Burning feet

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Burning feet

Post by icechips »

I'll describe my symptoms and maybe someone out there has the same problem or can point me in the right direction.

My problem is my feet, they will get red, and be warm to the touch. They feel like they're buring from the inside out. Cold water sometimes help, standing on a cold floor might help. Sometimes nothing helps. I fall asleep with my feet uncovered because it just bothers them to have the quilt on it (although I do cover up sometime while I sleep most of the time). Peppermint lotion helps somewhat.

I did go to a foot doctor who wanted me to do anadyne treatments, but that's for circulation and my circulation is fine. Went to a neurologist and she did tell me I have peripheral neuropathy (I am not diabetic).

Mom and I keep thinking that the feet might be an off-shoot of RSL, the symptoms are so close, but in the feet. When they get so hot, they get the prickly feeling, sometimes it hurts and goes up into my legs... moving the legs helps that part, but not the burning feet.

Any suggestions? Do you think it's worth looking into RSL treatments for the feet?

Thanx & Happy Holidays

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Post by becat »

Hi Icechips,
My family has burning feet in our lit of RLS symptoms, but not any neuopathies. I do think Jan had her feet actually turn red when they were burning, however, ours don't.
So, I can only tell you what I do for my poor old burning feet that helps everytime. Magnesium, and only magnesium, not cal/mag.......which should not be taken together at all.
I get a cheap bottle in pill form anywhere I find it and take 1-2 pills a day. This also helps for the digestive process so don't over do it.
About the turning red, that may be a sign of a different problem, so I'd certainly check with your doc, but seems like the neuro might have answered you already.
Not one of my brothers will take magnesium, they are tough guys ( I love them though) and they all 3 sleep with those feet out of the covers. I don't have too anymore.
Hey welcome to the board.
And yes, cold things do feel good too!

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Post by blryan »

I have had that same burning sensation in my hands. Can that also be related to RLS? It's very weird. It has only happened a few times but I had to run cold water over my hands to get relief. It just felt like they were on fire inside.


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Post by icechips »


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm willing to try it. I think my dad's taking magesium for his heart. I'll bum some off of him (why not he's taking my cinamin for his diabetes).

It would be terrific to even get a little relief. Believe it or not, quinine works too. How about that for an old drug. My mom's doctor gave her that to try, and it does help (but I can only take it every so often, otherwise my stomach gets upset).

I'll let everyone know how we make out with it.

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Post by icechips »

Didn't ask... is there any certain milligram to take?

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Post by becat »

Barb, Hi,
I'm am not sure but magnesium is cheap and it might be worth a try.
The RLS I have in my arms is so different than my legs or head, so I couldn't honestly tell you. Sorry. :oops:

Ice, my bottle say 500 mg is a daily allowance and I take two a day. If you find the same results I do (big ? there ) then take one and you'll know within one hour if it helps or not.
I tried a new med for my doc recently, I'm sure I did not try it for myself, LOL and it gave me the needles feeling in my feet, I took three x day until that med wore off.
If you have questions about this, dosing and possible side effects, which I have found few, please talk to your doc or better yet a nutritionist.
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Post by sardsy75 »

Hi Icechips

Welcome to the boards :)

Burning feet is one of the more irritating things that accompanies my RLS which is predominantly in my legs and to a lesser extent in my arms.

I simply cant fall asleep if my feet are feeling even mildly warm and have numerous different bottles and tubs of moisturisers within arms reach at night. I've woken in the middle of the night wondering "what the?" only to realise that my feet feel like they're on fire and I automatically reach for a tub or bottle of something on my bedside table.

