A complete cure that makes sense . . .

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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A complete cure that makes sense . . .

Post by notnowdad »

Some months ago I reported almost complete alleviation of my RLS symptoms by eating four ounces of raw broccoli for breakfast with oil and vinegar dressing. In order to achieve the desired result, in addition to eating the broccoli, I had to consume at least one glass of red wine every 24 hours and not consume any protein (eggs, beans, etc.) at the meal with the broccoli. Over a period of 10 months the relief from RLS symptoms was close to 100%. Although I was much improved, I never felt “cured”. There was a strong sense that the RLS was still present, it was just masked. If I varied from my regimen, it came back immediately.

During this period I was experiencing very low energy, which had been an issue for me for a number of years. This seemed to be related to a low grade anemia. My red blood cell count was consistently below the preferred range, although my body’s underlying iron levels were fine. Because eating red meat seemed to raise my energy level temporarily, anemia seemed to be related to the problem.

I came across a used book, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s “Eat Right 4 Your Type”, on eating according to your blood type. Everything in the book sounded logical to me. I rushed to the pharmacy for a blood type kit. Upon learning I was a type A, I started following the recommended diet immediately. Within two days the return of my energy was nothing short of miraculous. After three days I felt very well and decided to try changing my broccoli breakfast to a more conventional (and more appetizing) meal. It has now been approximately four months since I stopped eating the broccoli and I have been completely free of RLS during this time. Because I have been dealing with severe RLS for many years, this also is miraculous.

I soon discovered Dr. D’Adamo had published a second book, “Live Right 4 Your Type”. In this book he introduces the two primary groups within each blood type, the “secretors” and the “non-secretors”. I ordered a test kit for submission of my saliva sample and discovered I am a “Type A non-secretor”. Upon learning this I was able to reintroduce some foods to my diet which had previously been on the “avoid” list for Type A’s.

Although my energy level was greatly increased, I made an effort to avoid any other major changes to my lifestyle for several months. In particular I didn’t add any exercise program, because I wanted to see if the diet alone would make a significant difference in my overall health as indicated by my “blood test numbers”. I also continued my long established habit of drinking three or four glasses of wine most evenings.

I happened to have had a complete blood work up shortly before beginning my new diet. I have just received new results from blood taken last week with improvement in every category. My fasting glucose level fell from 108 to 99, no longer classified as “pre-diabetic”. My total cholesterol level has dropped 6 points and my HDL “good” cholesterol has risen 1 point. My triglyceride level fell 6 points. My red blood count, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are higher than they have been any time during the past 10 years. The HGB and HCT are within the acceptable range and the RCB is almost there. My lymphocytes rose substantially and are now back to acceptable levels. This improvement happened in spite of taking almost all red meat out of my diet.

It is my hope that this information may help others who are struggling with RLS. Having read many of the posts on the rls.org website I noticed that many people have reported improvements associated with changes in their diets. Perhaps this new perspective could help to explain why different approaches have helped different people at different times.

The guidelines are surprisingly complicated, but the results may be worth it. Dr. D’Adamo’s books are the only source I know of for this information. I typed all of the foods into a spreadsheet and sorted them alphabetically so I could have a simplified, customized list telling me which foods to eat and which to avoid. I have not been completely faithful to the design of the diet. I have not been following the recommended limits on number of portions per week. For example, the diet suggests not more than 3 or 4 servings of chicken and eggs per week. I have been eating one egg and at least one serving of chicken almost every day.

A recent poster on this website experienced an improvement with his RLS after reducing his intake of high carbohydrate foods. Because of my type being Type A non-secretor, I have eliminated traditional wheat and corn products, as well as, potatoes. I say “traditional” wheat and corn because I have learned to consume only wheat and corn products made with sprouted grains. Bread made from sprouted grains (often referred to as “Ezekiel bread”) has greater food value that conventional bread and the sprouting process renders the lectins of the grains harmless to all blood types. I find bread made from 100% sprouted grains in the freezer section of my local grocery. I have also been happy to find tortillas made from sprouted corn. I have also been eating rice once or twice on most days, so I wouldn’t consider myself on a “low carb” diet.

I wish you all health and great success in your struggles with restless leg syndrome.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thank you notnowdad for your very informative post.

Your 'programme' must have taken a lot of organisation and effort and it certainly appears to have made a considerable postive impact.

How wonderful that your energy levels and bloods are so good, together with relief of your rls symptoms.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Post by ritomko »


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Post by notnowdad »

Knowing what I know now, I would skip the broccoli and just use the Blood Type Diet as described in Peter D'Adamo's "Live Right For Your Type". I believe this diet cured me in three days.

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