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Post by bglozerca »

I have had RLS for 50 years, only treated in last year or so. Have been taking Iron for about a year which stopped symptoms for quite a while. Sinemet worked for a few months but then I had augmentation. Started seeing Kaiser neurologist who prescribed Requip last week. I took lowest dose in pm for two days. Then RLS started at nap in afternoon. Took one pill then and not in pm. Same next day. but RLS started at bedtime so I took another one, NO HELP. Does Requip need to build up to be effective?
The Dr told me to take 1, 2, or 3 a day. Should I just take 3 a day now?
Thank you

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, I don't like stories like that. My doctor did that to me - I didn't have a clue! We need more info, bg. How many mg are your tabs? .25? Did he tell you to take them together or apart? They don't last long like Mirapex, so I would take maybe 2 an hour before symptms normally start and then take the third a you go to sleep. If that doesn't work, you need more or it doesn't work :shock: .

Have you ever had RLS as nap time before? If not, note that and make sure you tell the doctor. And watch for any other RLS episodes at times they don't usually occur. Oh, another thought, I think Requip is much shorter acting the Mirapex, so it only works for 4 hours or so and you have to take it again. Anyone who takes it please tell me if I'm right about this. If you took in the afternoon, you could easily have to take again at night, and even again in middle of the night. I THINK. Just not sure.

I've not hear anything about it taking awhile to become effective, but you do have to titrate slowly. You can only add so much as a time. It might them take a couple or three weeks to get to your correct dose. Make any sense? My meds just kicked in and I'm losing the battle with my fingers typing what my brain says :oops: .

OK, time to stop. Brain not working well.


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New to Requip

Post by upallnite »

I hope I'm not butting in. But I started taking requip in the middle of May. The way the doctor explained it to me was since I was already on Mirapex then my dosage could be greater than what they normally start a new person on requip. From what I read you can get a starter pack that starts you at .25mg for I think 3 days then increases from there. There is a good article on It tells all about it, the good and bad. I started taking 1mg in morning 1mg at noon and 4 mg at night. It worked fine except for one small problem. I was sick to my stomach all night long, so I still didn't get sleep. We have adjusted it down to 1mg in morning, 1mg at noon and 2mg at night but still sick. Today my doctor wants me to start taking .5mg morning, .5mg noon and 1mg at night. I hope I quit getting sick and my legs stop. I hope this helps. If I can tell you anymore I will gladly share.

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Post by whiskypie »

Okay..i forgot to log on the first time i wrote this :(

Now you get the short version..I just started taking Requip last thursday. I've had NO SYMPTOMS since. I've slept the best that I have in the past 10 years..I sat through a movie until the end!!

I'm on the lowest dosage which i take around 6-7 pm about an hour before the symptoms usually start.

I know this probably won't last forever, but i'll take what i can get. I'm so happy I stumbled upon it (and angry my m.d. never suggested it before!)

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Post by TxSongBird »

I am on Requip .50 mg for four more days then move up to 1 mg. That hopefully will the highest dosage I have to take. It has helped a lot at night. I suffer from Fibromyalgia also so I am in pain most of the time. I go back to the Dr. in two weeks for follow up.


sleepless in ala
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New to Requip Too

Post by sleepless in ala »

I also am new to requip, I started with the starter pack that goes to 1 mg. on 28 Jul. I had been taking .5 mg mirapex. I take sinimet every 8 hours during the day. I like the relaxed feeling I get after I take the requip, but I have noticed my legs are now getting jumpy during the day,when they were not before. Before taking the requip, I would have severe pain whenever I would get still for very long, now the jumpiness has started in addition to the pain. I don't know if I need to give the requip more time, or go ahead and call the Dr. I also take 2 ea .25mg topamax, 1 ea .5 klonipen, and 1 ea 3 mg. lunesta. Seems like I would be completely numb with all these meds.

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New to Requip Too

Post by sleepless in ala »

I also am new to requip, I started with the starter pack that goes to 1 mg. on 28 Jul. I had been taking .5 mg mirapex. I take sinimet every 8 hours during the day. I like the relaxed feeling I get after I take the requip, but I have noticed my legs are now getting jumpy during the day,when they were not before. Before taking the requip, I would have severe pain whenever I would get still for very long, now the jumpiness has started in addition to the pain. I don't know if I need to give the requip more time, or go ahead and call the Dr. I also take 2 ea .25mg topamax, 1 ea .5 klonipen, and 1 ea 3 mg. lunesta. Seems like I would be completely numb with all these meds.

sleepless in ala
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New to Requip Too

Post by sleepless in ala »

I also am new to requip, I started with the starter pack that goes to 1 mg. on 28 Jul. I had been taking .5 mg mirapex. I take sinimet every 8 hours during the day. I like the relaxed feeling I get after I take the requip, but I have noticed my legs are now getting jumpy during the day,when they were not before. Before taking the requip, I would have severe pain whenever I would get still for very long, now the jumpiness has started in addition to the pain. I don't know if I need to give the requip more time, or go ahead and call the Dr. I also take 2 ea .25mg topamax, 1 ea .5 klonipen, and 1 ea 3 mg. lunesta. Seems like I would be completely numb with all these meds.

