Is it Only Me ?

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Polar Bear wrote:Ah... the sunshine of California.

Our past summer here in UK..... we had a two week decent spell at the end of May and then it rained for almost the rest of the summer.
The BBQ was not used once.
A SAD light may be an idea.

Oh, Betty. I cannot imagine an entire summer with rainy days one after another after another and so on. I would have to have some sort of artificial sunshin if I lived there, I imagine. I love the Pacific Northwest...but all that rain would be too much for me.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

I love the Pacific Northwest...but all that rain would be too much for me.

Ann - I'm in N. Ireland and yes we often have rain, day after day. I guess that why we have The Forty Shades of Green :D
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by EeFall »

Polar Bear wrote:
I love the Pacific Northwest...but all that rain would be too much for me.

Ann - I'm in N. Ireland and yes we often have rain, day after day. I guess that why we have The Forty Shades of Green :D

I live in the Pacific Northwest USA and was raised in Southern California until I was 9 years old, also worked there on and off for a few years. If it were not for my granddaughters living here (which of course they don't mind the weather as they grew up here thanks to us) I would get as far away from the rain, moss, toadstools, and coniferous forests as I could get. We have been getting a crazy amount of rain and dark cloudy skies the past few months. At least it is not snowing yet (knock on wood), but actually snow might be a good thing, better than torrents of water. We have been getting flood warnings it seems like every other week.

It doesn't help RLS and the lack of quality sleep to put me even lower in the happiness index. Right now it is dark and the rain is loud, pouring down. I sure would like to see a nice spring or summer day. Forty shades of green lol, I am so sick of green, even sicker of shades of gray colored skies though. But on the other hand there are far worse weather conditions that we don't get here such as hurricanes or below zero temperatures or above 100 F so I will get off my soapbox. :D

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by SquirmingSusan »

My parents used to go to Florida every winter, and then gloat about how nice the weather was, and how they were playing golf and picking seashells on the beach, etc. We threatened to send them a spring-loaded snowball-in-a-box if they didn't cut it out. ;)

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

Eefall, I have visited the Pacific Northwest twice, specifically Portland Oregon. It is so beautiful. Especially the Columbia Gorge and Canon Beach.
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by EeFall »

Polar Bear wrote:Eefall, I have visited the Pacific Northwest twice, specifically Portland Oregon. It is so beautiful. Especially the Columbia Gorge and Canon Beach.

It is beautiful. We can see mount Rainier from here and live a few miles from Puget Sound water, it would be a lovely place to visit but we are stuck here in the winter. Just too much rain.

But this is from my distorted perspective, I grew up 3 miles from Disneyland. The weather was pretty much always summer.

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

EeFall, so beautiful where you are.
We made brief inroads into Washington State and along the Columbia Gorge when going to the Maryhill Museum of Art.
In an afternoon travelling through lush greenery and then having our picnic in near desert conditions in Washington (and noting the watch out for snake signs) - later walking through the snow on top of Mount Hood in Oregon, later again back to 90 degrees for dinner.
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by EeFall »

Polar Bear wrote:EeFall, so beautiful where you are.
We made brief inroads into Washington State and along the Columbia Gorge when going to the Maryhill Museum of Art.
In an afternoon travelling through lush greenery and then having our picnic in near desert conditions in Washington (and noting the watch out for snake signs) - later walking through the snow on top of Mount Hood in Oregon, later again back to 90 degrees for dinner.

Sounds like you had a nice time. I also grew up in a small town in Eastern Washington from the third grade to high school. Much different weather from coast area or west of Cascade mountains. We had all 4 seasons, it was a great place to grow up. I would move back but my wife is not into small town life anymore. I suppose I would feel the same too if we actually went back.

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

I live in a small town and grew up in a different small town although I worked in the city here and in my 20s lived and worked in London, Brussels, Barcelona. And lived in Libya.

Im happy now to be in a small town where you meet people you know and who knew my husband growing up, and his father and grandfather etc. Everyone knows someone that you know :)
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by 2BassetMom »

I can identify with the emotions expressed above. Sleep deprivation has changed my life and upset my routines and pleasures. Acknowledging this is the first step for me. I tend to paint a pretty picture on dismal situations. Well, I've run out of paint. I used to love decorating the house for Christmas and find it half done with my daughter and husband asking me what can they do? I have no idea what to tell them. I know the anxiety aspect too. It's amazing we function at all isn't it? Living in the mountains of N Idaho we experience many dreary days. It's beautiful when it snows and stays on the evergreens but when that melts it is just damp and gray. I'm contemplating seeing a therapist that I saw when battling cancer to see if he can put some perspective on all this. I'm so thankful for all of you.

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

2BM - Did you find it helpful when you saw a therapist previously? I have never seen one. I don't know anyone in real life who has seen a therapist.

Generally - Such a visit voluntarily would be almost poooh-pooohed over here, small town mentality, like getting above your station. The sort of visit one would only do if prescribed by a doctor. However, I can see how it would help with perspective and possibly reassurance that really all is quite reasonable. It would be interesting to know how I come across to others which I guess would be much different from the reality within. Yes - Sometimes the paint in my tin also gets a bit low.

This week when finishing off gift wrapping I've lost two gifts. One of which was for my husband, well darn but I've hunted everywhere without success and it will eventually turn up unless it has been wrapped accidentally within another gift. No way am I going to unwrap everything on what might be a wild goose chase. But seriously, how can one lose two gifts ??

No decorations whatsoever up here yet. There will be no indoor tree but there will be outdoor lights on the front garden shrubbery. Garlands on the fireplace and there a few beautiful indoor wreaths for the doors. They might even go up today
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by 2BassetMom »

Betty, It’s not unusual to see a therapist voluntarily here. There used to be a stigma attached but no more.
I have lost 2 gifts before! They turned up much later. I’m surprised I haven’t lost more being so sleep deprived. We will attempt to finish decorating in thee next day or 2. Then the crates go back down to the basement until it’s time to undo it all.

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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

I do think that slowly attitudes are changing with regard to voluntary therapy.

Glad it's not just me who is mislaying gifts. I'm not going to search any further but will keep an open eye, sort of try and creep up on them. :)
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by 2BassetMom »

That's the best plan. My husband will get the gift I mislaid for Christmas this year. I found it by accident this summer. It all works out in the end!

Polar Bear
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Re: Is it Only Me ?

Post by Polar Bear »

This week when finishing off gift wrapping I've lost two gifts. One of which was for my husband, well darn but I've hunted everywhere without success and it will eventually turn up unless it has been wrapped accidentally within another gift. No way am I going to unwrap everything on what might be a wild goose chase. But seriously, how can one lose two gifts ??

I am almost embarrassed to tell you this......
Today I received an email confirming that the ordered item has been dispatched and is on it's way.

What can I say. I do have some very tidy drawers, towel shelves etc.
And still missing one small minor item.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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