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Post by memy88 »

Hi folks,

I've been doing pretty good with the legs since I last posted. I think the iron supplements have been helping. However, the last couple nights have been bad again, and I was wondering if you notice a connection between caffeine consumption and rls? I'm trying to finish my dissertation and have been drinking more coffee than usual (though nothing after 4pm). I was just curious if maybe its the caffeine or the stress (or both)... Thanks!

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Post by badnights »

It could very well be the caffeine or the stress or both. Caffeine has a half-life of 5-7 hours. If you drink enough, it could still be hanging around at bedtime even if you stopped at 4 PM.

It could also just be the EkD/RLS getting worse, but don't assume that just yet. These fluctuating symptoms from week to week and day to day are the rule.

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Post by Laurachrissy »

Bethf is right...I just found this link if you wanna read on it. ... feine4.htm

I have switched to decaf and I think I am a little better.
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Post by Polar Bear »

I only keep decaf coffee in my home. I don't even mention to guests that it is decaf.
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Post by Andreadrea »

As long as I don't drink caffeine in the evening, it doesn't seem to effect my EKD symptoms or cause insomnia. In fact, today I drank less caffeine than usual, and now my EKD is flaring up like crazy, worse than the past few months!

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Post by badnights »

I also can get away with drinking a cup or two in the morning as long as I don't do it every day. Or so it seems. Maybe it's all just random RLS variations!

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Post by Arnie »

I stopped drinking caffeine, stopped eating process sugar (no more soda, tea and fruit juice) and starchy carbs like bread and potatoes. ect. because my blood test showed I'm borderline diabetic and have high glucose and i have insomnia! after forty years my RLS is gone! and I'm sleeping at night! It's only been a couple of months and it's too good to be true! i think the biggest thing is the coffee! and the other day i cheated, i had a wicked craving for chocolate and went out and bought a kit kat bar! well, my rls kicked in just a little bit! then i realized that the chocolate has caffeine in it! also, I'm fine with decaf! I'm off all meds (been on neurontin, lyrica, requip) through the years and conclude that they make your life worse! your dealing with rls and the meds! rls is bad enough but the meds make it double trouble! also diet sugar (aspartame and nutrasweet) is worse then real sugar! and it causes you to crave more sugar and carbs!

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Post by badnights »

A Kit Kat bar has very little actual chocolate in it (sadly) ... maybe it was all the sugar in the bar. I haven't noticed any correlation with sugar intake at all, for myself. I can binge on sweet stuff and my WED (RLS) is no worse (or better).

WED/RLS seems to have a number of causes. I have heard of people with WED finding out they had celiac disease, eliminating glutens to deal with the celiac, and realizing their WED was gone as well. Others with WED have eliminated glutens but noticed no change in their symptoms.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Post by badnights »

The diabetes connection is interesing. I have 3 siblings, all of whom have Type 1 diabetes - I'm the only one who escaped. Two also have mild WED/RLS, and my sister had it during her three pregnancies.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Post by Arnie »

before i changed my diet (eliminating processed sugar, sodas,deserts, starchy carbs and wheat, caffeine, ect. ) i went on a planned 10 day fast! i lasted 6 days!! thats when i realized in my case, that my rls was connected to what i put in my body! or what i ate or consumed! my rls stopped! and after the fast i did a detox useing fiber and a variety of herbs to eliminate toxic metals like lead, mercury and aluminium from my body! i still get little twitches in my legs once in a while but not bad enough that i have the urge to move my legs for relief!

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Post by Arnie »

i think just cutting back on coffee or sugar or other types of foods is not a good indication of how it effects your rls! because it's still in your body and it doesn't matter if you consume only a tiny amount or your daily portion, its still in your body! and who knows for how long! a day? a week? sometimes food and substances can be in your body for days in one form or another! a total elimination for a certain period of time is a true test on how your rls is or isn't!

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Post by Scarlett46 »

I do drink coffee regularly, and I don't notice much difference with or without it.

However... excessive amounts of caffiene such as energy drinks (monster, rock star, etc.) or those 5 hour energy shots kick my legs into super high gear to the point of not just wiggly, but so achy I can hardly bear it.
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Post by Arnie »

Scarlett, try eliminateing caffeine, includeing chocolate, completely from your body for one week! see what happens!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Arnie wrote:Scarlett, try eliminateing caffeine, includeing chocolate, completely from your body for one week! see what happens!

I can speak as one who's completely eliminated just about everything - sugar, gluten, salt, caffeine, soy, corn, etc for long periods of time - and none of it has ever affected my WED/RLS. With it or without it, no change. I've lost weight and solved other gastric issues, though, which was helpful :-).
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Arnie »

Sorry to hear that Ann! It worked for me! Don't give up!

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