Methadone complications - not medical

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
Polar Bear
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Polar Bear »

Yankiwi - I am so sorry to hear this, how sad. I love that you call him your Hero.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by legsbestill »

Yankiwi, I was shocked and saddened to read this. Your husband's death seemed to come very quickly. I am thinking of you.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by yawny »

Yankiwi- my heart goes out to you


Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by QyX »

Yankiwi: I don't know you (yet) but I am very sorry for you.

Some years ago my cousin died of cancer. From the day he was diagnosed only about 4 months went by until he died. He never left hospital again.

@topic: thank you all for explaining the situation to me. This seems to be an unpleasant topic and it feels unfair that legitimate patients need to suffer from these horrible bureaucratic problems.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Yankiwi »

Thanks to everyone who had kind words to say about my loss. It happened so fast that it still seems unreal.
QyX: At least my husband only spent six nights in hospital split into two different times. He was able to stay at home right to the end. And the funeral company offered me the choice of having him back here in his coffin after they did what they do. He and I wanted a closed coffin but it was nice to know he had one more night at home.
The medical and peripheral support such as occupational therapy was absolutely amazing. They provided a bed, a recliner chair, a high toilet seat, swivel bath chair and much more. And, almost as good, they picked it all up the day of the funeral. And the same two sole charge rural nurses visited every single day. Continuity of care was great.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Joanie60 »

This is crazy!!! I am lucky, I have a great relationship with my local Giant Food store (with pharmacy inside). Wouldn't we be covered under Americans With Disabilities Act????? If RLS isn't a disability, then it should be!

Why the heck a pharmacist can trump a doc is beyond me (unless, of course, they suspect abuse). You guys have made me feel very grateful! And it is a reminder not to try to get my script filled elsewhere if I am traveling. My doc writes script for 60 pills but only prescribes 45 (one and a half per day), allowing me to accumulate a stash when I remember to say I am paying cash. Insurance will only cover 45 pills and I frequently forget to tell them upfront I am paying cash (less than $25 for 60 tablets, 5mg each)

Good luck all!

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Totally broken healthcare system in the US where patients are considered "consumers/shoppers" of healthcare (like its a commodity not a human right) and corporations control the healthcare decisions, typically by denying or obstructing care. And they are becoming more and more emboldened in the recent past..

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