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Location: Yantis, TX


Post by jumpyowl »

Hello everybody!

The survey is truly back in its orginal form and website, so it works!!! As of Labor Day! Please give it a try and let me know!

The address is:

CAVEAT! There are various safe guards built into the web page to prevent abuse and thus make the data safer and more reliable.

At the start you will have several chances to read the long introduction background on the survey or to skip it and go directly to the survey.

Once you start the survey, you will not be able to proceed to the next page unless you answer all the questions required. If you are unable to proceed, scroll through the section again and see whether there is a red lettered warning reminding you to answer the omitted queries. (It can happen rarely that one cannot select any of the choices offered for one particular question and so cannot proceed. In that case, just pick any one of the choices and explain at the end [REMARK section] that that particular choice is invalid and why). Please keep it short 100 words or less.

You can always go back and check or correct your answers. However, once you press the submit button, the survey disappears and you will not be able to complete another one and submit it again. This is done so to prevent abuse.

Well, Colleen! please go ahead and take the test! I hope others will, too.

I will try to keep this one open until I get the follow-up survey ready. With the insight I gained on antidepressants and other types of "mood-controlling medications" recently it should be very interesting and possibly needed.

I very much appreciate your co-operation in this venture. The more participants the more valuable the data will be when collated and interpreted.
Jumpy Owl

Posts: 16649
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:37 am
Location: Sacramento, CA, USA

Post by ViewsAskew »

Jumpy, I updated the link in the Welcome to RLS sticky to this post.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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