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Post by Smileycarr79 »

Hello—not sure where to start but just joined this group in hopes of connecting with others experiencing the same thing I am going through. I am 44 years old and I have RLS and my symptoms are worsening and taking over my daily life. I struggle with restless legs and arms and sometimes tremors in my hands and sometimes my legs will just feel like jello and I’m limping around. A lot of times resting and moving my legs just hurts and I can find no comfort. I haven’t slept in a couple nights. I started on pramipexole three years ago and then was changed to ropinole. My doctor has tried gabapentin and Lyrica and neither worked. I finally got into a neurologist and he has had me taking sinemet and stalevo. While it provided some relief—it would wear off after a couple hours and started causing horrible chest pains when I took the meds. Now my neurologist has me weaning off the stalevo and sinemet and just taking a muscle relaxer that so far is not doing anything. I feel like the last couple years I’ve been going through hell. I’m a teacher and this condition impacts my teaching. My doctor has been suspecting Parkinson’s but the neurologist is thinking just restless limb syndrome. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to stop pacing all night and get the pain under control? I’ve tried hot showers, deep tissue massager, all kinds of stuff and I just feel hopeless and lost. Currently pacing in my kitchen as my left leg is jerking all around and feeling like a pull/tug on it. Hoping everyone else gets a good nights rest!

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Re: Struggling

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi Smileycarr79 - welcome to the board. I was about your age when everything started to spin out of control with me and the WED/RLS. I am so sorry that you are in this position. I taught, for a while, also, and I know how hard it is when you are in such a place.

Have you heard of augmentation? I would just about bet that this is the issue. There are long helpful topics/posts about it in several areas here. Please, please - do a search on the term and start reading. It will hopefully be the start of a new chapter for you.

May I ask where you are located (not the town, but the general larger area)? That will help us help you better.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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