.

Code: Select all



I am 28 with RLS

Post by Widgett »

Over the past few years pain behind my knees and inside my elbows has escalated from being mild to being extremely severe. I have been to so many doctors and noone knows what to do. I have been to my PCP probably 9 times, a rhuematologist 2, and a neurologist once. I have had an MRI and a bone scan which were negative for anything. And blood work that was awesome. I have quit smoking, drinking, and caffiene. I still have gotten no relief. As a college student this sucks. Many of there medicines out there knock me out. Especially the new drug Requip. I am out for 14 hours no matter how little I take. This does not work with school. I do not even hang out with my friends or family anymore because I am consistly in pain. It is terrible and I am discouraged. I have almost several times without thinking rational, self-inflicted extra pain in the areas that hurt. I am ALWAYS at a pain level 6(Distressful) with long spikes to level 8(Severe) -9(Disabling). Whenever I have gone in to see doctors they think I am crazy. I do not have insurance. So I guess I am crazy since I have spent about $6000 in the past four months alone. I am pissed and tired. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:49 pm

Post by trevb »

hi aly, welcome...
theres lots if info here and lots of support too. start in the two "stickys" at the top of this section. it gives loads of advice. any questions feel very free to ask.

welcome also
this sounds terrible, Im so sorry youre having no luck with finding out what this is and how to settle it.. i really couldnt say whether this is rls or not, but if it is there are many meds out there which may help. but the issue is no one knows what this is yet by the sounds of it. i wish you LOADs of luck in finding it out and gettting back to some kind of normality

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