DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jy13131 »

How long will Kratom last in the sealed bad in the freezer?

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

I honestly have no idea.
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by Polar Bear »

jy13131 - I did an internet search on freezing Kratom and found the following:
""For storage it is suggested that it is stored in little bags with the air drawn out and that it will keep a long time this way.
As for freezing - it was suggested best to first make Kratom tea and to freeze the tea which will keep indefinitely.""

Please note: I don't confirm that these are the best ways to keep it a long time, just what I found during a quick search to try and help jy13131
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ethan »

I am absolutely distraught about this. I have been using kratom for the past few months and am off all pharmaceuticals. I am curious if others plan to stock up and freeze it?

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by stjohnh »

I have 1kg and have another kg on order. I use about 1kg per year. I keep about 100g out to make capsules. Freeze the rest.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

Received this email today from one of the kratom vendors I tried:

"Good Morning ! Couple new action steps you can if you haven't already and it is still important to contact your local legislators they are listening !
Please add your comments to the CRE (Center for Regulatory Efficiency) Forum , please avoid making drug claims (cure or treatment ) .

"The CRE made some very clear statements & recomendations yesterday in a letter to The DEA dated 9/12/16 which is in a PDF file on this page (red text link) on the CRE site .

"I feel that is very good news however it's not definite , we need to continue to be proactive and support the BEA and AKA . Please reach out to your local Congressman, they can help and need to understand the issue and especially that kratom is a natural botanical, not a drug like "spice" or any type of synthetic and has helped millions of people ease chronic pain for centuries in the east and decades here in the US. Use this link to find your local congressman or woman and please call or email to make them aware of the facts.

"PLEASE SUPPORT BOTANICAL EDUCATION ALLIANCE (was BLD) & / Or AKA as much as possible ! They are working together on this and have hired lobbyists, legal team and PR firm I hear. The costs are astronomical but they are getting so much done with so little time and resources. Please Help if possible.

"The link to the BEA Donation page is :"
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jul2873 »


The DEA has delayed making kratom a Schedule 1 drug. So, for the time being anyway, it is still legal. The kratom users created such an uproar--a march in Washington DC, many, many e-mails and phone calls to the DEA and to congressional representatives, and organizing a letter from Congressmen and, tomorrow, from senators, to the DEA saying there should be time for more research and for hearings. Plus scientists started chiming in saying kratom showed great promise as a pain reliever, and as a drug to help people get off of opioids.

So no word yet if the DEA will decide to do the scheduling. My guess is that they won't do anything for a while, except perhaps hold hearings. I think they were very embarrassed when it became clear how they jumped to this scheduling without proper research or citizen input.

I don't know if most venders have any kratom left to sell, or if they will reorder not knowing if the ban could fall anytime again. My guess is plenty of vendors will still be selling. Reddit is probably the best place to find a list of vendors.

I'll sleep so much better tonight!


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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by Rustsmith »

Good news indeed! :D
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by badnights »

Nice to see that people can still make a difference!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jul2873 »

The DEA announced yesterday that it would allow a "modified" comment period before scheduling kratom. My understanding is that the comments can either be written or be a video. The AKA (American Kratom Association) is saying that we expecially need comments from medical people who have had some experience with kratom, either treating others or using it themselves. We would also love, esp. to hear from veterans. But comments from everyone are good. I think we can't have too many.

When I get more info on where to send the comments, I'll post it here.

The video comments should be short--under five minutes. Here is my suggestion for written comments: A short, introductory paragraph with a summary statement, i.e. something like "Having tried many other prescription drugs for my severe restless leg syndrome, I have found that kratom gives me my best relief" or something like that. Then maybe a background paragraph saying how you came to kratom, then a paragraph saying how you use it now, and then a paragraph explaining what a ban would mean to you. Then a short conclusion. All of your paragraphs should be short (maybe even just a sentence), and keep in mind that it is much easier to read a comment that is broken into several short paragraphs than one that is one long paragraph.

Thanks, everyone, for the help you've given already. My guess (hope) is that the longer this ban is delayed, the less chance there is that the DEA will do it. They may just be trying to save face now, hoping that no one will comment and then they can ban it saying there were no comments. But that's' not going to happen!

I had a lovely night's sleep, waking up twice to take some more kratom . .. And then I took a little at 7 a.m. so I could lie leisurely in bed and listen to my audio book. I never knew until my RLS became severe what a luxury lying in bed was.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

Thank you for all you are doing to help the cause.
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jul2873 »

This was just posted by the American Kratom Association, who is really leading the fight to keep kratom legal:

ISO! Calling all medical professionals (M.D.s or PhD's only please) and members whose doctors know of and approve of your use of Kratom. We are going to try and rally an army of doctors and scientists for when this "modified public comment period" begins, which could be announced any day now, to 1) show there's a myriad of positive benefits to Kratom *as a dietary supplement, 2) that it has an excellent safety profile and 3) that it is NOT a public health threat; in fact it is quite the opposite.
1) If you are an M.D. willing to submit official comment (or even come to Washington D.C. to take part in a congressional briefing - I talked to a Trauma surgeon tonight who is ready, willing and able), please send an e-mail to Robin -
2) If you are a consumer whose doctor endorses your use of Kratom and would be willing to write up some "before and after progress notes" on your behalf, we need those as well. E-mail Robin who can also work with you to make sure you and your doctor aren't making any drug claims that would take this out of the dietary supplement realm.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by SquirmingSusan »

After reading everyone's comments in the forum here, I ordered some white Bali kratom about a month ago from SoCal Herbal Remedies. I finally got around to boiling some up and trying it about a week ago. I've been taking methadone for many years, and recently my RLS has gotten to the point where there's some breakthrough. My neurologist referred me to a hematologist for iron infusions, but I want to wait until the beginning of 2017 because we recently changed health insurance companies and now have a $4000 deductible. :shock: I know from past experience that the infusions will help greatly, especially since my ferritin is only about 8 right now.

Anyway... I boiled up 8 tsp. in a quart of water, then cooled it down and put it in the fridge. In the case of breakthrough RLS or insomnia, 1/2 cup has me relaxed and back to sleep within 30 minutes. It tastes truly horrific, but I can suck down half a cup without breathing, then quick eat something like a small cookie to get rid of that taste.

I'm so happy that it hasn't been made illegal yet! OTOH, most of the vendors seem to have discontinued it. I managed to find a couple of sources, and ordered a kilogram of it at the one with the most reasonable prices. I also have 125 grams of white Thai from SoCal, which is supposed to be energizing. Haven't tried that one yet.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

Susan - you don't have to make a tea. I find that if I add it to juice I can tolerate much better. And, I don't have to have as much of it. Oddly, my favorite way it to add some fiber so it thickens and then eat a piece of it jellied :-).

I like the energizing ones quite a bit for daytime alertness. I use those more, I think, than the ones for sleep.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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