Compression tights

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Compression tights

Post by Joanie60 »

Hey guys!

I usually post in the prescription forum because I have NEVER found anything besides meds which work for me. Until this week! My son gets "tingly feet". I am hoping against hope he has not inherited my RLS. Anyway, he told me he wears compression socks to bed when his feet act up. So I took it one step further, because my most symptomatic areas are legs and bum. I ordered a pair of compression tights and WHOA! They actually helped!

As recommended by others, I shoot for 80-85% relief via meds. I have symptoms 24/7 but evenings are the worst, of course. I've been wearing the tights between work and bedtime and it is really helping cover that remaining a very low cost and easily accessible solution :wink:

Here's to a restful night friends!


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Re: Compression tights

Post by Polar Bear »

Whooop, whoooooop. So glad this is working for you. :thumbup:
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Re: Compression tights

Post by ViewsAskew »

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Compression tights

Post by Yankiwi »

Not compression tights, but my husband has been wearing Adidas Running Energy Compression Thin Cushioned socks. They feature an anatomically specific left and right foot design, with arch and ankle support and a compression fit. They are knee high and don't fall down. They stimulate blood flow in his legs and he loves them.

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Re: Compression tights

Post by badnights »

sounds interesting. I like the idea of squeezing around the arch - but I cringe at the idea of something going all the way up my calf to my knee. When I tried compression socks before, I had to roll them down.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Compression tights

Post by Yankiwi »

To prepare for a flight once I put on an old pair of compression tights from a previous operation. I had to wiggle out of them before the plane had even taken off--I hated the feeling. My husband does not have RLS. He has cancer and it is affecting his nerves that control his left foot. The Adidas socks are great for him.

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Re: Compression tights

Post by Joanie60 »

That's why it is such a surprise to me...I cannot stand anything touching my legs or giving me the feeling of being trapped. The two exceptions are my kitty cat laying across my legs and these tights :-)

Another mystery of RLS.

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Re: Compression tights

Post by ViewsAskew »

To add to the mystery, I HATE the tights, but I like an ACE (or similar) bandage wrapped around part of my leg. Go figure.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Compression tights

Post by badnights »

Who here wears jeans or pants and has to rip them off and put sweats on instead as soon as you get home?
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Re: Compression tights

Post by ViewsAskew »

badnights wrote:Who here wears jeans or pants and has to rip them off and put sweats on instead as soon as you get home?

I am fine as long as I am moving. So, I make dinner and then just as I'm about to sit down at the table with hubby, I take off my pants, lol, and sit in my undies and top eating dinner. Tights, pantyhose (GRRRRRRR!!!!!), snug pants, etc are all on the Drive Me Crazy list. Yoga pants, sweats, shorts, and shortie PJs are on the I LOVE These list.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Compression tights

Post by Polar Bear »

I hate tights and can't recall the last time I wore them. Many years. However I can wear leggings and do so with knee length dresses and flat pumps.

I am very happy that Joanie gets relief from compression tights but cringe at the thought of wearing them myself.
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Re: Compression tights

Post by Madmom02 »

I used to have two kittehs that seemed to have a special RLS sense. They'd come sit on my legs when my legs were driving me crazy. I have two other cats now. One won't get near the bed and the other only likes to sleep on my bladder. Cats.

I agree about the tight stuff. Although, in the last week or so I've found knee high compression socks give me some relief if the RLS is mild. I can't wear them for longer than 15 minutes but sometimes it's enough. 99% of the time, there better be nothing touching my lower legs!

Don't have the same issues with my arms or trunk but then the restlessness feeling in them is pretty mild relative to my legs (I hope I didn't just jinx myself :| )

I like a really heavy pile of blankets on my feet, though. Just my feet. And my room has to be cold. My husband thinks I'm just because I sleep with the window open all winter and fans in front of the a/c in the summer.

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Re: Compression tights

Post by badnights »

The sense of empty space around my legs or even my whole body sometimes will prevent sleep. And sometimes it's so bad that even a small gap between my body and the covers will prevent sleep. I've taken to wearing sweats to bed, and lying on top of the rumpled-up covers, because I can't abide the constriction of the covers, but it's a catch-22 because I can't abide the clothing at times either.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Compression tights

Post by Joanie60 »

You nailed it Beth!! Hate having them, hate not having them. Throw in night sweats and all I can say is God love my husband!!

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Re: Compression tights

Post by ViewsAskew »

Joanie60 wrote:...all I can say is God love my husband!!

Seriously - a spouse/partner that can handle all we throw at them is a pretty incredible spouse/partner! Once in awhile mine gets a teensy bit testy, but so rarely it truly amazes me. I often wonder if I'd have been able to put up with me....
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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