
Share how living with this disease can and does impact your relationships. How do you cope? What questions to you have?
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Just thought I'd share a really nice gesture with you.

I needed new specs. Cos I get varifocals for reading and distance the prescription can be a bit expensive, and cos I now wear them practically all the time I decided to get the top of the range lens, and also the anti-glare, and also the reactolite lens (or whatever !!) the type that become sunglasses sort of. I had been fed up wearing reading glasses with sunglasses on top when reading out in the back garden. Also when shopping on a good day, sunglasses on/off, reading glasses on to read labels etc. etc. I also went for really funky frames (but not too young !!) and to hang with all of the expense.

When I went to pick them up this morning, they were fitted and checked. I got out my wallet to pay, and the optician says, the nice thing is these are all paid for !!!! Hubby had gone down last Friday and paid for them. So there he is sitting with me in the optician's, all smiles, and really pleased with himself, and the little secret he and the optician had been sharing.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by ViewsAskew »

What a's nice to be daring and then be rewarded, isn't it?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Rubyslipper »

It's those little thoughtful surprises that make life enjoyable. No matter who they come from (although when it's your significant other, it's even better!)

Years ago when Amber was so sick, we were having lunch with a friend. Amber looked like a concentration camp refugee because of the radiation. But she, her two sisters, myself and my friend were having fun, laughing and acting silly. When I went to pay the bill, the manager came out and said that the man sitting behind us had already paid it and left. I have no idea who he was but I will never forget that gesture of thoughtfulness. Whoever he was, he's a hero in my book.
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Post by becat »

It's just awesome to have the chance to do things like that for someone.

Yeah for you Hubby, PB and Ruby, angels are everywhere!


Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Ruby that is a lovely memory.

How about we hear about unexpected gestures, or any sort, that touched us!!

Let's reinforce our faith in human nature. :)
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Sounds like a great thread - reinforcing the faith in people. I imagine we'd hear some amazing stories....
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Rubyslipper »

An excellent idea! Too much is see and heard about the bad things people do. Let's tell those stories. I can come up with a couple more myself!
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by ViewsAskew »

A few months ago, my DH was in downtown Chicago, by some of the county and State offices. As he left a building, a couple stopped him and asked him for bus fare.

In the city of Chicago, if you leave your home, you will get asked for money: bus fare, food, etc. We have long adopted the philosophy that we will donate money to organizations who help those in need, rather than dispensing money to those who ask for it. It's not a perfect system, but I feel that my money is more likely going to help people in need in this way.

I should also preface the next part by saying that hubby is a fiscal republican (though a social democrat) who does NOT give people money.

Something about the people made him stop and ask more questions. They said they were being evicted and had 4 kids and that they were trying to get help from the County, but that it took them over an hour to get here on the bus system and then they waited in line for hours and the line closed before they were waited on. They were tired, felt hopeless, and now needed to get home.

DH asked them if they were hungry and offered to feed them. He went with them to the nearest restaurant - a Wendy's I think - and told them they could buy whatever they wanted. They asked if they could instead buy food for their kids. DH told them he'd buy both.

A paltry $18 later, the couple was seated at a table, eating as if they hadn't eaten in days...which they may not have. They kept thanking DH; they packed up the rest of the food after they had eaten and DH went with them to the bus stop and swiped his transit card so they could get home.

I always knew I loved him, but in that moment I respected him a great deal and in a way I hadn't before. He didn't spend much, but I just kept thinking about how different our world would be if those of us with the means just did something like this once a week, or even once a month. I also thought about how this wasn't something that he would normally do. And that if each of us stepped out of our complacency once in awhile, what a burden we we remove from those of us who live outside of their complacency all of the time.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

That's cool..

I've been lamenting the fact I need glasses and have to get them soon... Cause naturally I can't afford them, and I despise my brother who goes out and gets a $400 pair with his super like designer frame, etc.

I missed 2 letters in the left eye on my vision test at the DMV (I could have sworn I mentioned this already) but the scary thing is, they were letters I SWORE were correct, and did not look back seeing how I could have misintepreted them..

I also made it a point not to take my methadone that morning either, as my meds have historically screwed with my vision and made things blurry... gah.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Ann, that story just warms the heart.

Zach, here in UK if you are on a low income there are free glasses.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Awww, that's cool.

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