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Post by TxSongBird »

I called the Dr. and he reduced my dosage to .50mg once a day three hours before bedtime. I can't take the 1 mg it made be so sick to my stomach that I also didn't get any sleep last night. I felt like I had morning sickness and that was 18 years ago and it was not a pleasant feeling and don't ever want to feel that way again. So the maxium dosage for me is .50 mg.


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Post by ksxroads »

I took the requip. Honestly lack of sleep in my mind I was terrified of having some horrid reaction ... Took .25 mg at 6pm... the only thing it did was raise my heart rate to 125. Did dishes, and a few things, took shower.

Did try to go bed, but didn't feel sleepy or comfortable, so back out to couch to watch movie and either go to sleep or wait to see what happened at crunch time.

After a time I realized, God love us all, no pain, a slight twitch here and there but that was all! The twitches and pain returned about 3am waking me, but it was low scale and only lasted about an hour. My blood pressure and heart rate were still high at 5am. At 8am it was almost normal. I did experience some heartburn mid morning.

Tonight I will take the requip around 8:30, as my symptoms usually started between 9:30 and 10:30... that way I will probably make it through the night. I won't mind waking up at 5am!

I'm with you wiskeypie... that nights sleep was wonderful. I hope it continues.

Donna, I'm with you no morning sickness feelings wanted here!

If the .25 dose works, is there a logical reason to increase the doseage to .5 or 1? Of course my pattern has been seven days then a night not too bad... so it could be a fluke.

Also another question, the Neurologists listed on this website, are they credited or how do we know if they are reliable? One of my co workers went to the neurologist I am going to see and she was not happy with him. So 1 good result with him 1 unfavorable comment. I thought maybe it would be better to see someone who works on a regular basis with RLS. Second guessing again.

okay just grab onto that paddle let me in the canoe...slow down.... just float with the current...


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hazel - it's working! Excellent. As I posted someplace else recently, 80% of people have good luck with Mirapex or Requip, which is a great rate.

Let's see. . .oh, yeah, about the dosage. Just my opinion, now, but if it works, why take more???? Have to talk to your doc, but only you know your body! Only you know what feels right. He/she is like a ship's navigator, but you are steer it.

The list. Well, it is not vetted in any way at all. These doctors are just doctors who say they have an interest in it, but the Foundation has no way of knowing how many cases they've treated, if they've ever treated a difficult case, etc. The very first doctor I went to that (in my opinion) screwed up my life is in there. But two other neuros I've been to said they probably would have done the same thing. So, the short of it? If you use them, call them first. Talk with their nurses. Find out about them and how many cases they've treated, if they will consider pain meds if you needs them, how you can contact them if you have an emergency, etc.


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Post by ksxroads »

Well I will have to look for that Tx song bird and see how she is doing. The reprieve was temporary. Took .25 saturday night, had creepy crawlies... so sunday night took .50 and was up and down all night... not that I had creepie crawlies, my head felt like it was going to explode and my heart would wake me racing.

Miserable monday, I called in sick, had creepy crawlies off and on all day, brain foggy and felt very weak. Called the dr office at 9am when she didn't return my call till 4pm her nurse called and said to cut the .50 pill in half. Last night I did that and leg spasms returned with full vengence.

What the heck is going on with me! SO the only thing I could think of was to call my ex who has a script for Vicodin, asked if he would bring me one, he did 500mg is that it 5 whatever, took half of it and within an hour was able to sleep.

I have two GP's lined up to interview... one is my old gynocologist (on the 22nd) and the other is a new doctor here in town... I had called him some time back and they said they reviewed new patients before accepting, so I had to send in my info - well they accepted me probably because I had insurance, but I never went in to switch to doctors... now I am going in to interview him! Taking the paper work in today. Then there is the neurologist on the 31st...

I have a hard time focusing... honestly about the only thing I am up to is rowing that boat! If I had any sick leave left I'd stay home and just weed flower beds.

Hazey again

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