Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

Yes exactly! I did get the little reprieve while watching TV until it hit. I guess during the day today they must have been gone.
I'm fine as long as I'm moving tonight. Since I almost fell out of the chair last night (not recliner) , tonight I decided to lie in bed while continuing to rub my arms. Silly thinking, that it might stop and then I'd be asleep. I must have just passed out only to violently waking up to RLS in my leg and arms. That is when it hit me, it is all RLS. See before all of this nightmare began I the RLS in my leg was very brief, then going straight to severe PLMs. Very rarely in my arms and only very short period. Just a signal that PLMs were coming.
I'm typing on my phone as I rock in the chair. It's one of those little gliders. (Keep moving)
I'm so exhausted tonight I can barely walk. This is worse than when I augmented on Mirapex. Back then they had me drugged up on five different meds, so that I would just pass out every night. Now I'm taking minimal meds, so I'm feeling it all.
I'm not functioning very well. My eyes look like hell. I'm forgetting everything. I don't know how much longer I can do this.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

I'm up about 7:30 this am. Leg jerks were preventing much sleep. Maybe an hour or more. Kept lying on the leg that was jerking. It changed from side to side. Legs are no longer quiet.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

I was able to sleep for a couple of hours or so about 9 am. By the early afternoon, legs began. Arms haven't started yet. Not looking forward to the night. It seems like it's getting worse.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

Last night, I took two Mirapex .125 mg instead of just one. Also even before I took the second one, my arms seemed to have less sensations. Yet, kept me from going to sleep when I would have liked. I was able to go to sleep around 2 am. Much improved from 4 am. But this brings up another issue. I believe that the Mirapex is already doing it's thing. In other words, from what I've been able to tell over the last month, that when I will need to take a holiday from it, it will be hell.
I sent an email to my doctor, the one I'm waiting for an appointment. Don't even know if he sees those emails. It's on the big site for the health community of doctors here.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by Polar Bear »

I do hope you get a response, hopefully tomorrow some staff member will be picking up the emails at the start of the working week.
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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

Did not have a good night. Around 2:30 I decided to go out to our trailer to sleep. It was cold, about 55 degrees or less. I curled up in the down comforter. I was very comfortable. I've always liked that bed. But arms did not allow sleep until after 4 am sometime. I forgot to turn off my phone, which a phone call woke me up at 9:30 am. I had gotten up around 8 am for the bathroom. So not a lot of sleep.
I went to the post office to check the mail today. I got a package from a dear friend. It is Kratom.
I will try it tonight.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by Polar Bear »

Good luck tonight. I have just been reading another post where kratom has been of great help.
I wish you well.
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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hope tonight is better. It could have been my imagination or placebo effect, but I think that the kratom did help with the arms - pretty sure the arms (for me) recently were opioid withdrawal. I would take that the kratom and it would eliminate the arms so I only had to deal with the legs.

I didn't need much to deal with the arms, either - I think a 1/2 t worked OK. That didn't help me sleep, though. I needed more like 2 t to quiet my brain and allow me to sleep.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

I started getting sleepy by 10 pm, but could not go to sleep. My RLS in arms and legs were quiet. Must have fallen asleep somewhere between 1 and 2 am. Then the dog woke me up at 2 am, he wanted out. Didn't go back to sleep for awhile. I had only taken one Mirapex in the evening and didn't know if I would need one or not. Turned out, the legs started, so I took a second one. Had one bathroom break, then got up about 9:45 am. I felt groggy most of the morning. I had to go somewhere, but didn't have to be alert. Felt somewhat better this afternoon, but have had a slight headache. I usually don't get headaches, so I figure it's the Kratom. Not sure if I will take it tonight. I have to baby sit all day tomorrow. I have to be there by 8 am. It will be a long day.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by ViewsAskew »

I think Mary said that she had a headache from the kratom when she didn't stay hydrated when she took it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

Yes, I remember that. I drink a lot normally. I have to because of kidneys. I think it was about 9 cups today. I try for more usually.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

Decided not to take the Kratom last night. Took an oxy instead, 5 mg. Still couldn't go to sleep til after 2 am. Had to get up at 7 am to get ready for work. Could have slept at least two or three more hours. Feel very good today though. I think my ability to sleep is totally messed up. I can remember during the last year I would try to sleep without taking second methadone and would get up, take one and then could go to sleep.
The only reason for taking oxy, was for some sleep. Watching a 2 1/2 yr old and 2 month old. Have to be alert. Good I only do this three or four times a month.

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

I heard from doctor that I sent email to, today. I am not hopeful regarding this doctor. He wants me to increase Mirapex, by doubling it from .125 mg and go on up to .5 mg. I sent an email back, stating that , I augmented on that dose. Oh well

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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by badnights »

Stick to your guns, Deb. If you feel that dose will cause augmentation, don;t go there. Present the information to him and tell him you won't suffer through that ever again if you can help it, because it's worse than untreated RLS/WED.

What happened to alternating? Weren;t you going to try alternating? I;m sorry, I forget the backstory.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Central Apnea, Methadone Withdrawal, and Other Trials and Tribulations

Post by debbluebird »

My husband even questioned me tonight and I flatly told him that since going through augmentation before and what I have been going through this last month that I just can't go there. I would rather die. I know that sounds drastic, but I meant it. I am not suicidal. I had to make a strong point. He got it.
I probably won't be seeing that doctor for a couple of months. I would have to travel to Denver to see someone else. That would be a financial hardship.
I'm not very hopeful.
I forgot to add about the alternating. I tried it and the Norco didn't cover my symptoms. I didn't sleep all night. I'm thinking of waiting another month to make sure the withdrawal is finished.

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