
Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Language is a fascinating thing - at least to some of us. Recently I have been reading the Grandiliquent Word of the day. Here's hoping someone else finds this interesting, too. Sometimes I know the word, sometimes not, though I always like reading about them.

Today's is:

-A well-read individual; a person with wide knowledge of books.
-One that has comprehensive knowledge of books and bibliography.
-A person who possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of books and bibliography.
-One versed in bibliography or the history of books.

From French bibliognoste, from biblio- + -gnoste (from Greek gnōstēs one who knows, from gignōskein to know).

Used in a sentence:
“Gerald quickly discovered that being a bibliognost was going to come in handy in his new job at the library.”

Bibliognostic - adjective

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Re: Words!

Post by Polar Bear »

:thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Words!

Post by legsbestill »

My current favourite word is effulgent. My effulgence knows no bounds when I find a good use for it - and also when my rls is controlled and I get a good night's sleep.

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Re: Words!

Post by Rustsmith »

One of the most interesting meetings during my career was a group of us that were in Australia. We were preparing a report for company management there. The group consisted of 2 Americans, 1 Brit and 4 Aussies. You would have thought that since we were all native English speakers that there wouldn't be too much argument about the choice of words for the report, but was that idea so very wrong. When we started, of course there were the "arguments" about spelling. Thankfully, word processors with spell correct had recently been introduced and corporate management decreed that we would use the US English dictionary. During those discussions, of course it was the Brit and the Aussies vs. the Americans. But when it came to the selection of words with the implications and subtle meanings tied to them, I was amazed that it was almost always the Aussies and the Americans vs. the Brit. Our "arguments" were always very good natured with lots of laughs, but it was also very instructive about how it isn't just the Americans and the Brits who are "two countries separated by a common language", but it is goes much deeper when you consider the Canadians and Kiwis as well. Fortunately, American TV has created an environment where just about any English speaker in the world understands American English and even a lot of our idioms.

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Re: Words!

Post by ViewsAskew »

Great story, Steve.

Legs, the effulgence of your post leaves me blinded!
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Re: Words!

Post by ViewsAskew »

My great aunt taught me the definition of this word by her actions. I can still see her grabbing the ashtray after one of two taps from my mother's cigarette and emptying it.

-To rush around cleaning when company is on their way over.
-A hasty tidying of the house between the time you see a neighbor and the time she knocks on the door.

From Scurry - an abbreviation of hurry-scurry, reduplication of hurry.

Used in a sentence:
“If it weren’t for the occasional scurryfunge, my house would never get cleaned.”

We’ve all done it. Some friends call to ask if it's okay if they drop by for a visit so you immediately launch into action! You do your best to make the place look as presentable as possible. Start by throwing EVERYTHING in the closet! (Wait, where's my cat?) Then vacuum as fast as you can and finish off by throwing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, whatever doesn't fit goes in the rubbish bin. And just as you finish, breathing heavily, covered in sweat, your guests call and ask if tomorrow would be okay instead.

My Housekeeping Style Is Best Described As Scurryfunge T-Shirt: https://amzn.to/2IM01H8
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Re: Words!

Post by badnights »

My favorite word, because I know so many people who have this, is pseudoepydemia = the compulsion to speak of things one knows nothing about as if one knows. I forget where I found it, which is unfortunate, because google can't find it. It might have been from a desk calendar I had once, that gave a different archaic word for every day. So it might be archaic.... but I'd love to revive it. "It's a good thing I'm aware of your pseudoepydemia, or I might actually try that." etc.
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Re: Words!

Post by Yankiwi »

pseudoepydemia—what a great word!

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Re: Words!

Post by ViewsAskew »

What a great word!
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Re: Words!

Post by Dr.Placebo »

Back in college, our men's gymnastic team used to have favorite words (we were intellectual jocks, at Yale). Here are 2 of our favorites:

DEFENESTRATE--To throw out the window. (Very useful word when applied to another person!!)

CALLIPYGIAN--Of or pertaining to well-formed buttocks and thighs. (Usually used by us in reference to members of the women's gymnastic team (sorry, sexist I know, but we were college students. Still a great word, yes?)


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