Hello from Canada

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Hello from Canada

Post by gbeamish »

Hi folks, I'm 60 and pretty new to RLS, have been having the Creepy Crawlies for about a year now, but after reading some of your posts I don't believe I have it as bad as some of you.
Basically it's annoying when watching TV at night where I constantly fidgit with my legs driving my wife crazy and when going to bed and sometimes when I'm working at my computer at work, but I'm able to get to sleep only waking once in awhile with it.
I also have leg & foot cramp problems I am trying to deal with. Doctor has me taking Calcium, Potasium & Magnesium supplements and this really helps the cramping, although I usually wake up once a night with a foot cramp.
I think my main problem there is dehyration. I sweat a lot when I do manual work and also take a Hydrazide for blood pressure which helps eliminate water from the body as well as depletes Potasium. Is also worse if I drink alcohol which also dyhydrates you, so I drink lots of water.
My RLS also seems worse if I'm dehyrated.
This week I went off the Hydrazide to see if this helps and will see my Cardiologist next month to see how my Blood Pressure is.
I don't know if RLS and leg & foot cramping are related, but they are both a concern for me right now.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hello gbeamish,

Sorry to have to welcome you - not that I don't want you here....I just wish none of us had to be here.

One of the best things to do is to read old posts, particularly the "sticky" ones that are at the top of each section.

If you have any specific questions, just ask. We will try to support you however you need.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Welcome to the forum. I hope your rls symptoms don't get any worse, its great that they don't interfere with getting to sleep.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Welcome to the forum. RLS and leg/foot cramps are not related, but both conditions seem to be common enough that many people have both. In addition to the minerals, you could try drinking a bit of tonic water for the cramps. There used to be quinine tablets on the market for cramps, but they were pulled from the market because of side effects. But tonic water has quinine and often helps. Some doctors also recommend quinine for RLS, but it really doesn't help that.

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Post by Sojourner »

g, just another welcome. best wishes, m.
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Post by Cinnamon193 »

Hi gbeamish,
Welcome from another fellow Canucker (Alberta). I'm new here too, but everyone has been immensely helpful and patient with all my newbie questions. This place has saved my sanity on more than one occasion already.
I hope that you'll get the answers you need to beat the evil rls beast :)

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