Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

15 of July, we welcome

gloriaketchem, whose husband has RLS/WED and it's getting much worse in the last few years, impacting everyone and everything.

Do poke around. You might want to start in the discussion title "A good place to start." Also, if he is taking any dopamine agonist medication - ropinerole, pramipexole, etc - that could account for it - it's called augmentation.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Rustsmith »

Thursday, July 16

Welcome today to

Traciandrews, whose 8 year old daughter has been diagnosed with severe RLS and she wants to help her.

Our best wishes go out to your daughter. As for information, take a look at "A great place to start" in this forum and then through the information in the Pediatric forum. Some of the information that you will find elsewhere will be applicable, but not all of it.

and to

Durga, who lives in California with RLS tat is getting progressively worse and therefore is so glad to find a spot to learn and share with others who have to deal with this.

Take a look around to see what there is to learn and then post a note telling us about yourself and what we can do to help.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, July 17

Welcome to

clasper39, who has had RLS since the age of 13 and is now 76. It was undiagnosed for many years with advice from growing pains to raising the end of the bed! 8 years ago she started taking pramipexole .088mg but now have augmentation and was just prescribed Gabapentin 300mg.

Take a look around for information both on augmentation and gabapentin. If you have any questions or comments, please post a note.

and to

timo, who has had RLS/WED for 25 years and have been on ropinerole for 3 years with good success, but is now worried about augmentation. timo has been having increased symtoms that have prompted two trips to emergency lately.

Take a look through the forum on Augmentation for information and pay special attention to the links in my signature and in badnight's (look in the thread about the article by Dr. Bachfuhrer)
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Sacramento, CA, USA


Post by ViewsAskew »

19, July - welcome to:

melondrops, who has tried so many things and is still in pain, not sure what to do. Want ideas and information...and to feel better.

So sorry you are still suffering. You might want to start in the Just Joined? area, in the A good place to start: Managing RLS/WED topic.

and to

Virginia, for whom RLS/WED has affected every aspect of my life for 60 years, day and night.

Take a look around and see if there is anything that helps you. And please post a note telling us about yourself and your experiences.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Posts: 16649
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Location: Sacramento, CA, USA


Post by ViewsAskew »

20, July - welcome to:
Kjacobfmc,who has had RLS and insomnia for about a year. Has been reducing SNRI and benzo use and taking iron with vitamin C, but the symptoms are getting worse and occurring throughout the day, not just at bedtime.

The benzo use may have been helping. While it doesn't help the majority of folks with RLS/WED, it does help some and usually helps with insomnia. Do tell us more in a post - there may be other triggers or problems exacerbating the symptoms.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Monday 20 July 2015

Welcome today to:
Pleo - who is pregnant and needs help. Pleo has had RLS/WED for all of her life together with a family history.

There are two areas you could start. 'Special Populations' there is a section Pregnancy and RLS. Also, 'Just Joined' where there is a section A Good Place to Start: Managing RLS.
Please feel fre to ask questions and tell us a little of your RLS history.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Tuesday, July 21

Welcome to

Dalybird, who has RLS and a dr. who knows nothing about it. Dalybird is up and down all night, most every night and is taking Requip, which causes nausea.

Take a look through the thread at the top of this forum titled "A Good Place to Start". It has advice on treatments, finding doctors, etc, which should be useful. You might also want to get the book "Clinical Management of Restless Legs Syndrome" by Lee, et al to share with you doctor. It is available from Amazon for about $25.

and to

fruckman, who is "restless" and irritable for 2-3 hours each evening; during movies; while driving; and causes awakening up at night. He is considering a "drug holiday".

Take a look around to get an idea of what we have. "A great place to start" at the top of this forum is as its name implies.

and to

Thomas_White1, whose RLS has impacted all areas of life - family, personal, recreation, travel, etc. Any help and support is gratefully appreciated.

Take a look around to see if there is anything that you can use and then feel free to post a message with any questions or comments.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, July 24

Welcome today to

Norm, who has a lot of experience with RLS that he can share.

Take a look through the various active threads that we have in all of the forums and feel free to join any of the discussions.

and to

wfroberg, who has struggled with RLS for many years, is suffering from effects of augmentation and is trying to taper use of DA hoping to get to manage symptoms to enable as normal a lifestyle as possible.

Take a look around and you will find a great deal on augmentation and the steps you can take to get off of DAs.

and to

Ali, who is frustrated with health care providers who do not feel that RLS sufferers should know what medications work to relieve our debilitating symptoms.

Here, here! Some of them don't keep up and then are upset when we make specific suggestions about our treatment. We look forward to your posts on this subject
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Monday, July 27

Welcome to

Caselj, who is 62 andI has had RLS for years. Caselj augmented on Mirapex and is currently taking alprazolam along with Lyrica but wakes up around 2:30A and has to take more medication. Caselj's doctor just wants the medicine to be reduced and does not understand.

All this sound way too familiar to me. Look around to see if there is anything that would help. If you don't find what you need, please post a note and ask.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Northwest Territories, Canada


Post by badnights »

Welcome to VSBillB, who has been suffering from RLS for a number of years and is not getting the necessary help from 2 recently visited doctors. We're glad you've found us, though sad you needed to. Please check out the site a bit, then make a post to tell us about yourself and your WED/RLS woes. The members on this board have a wide variety of experience with RLS issues and will be able to help in some way.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

Posts: 6668
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Thursday, July 30

Welcome to

bccoffm, who RLS has caused discomfort and it is also affected their daughter.

Take a look around to see if there is anything useful to the two of you. And please post a not telling about the two of you and asking any questions that you might still have.

and to

tonilee, who ahs had RLS/WED for many years - but it's worse, now affecting arms and legs. It's affecting tonilee's work.

Please look at the info we have here about augmentation - there is a link in my signature that will take you to a post that includes info on it, among other things. I am guessing you're taking a dopamine agonist - that is what most often causes the symptoms to spread to the arms and to get worse. Do post if you like and let us know more if you want to talk about it.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.
