Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by Rubyslipper »

After all the complaining and whining I have done (and rightfully so, I might add!) about my jerk of a boss.....he got fired yesterday! The technical term is "early retirement" but whatever, he's gone, history not even allowed to set foot on the company property. We are all still in shock that our board of directors finally listened to us and did something. Actually I just wanted them to slap his hands and make him act like a considerate human being, I didn't want him fired but then it wasn't my decision. And since they added the part about not setting foot on company property, there has to be more to it than just being a jerk. It's going to mean some MAJOR adjustments at work the biggest being the office manager who was and is very "friendly" with the boss. She's a great office manager but I'm afraid she'll blame all of us for him getting fired. It's going to be awkward for awhile. I still can't belive that the man who has made my life so miserable at times is gone. I'm really not celebrating but DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!!!
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Post by jan3213 »

OMG, Ruby.... You just never know, do you? I'm glad he's gone, but will be glad to hear how things go----- It sounds like something is going on, that's for sure--- Never to set foot on company property again....that's not just "early retirement" or even "fired". It sounds like the guy may be in some hot water.....

Well, good luck, sweetie!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Sing it high, sing it low. . .

Life is good sometimes. Who knows, maybe the office manager was just playing a political game. Or maybe she will quickly decide that it's not worth the effort to defend or be bitter about something when this man was obviously not a nice person.

If nothing else, at least your stress level is reduced knowing that you do not have to deal with him anymore. Hopefully any new stresses about dealing with it will be small apples in comparison.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

How satisfying it must be Ruby.
Isn't it great when justice just shows up like that?...seems like it doesn't happen often enough.

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Post by Penguinrocks »

Ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess dreams can come true!

Please send that board of directors up here to me....please!!!!!

Ruby, you have to feel elation (not for a human's down fall) but for justice being played out.....

love you and so happy for you

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Post by Rubyslipper »

Thanks guys! I was off today so we'll see what the tension level is like tomorrow with the office manager. I have some things that need to be taken care of with her but the other girls said she was okay today (I HAD to call in!) Yes, already the stress level is lower. I never thought I would see this day. Now we'll see how the rest of it goes!
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by ksxroads »

Howling with JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The wheel of fortune continues to turn!

It is amazing what stress full working conditions can do to one physically. My friend who transfered to another agency is so happy no she is jubilant these days! Physically she feels so much better.

Looking forward to more good news from our Rubyslippers!

************Positive Energy*************

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation.

Music can be made anywhere, is invisible and does not smell. --W H Auden

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