My top four suggestions are:

1) BodyShop Peppermint Cooling Leg Gel ( http://www.thebodyshop.com/bodyshop/bro ... d=cat20075 )
2) Lush "Dream Cream" ( http://usa.lush.com/cgi-bin/lushdb/31?expand= )
3) Lush "Sympathy for the Skin" ( http://usa.lush.com/cgi-bin/lushdb/29?expand= )
4) Any general moisturiser that contains peppermint and or Vitamin E

Definitely look at the magnesium side of things and by all accounts, talk to your doctor about it. It might sound like a trivial thing to you, but it's the trivial things that doctors always insist that you go and consult them about (at least that's what my doctor has always said to me). You are not wasting their time by wanting to know what is causing you to be so uncomforatable.

Take care of you!

(((((hugs))))) from the upside-down end of the planet

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Post by icechips »


Thank you so much for your suggestions. My dad's magnesium was 250 mg and both mom and I did try it last night. It did help! and that was just the lower dose.

I do the peppermint thing every night, I use Avalon (sorry can't remember the rest of its name, but I get it at the health store) and it does help. Mom has woke up in the night and used that.

The best thing was finding out that others have this burning feet thing. It's so nice to know that mom and I aren't nuts

When the peppermint doesn't work, I have something we call the Wonder Lotion..... Peppermint lotion, peppermint oil and lavender.... that works too. Everything's to liking.... it goes on like 'Ben Gay' if you put a lot of peppermint oil in it, so that might help some with the tight legs.

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burning feet

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi and welcome Icechips I am so glad the magnesium and lotion is working for you. It is so good to hear that someone is getting some much needed relief.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Have a nice evening.
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Post by becat »

That is wonderful Ice! Yeah, 4 less hot feet. LOL

Hey Ya'll just one reminder here........
peppermint is a stimulate and if it works great, but it's used in many work places to keep the energy level up, so watch out at night.
If it works great, if you find that your waking up (not unusual for most of us) think about skipping the peppermint before bed or before returning.
Hugs to all,

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Post by sardsy75 »

Hey Lynne :)

Thanks for the reminder on the peppermint. I've checked the ingredients on the two main creams I use and it's not a major worry.

The one thing I did want to post about though was ... aloe vera ... the first thing my grandmother used to reach for in the garden whenever we got sunburnt ... again, upon closer inspection of a couple of the creams I use, aloe vera is one of the main ingredients.

Its another great natural cooling aid ... so its worth giving it a go.

Take care all :)

Luv, hugs n lots of moonshine from down under ...

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by icechips »

Got a question on the magnesium. My boss (who has a brother is a homapathic (?) doctor ... well he uses the supplements) told her to always take the magesium with calcium. I know above she mention just the mag, not mag/cal.... Just curious why. I've tried my dad's Chelated Mag (250 mg) and it does work, I get a bit nauseated from it, but I'm going to try taking it with my dinner so there's lots of food in my stomach.

Tried the aloe vera, didn't work that great for me. I'd put it in the fridge to get it cold but back when I tried it I put socks on to keep it on my feet, so maybe that was the problem.

I did find the pumice with lavender in it at our Walmart here in Michigan. Don't remember the name, but it's purple. That works a little probably cause it gets rid of the caluses.

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Burning and Tired Feet

Post by USMC »

Hello to everyone. I am a male that has so many of what all the women are complaining. My wife is going nuts just hearing about my complaints of burning feet, legs tired and all kinds of feelings throught my day at work. I went to a neurologist and she is putting me through many test, to rule out MS. I hate doctors, specially the ones who don't believe in natural remedies. It feels very good that other people are feeling all the things that I'm feeling with my legs. I can't believe that so many of the people on this chat room are women. Are there guys with this conditions??? I cant wait to try magnesium! Anyway, this is my first post and expect to get more once I have the time to read all of your replies.
Happy holidays to everyone.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hey, US, we have lots of guys here, really. Well, not lots, but we do have them! Mike? Randy? Josh? Andy? Zach? (and all the other guys), where are you???? Post so this new member will believe me :wink:
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burning feet

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi and welcome USMC I am glad that you found this site. You will find a lot of wonderful and supportive people here. Believe me there are guys on this board and know they will post to you.

Keep us posted on how you are doing. Have a good day and restfull evening.
Taking one day at a time

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