re hubby's angiogram

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re hubby's angiogram

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Kim Thank you for the wonderful post. I hope that your hubby is doing fine. I will definitely keep everyone posted on how the surgery went and how he is doing. Yes, we are very fortunate that we were able to get this appt. as soon as we could. I have alot of faith and know that God is watching over him and will continue to do so.

I thank God everyday for this group. Everyone has been so wonderful.

Also let us know how your hubby is doing too.
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Post by becat »

Just to let everyone know, I talked to Charlene this afternoon.

Hubby is doing fine, from bypass surgery. As of tonight still in ICU, but no real problems. ( according to my heart expert, this is common to keep bypass people in ICU a bit longer.)

Charlene is doing fine, was upset at first.....ICU and the tubes, machines, it's alot all at once. She is fine today and happy that the hospital has a place for her to stay over night. She can be close and visit, since she is right there.

I felt like she sounded like any of us would. Ok, but tired and ready for recovery herself. I think she has her smile in her voice as normally, she would.

Prayers never hurt, so keep them going. And she thanks you all for the prayers already given.

Love to all,

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Post by ViewsAskew »

How nice of you to call her. Thanks for passing on the news.
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re hubby's angiogram

Post by ctravel12 »

Thanks to everyone for your prayers. Denny and I got home today (6-11) in the early afternoon. He is doing real good. The drs are pleased with how well he is healing. He still has along road ahead of him but know that he will be doing fine.

He cannot drive for 6 weeks. He has an appt the 29th of June to see his cardiologist here in town and the 26th of June to see the surgeon here to see how he is doing. Phoenix was hoping that we would have a cardiac rehab here but is in the works so will have to do things here.

He is on a low carb/cholesterol diet.

It sure is nice to be home. I felt like I was going to go bonkers at times but things are doing good now. A few times my legs gave me some problems but really was not bad. I had a down day last Thursday but was feeling better the next day.

I did alot of reading and walked everyday which was certainly good for me.

I sat with hubby alot, but he was sleeping so just sat and read. Did not want to bother him as he did not sleep too well at night. Like he said they woke him up almost every hour to do this and do that. With being home, he will sleep real good tonight.

I sure missed my rls family.

Lynne thanks for sending the post. Really appreciate it.

I will be posting later, but have alot of things to do and just want to sit and veg out

Love you all and also thanks again for the prayers.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Thanks for posting, Charlene. It's so good to hear from you and know that you're home safe and sound, and that you dh is on the mend. What a relief. We've also heard that Jeannie is home and recovering well.

It's good to know that the RLS family is doing better. :D


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Post by jan3213 »


It's so good to see that you and Denny got home! I was so glad to talk to you last week---sorry I couldn't post, but knew Lynne would take care of it. As I told you, my friend's mom died and I was with her all last week--day and night. She doesn't have family, except for her husband (who's a dentist and gone a lot) and her son.

I know you've been through the mill, honey. You'll be a good nurse for Denny, but also be a good nurse for yourself. Maybe things will settle down now for both of you. I hope your legs are doing okay. You know what stress can do!

Take care and give Denny a gentle hug for all of us.

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Post by Jenne1950 »

I think RLS couples, who learn to compromise because of the disease, carry it over into all aspects of their life. It sounds like he is doing well and my prayers are with both of you.

Long Gone Jenny!

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Post by becat »

Hi Miss Charlene,

Good Gosh girl we missed you more!

I know your both tired, it just happens that way.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be Nurse Charlene. AND!!!!! if you ever get worried that something is not right, call the hospital and get the nurse's station from your hubby's floor, they are great to answer questions for wives like us...... :wink:

So glad you and Denny are home, know we are still sending you love and prayers.

Jen, your right, it's easy to care for loved one's when you know how hard a day can be.


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re hubby's angiogram

Post by ctravel12 »

Thanks everyone for the wonderful posts and mostly prayers. I am also so glad to hear that Jeannie's surgery was successful. I have been thinking about her.

I miss talking to everyone.

I was not here for the June support group; however had someone fill in for me otherwise I would lose everyone. I have the next one set up for the 9th of August

Hubby seems to be doing better today. Everyday, I see an improvement and thank God for that.

I will start posting soon but have some things to do first and need to take care of hubby. Me too, as I know Lynne I can hear you now "you too Miss Charlene" I love you for that.

Everyone have a good day and evening,.
Taking one day at a time

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