Weaning off Clonazapam with Pregabalin...Safe? Worthwhile?

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Weaning off Clonazapam with Pregabalin...Safe? Worthwhile?

Post by LaurieG »

Hello. I'm attempting to wean off of Clonazapam. I've been taking it for over 22 years and it works most of the time, but it's not showing up in urine tests, which is becoming a problem. My sleep doc prefers pregabalin for restless leg, so I thought I'd give it a try. I began a weaning schedule a couple nights ago. I took 75mg of pregabalin, .5mg of Clonazapam, and .125mg of Mirapex. The first night was okay...felt really drugged up, but the second night was awful. My heart was racing and I couldn't breathe, even with my CPAP. I'm just wondering if it's worth it to switch to pregabalin. Any advice? Thank You!

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Re: Weaning off Clonazapam with Pregabalin...Safe? Worthwhile?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Some docs just do not realize how hard it is to stop for some people. Took me 7 months to stop clonazepam and I only took it for a few months.
Pregabalin simply doesn't work for all of us. And anecdotally, doesn't seem to work much at all for folks who have augmented on DAs.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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