Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

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Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by wantok »

One of my frustrations has been the general ignorance of medical marijuana knowledge by the run-of-the-mill person behind the counter. While doing a lot of research I ran into the following place in Portland, Oregon (I live in California): Home Grown Apothecary: 503-232-1716 (I have talked to both Richard and Andy who were both great). They had no second thoughts about advising me about my treatment for what I said was "like RLS" although I was out-of-state. Richard said in all the years the dispensary has been open, they have successfully treated 100% of their customers requesting help for RLS. So I warned him I would direct a bunch of folks to his business. I would feel less impressed with this claim of his if I hadn't been already impressed with the information I had been given--and the fact that they both knew that I was not going to be a paying customer as I don't live in Portland. So feel free to call them with any questions/problems you are having, or where to begin.

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by ViewsAskew »

Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by badnights »

What were their recommendations? What knowledge did they share that convinced you they knew how to help?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by wantok »

First recommendation: THCA is the way to go for movement disorders; tinctures best so you can be exacting about doses and theoretically these would last longer. This is the non-psychoactive THC. (I did not ask about CBD and epilepsy treatment which seems to contradict this.) I am guessing THC would work the same although you can increase THCA without issues and THC not so much because of how stoned you would get. Then take THC indica to help with sleep. (I didn't get details on dosages or brands as I had some of these on hand.) (The THCA DOES stop my PLMD and RLS, although only for about 2 hours--but even this is a miracle.). Then they explained that the THCA isolate I had purchased is likely not working because it isn't full spectrum, mentioning that a number of products are being sold in their isolate forms which take out the parts of marijuana that help with ailments. This also explain probably why the gummies I was taking stopped working (I feared maybe I had already built up a THC tolerance which I was told was unlikely). While we didn't go into what options to use if I have trouble with this, he didn't mention some things generally that sounded like Plans B and C, and said to call back if I had more questions. They also told me a number of questions to ask any dispensary before buying their products (I plan to call them back if I change dispensaries; this isn't an issue for me).

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by badnights »

Interesting. Thank you :)
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by wantok »

Actually, I was feeling "guilty" last night about passing along the claim of successfully treating all RLS clients. They haven't yet successfully treated me -- because nothing lasts so my sleep is so broken still. When I heard this claim, I was in a pit of despair over this struggle and having a bit of hope was what I needed. But they do know more than most.

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by badnights »

I'll take hope anywhere I can find it, because I know that's what;s keeping me alive :). I think it will take some time before marijuana dispensers learn about our disease and how to treat it. It sounds like those guys are keen to learn and to become experts, so they would indeed be a good place to start. I doubt if there's a one-size-fits-all with mj, just like with other medications; it will probably involve experimentation no matter how good the dispenser is. I sure hope you find some relief and get some sleep. It's so hard to manage life without enough sleep.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.


Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by QyX »

What is really making the difference for me was adding more CBD ... I added so much that it was way way too much and suddenly I can sleep for 20 hours straight ....

A simple comparison about how I feel Marijuana works for me: CBD is the bomb material and when I inhale a strain rich in THC, it makes the CBD go off and puts me to sleep, the sedating properties of THC is aiding this process.

Right now I have two issues:

a) I have a horrible overhang since I added the CBD

b) it takes a few hours after I vaped until I can finally sleep. At first I have some weird sedative, stoned high feeling were I am just very stoned and can't do much. Then this feeling progresses up to a point where I suddenly feel very tired. Then I can sleep.

Right now I am looking for a way to speed up the process and avoiding the overhang.

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by wantok »

How much CBD are you taking?
I am surprised you have the hangover if you take the CBD only before you go to bed.


Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by QyX »

I was told to take CBD in the morning and in the evening.

Recently I took about 10 mg CBD in the morning and around 20 to 25 mg in the evening.

I have to re-evaluate the dosage and the time when I take it. CBD has quite a significant impact on me, but only when taken together with THC.

The elimination half-life of CBD is 18 to 32 hours. So CBD taken in the morning still has quite a significant impact in the evening and at night.

The main problem for me is that it still takes quite a few hours after I vaped Cannabis until I can finally sleep. At the moment this is around 4-5 hours.

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by stjohnh »

QyX wrote:...

a) I have a horrible overhang since I added the CBD

b) it takes a few hours after I vaped until I can finally sleep. At first I have some weird sedative, stoned high feeling were I am just very stoned and can't do much. Then this feeling progresses up to a point where I suddenly feel very tired. Then I can sleep.

Right now I am looking for a way to speed up the process and avoiding the overhang.
Odd. For me vaped cannabis concentrates (commercially prepared vaping cartridges mostly THC with small amounts of CBD and the other components of cannabis) get me to sleep immediately (less than 5 minutes) if I use enough. I have to use an amount that makes me feel moderately stoned (my balance isn't quite right, sensations are obviously magnified, no background processing in my mind, I think only about what is happening at that instant). Mildly stoned feelings don't help me sleep at all. When I used edibles, it took about 2 hours to get to feeling about the same. No hangover at all.

When I added oral CBD there was no effect on my sleeping, did have a very mild hangover.


Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by QyX »

I just have horrible RLS ... it takes a few hours, even when vaped, until Cannabis let's me sleep.

The overhang improved today but there is no way I could fall asleep within 10 to 30 minutes. It is more like 2 to 4 hours for me :-(

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by stjohnh »

QyX. I'm so sorry. I think you have the most severe RLS of anyone who posts on this forum. I can't imagine how you got through medical school. Are you finished, in residency program? How long to go before you practice as an independent doctor?

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by wantok »

Report from Richard at Home Grown Apothecary in Portland: all their RLS patients are helped by full spectrum THC, both for the movements and the insomnia. (THCA is the same thing.) Seems to agree with the experience here except for QyX with the CBD. He also said I should try cooking the tincture into cookies or some edible to help the tincture last longer. He also was suggesting the THC/CBD 1:1 which others here have mentioned.

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Re: Referral to medical marijuana dispensary experts

Post by wantok »

Except THCA won't work for insomnia; need THC.

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