Snow Snow and more Snow !!!!.....what's it like with you?

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Snow Snow and more Snow !!!!.....what's it like with you?

Post by moonlight »

Hey we've got loads of snow here in's -9 at night and -4 during the day. This is early for us, i'm wondering if it's going to be like last year?

What's it like with everyone else

hugs moonlight :D
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Yes, we got snow here in N.Ireland also but not like you have in Scotland, even tho you are probably only about 30 miles away. Pretty early for us. Zero during the day and -4 tonight but this is unusually early.

If I recall correctly I think we in the UK had snow over Christmas last year. Its all very pretty but I am so terrified of falling ....... taking baby steps.... very carefully. :)
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Post by Betty/WV »

Here in West Virginia, USA, we had a few flakes today. It didn't stick. But is very cold and windy. I know what you mean about falling, I had a knee replacement and my other knee is bad and I have such a fear of falling. Right now, I'm having such an episode of RLS. I don't know what happened. I just took my pramipexole maybe it will stop it. I hope so.

Be careful and don't take chances with falling. Do like I'm going to do this winter, stay in when it is bad out.

Take care.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

It was very mild here until about 5 days ago when it turned quite cold. We measure in Fahrenheit and it got down to 17 last night. A warm trend started today, though, and it's supposed to get to 48 on Monday.

No snow...
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Post by moonlight »

It's certainly not mild here

woke up today and were still in a blizzard!!!!! nothing moving on the roads...I don't think I can remember snow like this so early before.

Yeah Polar bear...last year we had snow and freezing conditions for five weeks ....I got some lovely photos tho

I think i might go for a walk in the snow

My black cat went out and came in very quickly as a back and white cat :lol:

take care everyone

moonlight xx
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

As a rough guide I think 32F = 0 celsius
17F = -18 celsius brr..... was it that cold in Chicago?
48F = +8 celsius.
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Post by badnights »

:lol: I had -30 C (-22F) the day before I left for my sleep study, with a wind chill comparable to -40, but it warmed up and is now a balmy -21 C (-6F). Every winter we have at least one stretch of temperature below -40 (that's the same in C and F), and a few stints of below -35C (-31F). For me, -35C is the cut-off point between cold and bitterly cold; anything below -35C is bitterly cold.

Not much snow, tho. It's technically semi-arid country here :)

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

We've had a couple good snowstorms already this fall, and the ground is mostly covered with snow. But today is above freezing, and it's melting. I did see someone out cross country skiing on a golf course the other day, but there isn't quite enough snow for me to get the skis out.

It's been cold here, but compared to where Beth lives, it's balmy. What's weird is that 3 weeks ago, it was in the 70s. Then things changed and it's been mostly below freezing. We just never get time to adjust to anything around here.

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Post by Andreadrea »

No snow here in San Francisco. It is extremely rare to get snow here. It is cold here though, in the 30s and 40s.

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Post by moonlight »

Ok I am sick of the snow we now have at least two feet of the ruddy stuff.

now we have water running down our living room wall because the gutters are full of ice, the roof has way too much snow and there are enormous icicles hanging off the gutters and theres water in the fascia boards and soffits and yes..its it's coming in to the house.

tonight I am up doing a night shift have got towels rolled up on the wall and having to change them every half hour to try to keep the wall paper dry and on the walls and the water out of the electric socket!!

thers a man coming out tomoz to help

they say theres mild weather for next few of days ....but then more blizzards and low low temps forecast again was -17 yesterday but at the moment its around -5

so heres hoping


moonlight x
sleep is not only a dream

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