Low testosterone and RLS

Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Post by rfishburn »

Got my first shot on tuesday and tuesday night I slept thru the night and had energy most of wednesday. The effects started to putter out toward the evening and I did not sleep well last night. I know it will take a while to get a steady level...even one night of uninterrupted sleep is keeping me going pretty well though.

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Post by FidgetBoy »

yeah- I noticed the same pattern-- the night of and the next day after my shot- my legs are much better. As the week wears on, the symptoms worsen. Overall, though, my symptoms are definitely better with hormone supplementation.

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Post by rfishburn »

I wonder if the gel wouldn't provide a closer pattern to what our bodies naturally do. Testosterone cypionate has anywhere from a 8 to 14 day half life so it seems like unless you were to inject every 4 days or so that you would experience the down side of it...
I hear one doctor talk about breaking the shot into twice a week, so the typical dose is 100mg a week, split that into 50 on monday and thursday and maybe there would be less of a drop at the end of the shot. Just thinking out loud I guess but the experience the day of and after would be great to keep consistantly. Maybe I will try the gel on my next follow up visit and report back..

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Long rant

Post by rfishburn »

I have been fighting thru the doctors since my last post...just a big a mess as rls to treat low testosterone. A fertility doctor cut me off completely to treat the fertility problems and let me feel like hell for 3 months despite my objections, so he told me either take his treatment or leave...I left. My primary doc felt bad and gave me shots again till I could get to a specialist. The specialist would not continue shots and will only give 2 pumps of the gel per day(which gives me a rash), so I am going backward again 100mg a week to just under 30 of the gel which absorbs even less so who knows how much is really being delivered...Sorry for the rant but my legs never stop bothering me now, just tired and cranky I guess.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Guess I'd be tired and cranky, too :( . Sometimes I really dislike doctors.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by rfishburn »

Atleast my neurologist is good...he was just in 5280 magazine out here in Denver, had an article about sleep.

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Post by ray »

This is great info. I see the Dr. today and will ask for a test to check my levels. How's everyone been?

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Post by rfishburn »

I see my doc tuesday...hopefully will be back on testosterone. I really could use some sleep. I drifted off just as the sun came up and then the alarm clock went off :cry:

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Post by rfishburn »

Ray- Let me know how that goes. It can be every bit the nightmare rls is.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hey, Ray, good to see you back. I was thinking about you the other day and hoping all was well.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by rfishburn »

I have had a lot of replies about hormone replacement therapy on another board and strangely enough they guys with testosterone problems in a lot of cases seem to be on pain meds for rls type pain. If anyone is interested I might type up some stuff from both boards and post it both places. Strage how pain meds go some much further when my testosterone is high..anyways.

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Post by Alan »

Interestingly, I finally sought medical attention for RLS (which I've had since childhood) because my symptoms had worsened considereably, and fairly suddenly. I had been found to be testosterone deficient at about this time, and started on testosterone gel, which brought my levels up nicely. I actually wondered if my worsening RLS was DUE to the testosterone. Haven't found any data to support that. I have noticed a great improvement in energy, and 28 pound weight loss since being on testosterone, and have stayed on it. At the time of my work up I was also found to be iron deficient, and I wondered if that may be related to the testosterone (which increases iron utilization by stimulating Red Blood Cell formation)--and that this caused an imbalance between my intake and utilization of iron. The low iron could have explained my worsening symptoms. I have not seen any improvement with iron alone and am currently on requip, and am struggling with augmentation.

I am 60, and the testosterone puts me at greater risk for prostate cancer--as a physician, I want to warn older members, that if they are on testosterone, they should monitor PSA levels regularly, and possibly with increased frequency than is recommended for the average male.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Alan, thank you so much for that info. Very important.

How are you handling your struggle with augmentation?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by rfishburn »

My doctor showed me a few studies that seem to say testosterone does not increase the risk of prostate problems. I was worried about that statment and did some research and it appears that estrogen is starting to look like the culprit, one double blind study had the testosterone group come out with less effect on prostate than the placebo group. I am sure data can be manuplited to show it either way, just something to think about. My psa was the same as before I started testosterone but I guess only time will tell.
Once on testosterone my ultram went a lot further, hopefully the doctor has all of the testing he needs so I can go back on it.

P.S. the nausea and vommiting and fainting stopped after my ambien was discontinued for a few weeks, Not sure I posted about that or not.

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index middle finger ratio

Post by kneestrangler »

Just wondering..
since RLS can start in childhood, would a quick way to check for testosterone level be by mesuring the index & ring finger length ratio.
I am no expert, just a nat geo fan...

most males ring finger is longer than their index finger. A longer index finger indicates that that the baby was exposed to lesser amounts of testosterone in the womb.

mine are equal in length, which means I was exposed to slightly less testosterone in the womb :oops:

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