Please post the number of PLMS you have. PLease!

RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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Post by maladti »

Thanks for the reply. Around 45 per hr. I'm on 2mg of Requip and 2mg. of Klonipin but having a very hard time sleeping. I also have sleep apnea and tried the CPAP mach. with no luck. I'm going to a neuroligist/sleep medicne dr. next week and ask him for Mirapex. I just saw it advertised on the TV last week. Have you ever herad of Neupro. Its a parkinson's med. but its also being tested for RLS patients in a lower dose. Its a once a day patch which constantly delivers the medication through the skin. I don't think its been approved here in the US for RLS patients. Good luck to you also.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi Tim,

If you do a search - and most of it will be in the Pharmaceutical section - you'll find some info on the neurpro. Not much, but some. Most of us aren't using it because insurance doesn't cover it yet. But, it will within the next year.

Mirapex may work better for you. You also may not need as large of a dose of Requip as you are taking...the more you take, the greater the chance of side effects. Sleeplessness is a side effect.

With PLMD, you have NO way of knowing if your kicking is decreased with .25 mg or 2 MG or anywhere in between.

More later...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Sojourner »

Hi T, I have PLMD and don't remember how many the sleep study reported but I also have them while awake. I currently take neurontin (1800 mg) with relative success. Don't know if that is another option for you to consider or not. Best wishes.

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Post by lorabell »

Hi All.
Since I didn't drink my usual milk or coke, I am suffering, way suffering. I am kicking to the count of 4, and my arms are shooting off at the count of 2! oh what a night it's gonna be. :(
And yes, I took my meds, but since I did something so dumb, i will pay most of the night.
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by Sojourner »

L, Sorry for the rough go. Hang in there. I don't understand what it is that you did that was "dumb?"

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Post by lorabell »

Hi Mark.
See, I said I was dumb, I forgot to say what I did!
I had a half a glass of wine with dinner tonight .
Had friends over for spaghetti and thought it would be nice to act like an adult and have a glass. Usually it doesn't bother me, but maybe the early rising,and long day just added to my plmd.
I know not to push myself, but I did and here I am, still walking and doing dishes in between playing on the computer.
Thanks for the sympathy. Nice knowing we have friends we don't know who can understand .
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by cmoore1958 »


I'm so sorry you had such a rough night. You wouldn't think a little wine would do that to someone, but us rls-ers are a special breed. If I could come and walk the floors with you I would . . . we could just act like nuts and keep your mind off of the plm's. LOL

I hope you finally get some rest today and our legs settle down for a little (but not to little) vacation.

Hugs! Love ya,
Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Lora I am so sorry that you had a rough night. I too like Cyn wish I was there to walk the floors with you. It's wierd how this rls does. I myself had a small glass of irish cream and did fine but will not push it.

Enjoyed our chat last night.

You take care my friend and hope that today is a better day for you.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by maladti »

Hey Mark,
Thanks for the suggestion but about 3 weeks ago I asked my nuerologist to let me try Mirapax. I'm on .375 per night and it seems to be working so far, but I still have a tinginling in my right foot and by the evening my whole leg feels like its burning up. I don't know it its related to the RLS or my Scolisios. When I lay down it gets better.


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Post by happyfeet »

so for years I have been thinking "Hmmm, I should do a sleep study" Once I do I will post the results. Just don't expect anything soon, I tend to procrastinate.

If I do not fall asleep within say 20-40 min my legs start jumping. I seem to be alright when I wake up, though I hate getting up in the morning :evil: . Hey, RLS. Maybe that's why I'm not a morning person.

I lay awake for what seems like hours with my legs jumping every few momemts. The only thing I don't know is if I am aroused by my RLS during the sleep cycle.


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PLMD per minute

Post by lorabell »

when I had my first sleep study done, the Dr. asked me not to take any meds before I went in.. Since he knows my sense of humor, I came back with, " are you out of yout mind ?"
But, to prove a point, I did it his way.
I kicked to the count of 4 and after 1 and a half hours, told the techie to come unplug me, if I was going to be miserable, I'd rather be at home.
When I went in for the follow up, I had the satisfaction of saying " I told you so ".
When I had the second one, I took my meds as directed, and slept for about 6 hrs. I still registered about 20 kicks per hr, not enough to wake me, but I never went into REM sleep.
I hope this help. I still can kick to the count of four, and if I don't take my meds, I pay. And even on some nights, and days, when the meds aren't working, or I have done something stupid, (like stressing over something, or getting overly tired ) I pay dearly.
My rls/plmd never realllly go away, but I am 300 % better than I was in the earlier part of 2000.
As it is right now, my legs are humming nd it is 2:20 Am. Looks like a long night ahead. That's ok. I have dishes I can wash, and I can always find something to clean.
If nothing else, rls/plmd keeps my apt. clean. LOL
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL


Post by cornelia »

Lorabell, just want to say that I so enjoy reading your posts. You have a severe case of RLS and with your humour about it you make my own RLS feel 'lighter'. Thank you for that!


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Post by lorabell »

Hi Cornelia,
Thanks for the sweet words. You just have to keep a sense of humor with this thing.
Not to say I haven't thought about getting a saw out !
I do appreciate your post. Made this very long night a little shorter for me
Love and prayers,
( good thing I reread this, I misspelled my own name ! I am tired !
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Lora I sure hope that you are doing much better. I am so sorry for what you are going through. You have an excellent attitude and am sure that is what's keeping you sane - do you think gf LOL.

No really you are an inspiration and enjoy our chats and getting to know you.

Love ya
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Post by lyndarae »

I wish I could afford a sleep study>>>> I was sleeping alright for a while but now I wake up about every hour, and then it takes me about 30 minutes to get back to sleep. But I am wondering if anyone else has this weird thing about waking up at 3:30 am? I do it all the time, no matter what time I do go to sleep I ALWAYS wake up and its 3:30 am. I heard once that having your clock so you cant see it helps, I did that for along time and it did help me. Then I forgot about it when I changed my room around and all I did it semed was look at the time all night.

I dont know why but for me, it helps not knowing what time it is......strange~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae
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