I'm back! ..... and scared

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

Yeah that's around what I was paying.. It's a racket.. Granted its a dedicated facility and they deal with liquid preparations, and support staff and all that. But I don't get how someone is supposed to be able to afford that.

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by ViewsAskew »

Neco wrote:Yeah that's around what I was paying.. It's a racket.. Granted its a dedicated facility and they deal with liquid preparations, and support staff and all that. But I don't get how someone is supposed to be able to afford that.

Most people who I know who'd need it couldn't pay for it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

Well I guess it doesn't matter, because I just found out I don't meet their criteria for treatment! :lol:

I love how I just keep getting screwed in life.

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by ViewsAskew »

Just wonderful. Maybe that forces your doctor to work with you after all? (of course, that doesn't help with the time and money you've wasted, but just maybe this could work out in the end)
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

Doctor booked all this week. Not gonna make my refill date so just left a message asking to be switched to requip. They just called me and the doctor wanted to know what dose I had tried the last time, and how often, which seems stupid because you are supposed to titrate the dose upwards.. But she is apparently going to send a script in to the pharmacy and and script for Lorazepam to help withdrawal from the Morphine.. Although I have doubts the Lorazepam will do much, but I guess we'll find out.. I was hoping for at least some Xanax, but knowing her she saw a bit fat warning or some other BS that wouldn't mean much except drowsiness or something..

Its supposed to be generic now, but after my experience with Morphine I am scared its gonna cost a ton of money too...
It's the only thing I have left.. Back when I tried it, it did seem like it was helping, I just hope it does.. I'm getting I owe $1100 to this damn network for all my visits now. Still have almost $200 left from on of my referalls visits in another network too.. I just hope to hell it works and the side effects are not as bad as I remembered.. I have to be able to continue working..


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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by ViewsAskew »

So much wrong with this....

The ultimately sad thing is that you could have flown to CA and seen DR for less than that :-(.

You likely didn't see my post about the iron infusion. I paid $600 in CA for it, plus the flight there - so about $1000. With my insurance, here in Chicago, it's going to cost me almost $2000. Crazy.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

That sucks for you. Yes it is all so very very wrong.. Although the money wasn't all at once, I still would have had a rough time finding a way to get out to see Dr. B But I may see if I can save up for it in the future if it becomes necesarry. Although even if things went great and he put me back on Methadone - how long would that last? I would be in the same boat again if he retired, or passed away, etc..

The Requip cost me $26 and some change for #60 tablets. I'm supposed to break it in half and take half twice a day for a week. Then up to 1mg twice a day if I need it. I'm hoping I can keep the dose low.

The Lorazepam was only $15 for #45 tablets. 1 - 2 every 4 -6 hours as needed for "agitation".. At least it didn't rape my wallet this time.. :roll:

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

Well the first night was not so bad, it would seem.

I don't remember what time I went to bed exactly but I think it was around 10pm or so. I know I have gotten between 7 - 8 hours of sleep. I ate a peanut butter sandwich and then took 0.5mg of Requip, and 0.5mg of Lorazepam. It seemed like it had a calming effect on my symptoms, but I still ended up taking one of my 30mg Morphine extended release caplets.

Aside from some stupid train that came through town and woke me up several times with its horn, I slept through the night. Don't know why she fussed over Requip + Opiates because I didn't experience anything negative yet.

I suppose the real test will be how I feel over the course of today, after I take my morning dose and how well I sleep after my evening dose.

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hope to hear more of the same. And glad the price wasn't awful.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

....It's.....not....working. I even tried several milligrams

ARGH :oops:

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Polar Bear »

So sorry that you are going through this........
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by ViewsAskew »

I wonder - withdrawal from opioids can create WED-like sensations. But ropinerole (or any similar drug) wouldn't help that. Is it possible that the sensations are not related to WED? I ask because I tried a few drugs when I stopped methadone and they didn't work. It didn't occur to me until much later that it could be that what I was feeling wasn't WED. not sure how you tell the difference.

But, that aside, you must be in a tough place. I get mad all over again each time I think about your situation.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

I've thought about it too. But I have gone through periods in the past where I have had no medication, specifically to test this possibility.

I always like to point back to my reaction to Sinemet - if you don't have RLS it should not have the risk of drastically increasing your symptoms.
Likewise, I think the Requip has done the same thing. I tried to make it work, tried so hard. No amount I took, several times a day would keep the symptoms at bay. They always came back and sometimes felt worse. The Lorazepam did nothing. I went to the E.R on Saturday but of course they won't give pain killers for "chronic issues". I got a clonidine patch, and interestingly enough the nurse dealing with me asked why my doctor had stopped my methadone. I told her I had no real answer, other than she is scared or whatever..

So I had to follow up with a doctors visits after being in the E.R. Told her the Requip just isn't working. It's over. It's alll **** over. Goes back and forth several times between saying I am addicted because I always ask for opiates, and acknowledging I know more about my condition than she does. How no answer for my question of "well how do you expect to learn anything if you don't work with me". Apparently GP's just want easy sh** they can charge an arm and a leg for.

Of course she denied the accusation that's shes ruined my line with all this crap, saying I'm the one who should be finding another doctor, etc etc. And I just fire back she's the one who sends me to these specialists that were useless, one of which told me to LIE to try and get into a Methadone Clinic.... Tell that to my $1100 debt to you and god knows what for the E.R visit. *****. She even had the nerve to question why she never observes RLS symptoms during out visits.. I dunno maybe because your such a difficult **** to deal with it actually takes all my energy to deal with you than worry about my RLS? Or maybe I'm *gasp* suitably medicated during our check-ins ?? :roll:

I've spent the last 2 days heavily sedated, I haven't worked since thursday and won't be back to work until I can sort this mess out. All I got out of today was #40 Oxycodone that I hope last me long enough to find a doctor... My dad is going to call his doctor in Madison to see if he'll take me in.. Supposedly he was listed on a list of RLS specialists too, but I have my doubts about what that means or what it will cost me..

I hate my life now. I hate this country. I don't care if it burns to the ground, maybe I'll help. I came very close to a serious suicide attempt this weekend :cry:

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by ViewsAskew »

I am too bleary to type and asnwer right now. Just wanted to say I can tell how much it sux. Do look at the Madison doctor that was mentioned somewhere....

Oh - and I wasn't saying you don't have WED at all - just that the Ropinerole might not cover withdrawal at the same time as symptoms.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: I'm back! ..... and scared

Post by Neco »

Yes, thats supposedly what the Lorazepam was supposed to do.

Although according to this dumbass Morphine withdrawal symptoms should clear up after 48hrs. Clearly someone who has never been through a serious withdrawal :roll:

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