Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

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Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

Post by Precise »

Hello All,
I am 78 years old, male. I was diagnosed with RLS about 15 years ago. I was skeptical because I experience pain in my limbs and upper back when I fall asleep. I did not have the more typical RLS symptoms. However I've since learned that pain is one version of RLS, more so in older people. I'm an engineer/scientist and developed a hypothesis about RLS and oxygen which I offer below. I've met with RLS experts at Stanford University about this and they have agreed with this hypothesis.

Since writing this, years ago, I occasionally find out about research connecting oxygen and RLS. I found one today, through this forum. Here is my hypothesis. I welcome your comments.


Hypothesis For an Association Between RLS and Circulation and or Oxygen

RLS afflicts about 5% of the general population and about 10% of people over 50. It is presumed to be a neurologic disorder but the outcomes of neurologic medications are spotty and are troubled by augmentation and tolerance. The facts below indicate a strong association with circulation/oxygen:

● My RLS symptoms disappear while in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

● RLS afflicts about 5% of the general population, but 24% of anemics.

● RLS is more prevalent in people living at high altitude.

● RLS is exacerbated by inactivity and eased by activity.

● RLS symptoms conform to circadian rhythms, easing by day and worsening at night. "Blood pressure and heart rate exhibit a circadian rhythm, with both rising rapidly during the morning hours and then decreasing throughout the day to a nadir around 3 AM." http://archinte.highwire.org/cgi/conten ... 48/12/2547

● My RLS pain is principally in the shins and forearms, "where the circulation is comparatively poor", Taylor's Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence‎ Page 137

● My RLS leg pain begins soon after I lie down. It is quickly eased by sitting or standing, which increase blood pressure in my legs.

● RLS discomfort is eased by local heat, which promotes blood flow.

● RLS is exacerbated by alcohol. "Alcohol reduces blood flow to the muscles"
http://www.stateuniversity.com/blog/per ... Abuse.html

● Clonidine, which reduces blood pressure, exacerbated my RLS.

● There is an association between RLS and sleep apnea.

● RLS is common in pregnant women.

● My RLS shin pain is exacerbated by knee-high compression stockings.

● RLS was diagnosed in 18% of the Type 2 diabetic patients compared to only 5.5% of the controls. Journal Sleep (vol. 30, No. 7, 2007, p. 866-871 (Type 2 diabetic patients have poor peripheral blood circulation.)

I have a vigorous pulse in my legs, normal blood pressure, normal blood oxygen level and no apnea. I am fit, and enjoy about an hour per day of moderate exercise. Yet I have severe RLS (33 on the IRLS scale).

I propose that it would be fruitful to investigate the association between RLS and the distal aspects of circulation, such as the performance of capillaries and the absorption of oxygen by cells.

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Re: Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

Post by Rustsmith »

Precise, welcome to the discussion board.

One of the things that I have learned during the last couple of years of association with this board is that there appear to be quite a number of forms of RLS. Some seem to confirm to certain parameters consistent with specific theories and others do not. In my case, I have RLS in my legs, my arms, my chest and my abdominal muscles. I developed RLS while living at sea level and it is no better or worse now that I live at an elevation of 4700 ft.

However, with all that said, there is ongoing research into exactly what you have proposed. The RLS Foundation recently presented a webinar titled "
Iron, Hypoxy and RLS". It was presented by a couple of researchers at Penn State. Members of the Foundation can view these webinars at the Foundation's webisite http://www.rls.org. If you are not already a member, I personally recommend becoming one. They have a lot of very helpful literature that is only available to members. To me, getting access to the past webinars is worth the price of membership all by itself.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Re: Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

Post by stjohnh »

Precise, I had been thinking HBO (hyperbaric oxygen) might help. Can you tell me more about your HBO experience?

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Re: Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

Post by Precise »

I viewed this as an experiment, not therapy. You spend about an hour in a tube, barely large enough for you. But despite the tight confinement, I had no RLS symptoms while at pressure.

About 1/3 of the hour is spent building up pressure, then de-compressing at the end. It was painful to my ears.

Hyberbaric therapy helps diabetics with leg wounds by increasing oxygen in the blood. They require multiple sessions.

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Re: Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

Post by stjohnh »

How long after the HBO treatment ended did the relief last?

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Re: Hello from "Precise" - My First Post and Oxygen Hypothesis

Post by Precise »

I was not aware of any lasting effect. But after the late-morning session in the chamber, I was not in bed or immobile for a long time, until that night -- which felt just like any other night.

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