chiropractic care

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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chiropractic care

Post by jarvisbasnite »

Along with my Dominant Eye Switch Method I have also been visiting my chiropractor for approx. the last 3 months. He has been very helpful not only with the adjustment part of it, but he has also listened to me very closely and suggested only natural supplements and remedies which have all worked. I first started with an insomnia bath mixture, then moved to a natural supplement for my high cholesterol, and today am starting the RLS natural supplement. For those of you who have struggled to find the right meds, maybe it is time to put the synthetic meds behind and try it natures way. I am still in the infacy stages of this transition, but have experienced phenomenal results so far.
I did take lexapro, ambien, requip, and many other synthetics for almost exactly one year and experienced varied results at best. The day that I was able to ween myself off of all the synthetics was the first time I had a decent nights sleep in over 6 months. I think we all need to start looking long and hard at what, if any benefits that these synthetic meds. can provide. I was told that the synthetic meds that I was prescribed would encourage my brain to heal itself and I feel that this is about as far from the truth that you can get. In my opinion the brain will only heal itself when its provided with the proper natural stimuli. I hate to break this to a lot of synthetic pushers, but your way of healing doesn't work with the natural properties that our brain is composed of and it never will!!!!!
In lay man's terms, if you use your brain to its fullest capabilities day in and day out it will be tired enough to sleep thru anything, which in turn will promote natural healing from within. This probably will take some conscience work on your part, but trust me on this one it is well worth the effort. :D

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Rabe, I am sure you have the best of intentions, so please know that what I am about to say is meant in a completely positive way. I am writing this as a member of this forum, not as a moderator. I valued much of your post, but I also found part of it very troubling.

Some of us here have been through unbelievably tough times. Some of us are still going through them. Some of us believe that non-pharma methods are best, some like a mixture, and some want only pharma. Are any of these right? Or wrong? Not to me. Each of us had to find what works for us and that may not be what works for someone else.

I completely respect your choices. And I think it's wonderful that you want to share them with us. I am asking you to do the same-respect the choices of people who make different choices than you. If you don't want to take pharmaceuticals, I completely stand by your choice. It's your choice. But, I also think it's perfectly OK for those who do want to take them. You used the term "synthetic pushers" and I find this terribly offensive. Having been here for about 4 years, I don't know of anyone who pushes anything. I know people who struggle to find what works for them. I know people who share their knowledge. I know people who allow other people to find a way that works for them.

You're accomplishment is fascinating. And your experience can help people. I want you to offer your spirit and information to others and I hope you continue to. To me, however, my preference is that you do it in a way that honors those who don't choose to follow your lead. It doesn't really matter why you choose what you choose and they choose what they choose, does it? We're all just people with RLS who need options in a safe environment.

This message board's mission statement says:
The mission of the RLS Foundation's Discussion Board is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with RLS and their families. We do this through:
• support of the RLS Foundation and its goals
• encouragement, support, and understanding
• awareness, information, and education
• advocacy
• exchanging ideas and networking

You are sharing and exchanging ideas and by doing that, offering encouragement and information. I don't know what your intention was in writing your post about those here who do choose to take pharmaceuticals, but it didn't come across to me as being respectful. It sounds to me as if you value finding ways to do things in a natural way and that you feel this is the best approach. That may be completely different than some people here, but each is a value that was chosen and isn't right or wrong. We don't all make the same choices and this site isn't about making people feel badly about their choices. It's about understanding and supporting them whatever their choice.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Rabe, I really find your post offensive. You presume to know what's best for us and don't respect our own choices. I'm guessing that most of us here have tried just about every herbal remedy and every supplement on the market before resorting to medication.

I have never had good experiences with chiropracters. Does that mean I don't think other people should go to chiropracters? Of course not. Everyone is free to make their own choice about what kind of care to get.

Calling doctors who prescribe medication or patients who use medication "synthetic pushers" is insulting and condescending. It also shows a certain amount of ignorance about the source of many of our pharmaceutical products. Many of us take opioids, but since we can't grow the poppies in our back yards, we need prescriptions for those medications. You do realize that much of modern pharmaceutical research is based on substances extracted from plants?

The problem isn't "synthetic pushers" - the problem is people who don't take this disease seriously enough to respect the treatment choices of sufferers. Most of us can't "concentrate" our symptoms away or get relief from chiropractic treatment or supplements.

You are welcome here and free to share what works for you. But please don't insult us for not doing things your way.

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Post by Polar Bear »

Thank you, Ann and Susan.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Just a quick note before anyone else jumps on here....

Rabe and I had a chat and I truly believe that the intent is good. If I understood correctly, this is directed at doctors who don't want to explore other opportunities and continue to focus only on pharma methods instead of looking at research that offers other ways to help our bodies.

Rabe also is new to the computer world, particularly online, so this whole communicating without seeing someone is new - we all know how hard it can be to sound as we intend without having tone, body language, etc. Golly, I've made people made many times without intending it and have had to learn how to re read my posts multiple times to see if someone else will see something in it that I never meant.

Let's give Rabe the opportunity to learn as I'm sure we'd like the same if we were in the same position.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

This shows some of what is involved in being a moderator. Well done Ann and Rabe.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by cmoore1958 »

Thank you so much for getting the intent straight for us "readers".

Rabe, while reading your post I did feel a certain concern for others with rls and the desire to help all of us with different choices for our rls therapy. For that, thank you. I hope you continue to post your thoughts through your own posts. We all learn from each other. While we do have a habit of saying " what works or one does not work for all", I would like to amend that by saying "what works for one may work for others too.

Thanks again and welcome to the board!

Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

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