blood clotts

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

Great idea all thanks

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

I don't want you to think that I have abandoned you. I just wish you could go to the doctor more. We always worked under a doctor and wound specialist. She was the one who told the doctor what was best. She was really good. I learned from her. I'd like to say that it will be alright, but it could go either way. If they use that kind of antibiotic oint on small cuts, it won't hurt to use it around the edges. I wouldn't put it inside without the doctor saying it was ok.
I wish there was more that I could do.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

You and I are of the same train of thought about the ointment. No I don't think you are abandoning me if you don't post about it--just glad you have taken the time to help as much as you have---only do what is comfortable for you. I'm a curious person by nature so I will keep asking questions (no pressure intended) until it's finished or the other person is not interested in talking about it anymore. I'm confident it will be just fine--confident in my abilities to make good choices about it given past experiences and present information. As you've probably noticed--I'm pro-active which means I'll do something before it is too late. So if you wish to keep up to date and discuss it--great, if not no problem. We'll just talk about something else when there's a mutual intrest. :mrgreen:
In any case thanks so much for what you have done!

P.S. I've got a wound story for you, just don't want to put it on here--too gory so I'll send it in a message to you or anyone else if you are interested.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

Cool I have many stories. lol

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

Mattress update I threatened the lawyer--they promptly picked it up a day later--but had to take everything back--not just the offending mattress--(I don't care if they feel better having made their point--I have no idea what it is, but whatever), now they are supposed to be sending a check out--won't lt me pick it going to be a long few nights. I get headaches if I fall asleep in the chair here (lazyboy type)--I'm too short for the chair so the puffy part pushes my head frward and neck back--anyone have resolved this for themselves? The headaches get worse each night and don't go away during the day. Just compound day after day. Thanks folks :shock:

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

Have you tried a pillow under your head ? I use what I would call a neck pillow, sort of horse shoe shaped. I put a pillow under my legs too, so my heels don't dig into the chair.
How is your leg/wound ?

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

My leg is bleeding still, thus the reason i'm posting now--had to change dressings and pants. Ugh.. Last night it swelled up a bit and when i looked at it, it sprayed out over 10ft nd hit the wall over my shoulder--funny/gross--depending on point of view. I just don't know what to think--sometimes it looks better--then sometimes I'm worried about it. my lower leg bruises lower every day--lower on the ankle and today its bruised and sore on the opposite side of my leg. Weird eh? Nothing major just disconcerting.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by ViewsAskew »

You have a LOT more patience with this than I would. I know it's not easy to get to the doctor's but I think I'd be camped out until they told me all was going to be OK.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

Around here it doesn't matter if you camp out-people die waiting for help--just the way it is. The lady we spent alot of time talking to in the hospital, had had surgery, got a blood clot (very dangerous and painful) was brought by ambulance the night I went in--yet she had to sit in the waiting room with the rest of us and even though she could have stroked out any second she was left without being checked on. She had no other person with her and they did not even take her vitals. The next day almost 24 hrs later I was leaving and she had not been seen yet. The same thing happened with a young man came in in front of me with chemical burns in his eyes--red painful--he sat on the floor for 5 hrs and finally left himself---it was a work accident--not even a washout was done. A 90 year old man came in with his wife--his retna separating and he left just after me having been given pain meds to pu from the local all night pharmacy (they gave him nothing at the hospital) and was told to come back another day. This is the norm here now. I only got done as fast and thouroughly because I know the system and pushed for a fix. Can you imagine waiting over 10 hrs for those types of responses--(because of the larger number of people those days the wait was over 20 hrs for most, it's apauling!) :shock:
Last edited by rthom on Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

Well, with a separating retna, you go blind if it detaches and if it's not taken care of, and pain meds isn't what I mean. I had no idea. I guess the US is headed in that direction.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by ViewsAskew »

That is just terrifying, rthom.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

How is your leg ?


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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

It's aweful right now

Posts: 2392
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Re: blood clotts

Post by debbluebird »

I wish I could see it. I also wish there was something I could do to help. DEB

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Re: blood clotts

Post by rthom »

Yesterday I tried to get an apointment without any luck because when I got up there was a black ring around the wound, this was a result of exema around the site--brought on by the bandaging and polysporin. Then it was really itchy, wet and about 1" around the wound but I knew it was going to spread--there were some water blisters forming out, so today it's well over 2" out and infected wet etc. The problem is the fix is ointment for the exema that burns off the top layer of skin along with antihistamines for the itch. This is not good for the WED and the burning type cream of course acan't be on the wound---the rash is on the edges of the wound too (have no idea if it's inside). So If i don't cover the wound it dries on top, inflames with fluid--yellow now--and the exema flares from the heat caused by the inflamation, but this takes several hours--6 aprox. If i follow the dr's orders then it flares up the itch and skin turns beet red within minutes--about 20min later I can't take it anymore (lasted 1 1/2 hr the first time) and have to remove it all--but this enlarges the area of infection quickly on the skin, however i'm less likely to have it infest in the wound because it's kept open do it can drain. I'm so lost and feel sick to my stomach from the ithing--it's worse again now than it was this am. I guess I'm going to have to open the wound agian and release some of the pressure. It helps some but I hate taking that chance--(of causing infection), it's been what i"ve had to do since we last spoke. It doesn't look nice at all but I know the skin is infected not the wound. :?

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