New Foot Wrap

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New Foot Wrap

Post by ViewsAskew »

new study about a specific type of foot wrap:

In this short study, the wrap performed better than medication - it targets two muscles in the foot. Fascinating....of course it's a very small study, but still.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: New Foot Wrap

Post by Stainless »

Targeted Pressure on Abductor Hallucis and Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscles to Manage Moderate to Severe Primary Restless Legs Syndrome to be precise. I just wonder why it took 4 years to publish and with such good results. I did a web search and had no luck finding more about her or the device.

The one thing that always works for me is distraction. I've never had an important event or task or physical demand that rls interfered with, but try to relax (after about noon for me today) the symptoms appear. Seems to me if the mind can be tricked to be distracted when we relax it would work. Rick

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Re: New Foot Wrap

Post by ViewsAskew »

Yeah, distraction works for most of us (except in the worst cases). But relax and all bets are off! Interesting that this was so long definitely have to wonder why it took so long! Thanks for looking into this and being a good skeptic - I was too tired to do so and am so happy others are both able and willing.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: New Foot Wrap

Post by Stainless »

They have some good illustrations of the muscles at play on Wiki. The photo of the device on the JAOA article is worth a million words. Just leaves which muscles to target.

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Re: New Foot Wrap

Post by jul2873 »

Wow. I think this is a fascinating study. I'm thinking that when we stand up, and especially when we walk, we put pressure on the muscles in our foot, which is exactly what this foot wrap does. And we know that standing or walking is the one way to calm our legs. I would surely love to have a wrap like this to try. Thanks for the link, Ann.

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Re: New Foot Wrap

Post by badnights »

I Think this is the same as the restiffic device that was talked about a while back (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9666&p=85204&hilit=restiffic#p85204). They mention the word restiffic in the article in one place, mostly they just call it a device.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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