Does anyone know how the Neupro patch works?

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Does anyone know how the Neupro patch works?

Post by knoxtnhorn »

I mean, in terms of how it dispenses the medicine over a 24 hour period?

I am in the process of weaning off both Neupro and Trazadone and beginning Gabopentin (sp). I've weaned off the Trazadone. I've been taking a low dose of Gabopentin with a 2mg Neupro patch. Over the past few days, I've put the patch on at about 7PM and taken it off during the night. I figured I could do this for a few days and then try to go w/o the patch. My first attempt last night was an absolute disaster and I ended up putting the patch on at midnight and waiting several hours for it to kick in. Not fun.

So back to my original question and it's an odd one. Does the actual medicine inside the patch distribute evenly throughout the surface of the patch or is there a "hot spot" through which the meds are dispensed through the patch? My idea was to cut the patch in half for a few days and then in fourths so that I could wean myself better; however, if the meds aren't distributed evenly within the patch then, I guess, that wouldn't work. Advice?

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Re: Does anyone know how the Neupro patch works?

Post by Rustsmith »

The medication in the patch is contained in the adhesive, so there isn't a hot spot. Although the manufacturer does not recommend cutting the patch, that is something that others have done. If you do, please be very careful because you are at greater risk of getting the medicine on your hands as you cut the patch and there is apparently some sort of danger of getting the medicine in your eyes if you touch them with the medicine on your hands.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Does anyone know how the Neupro patch works?

Post by knoxtnhorn »

Thanks for the advice Steve. I wouldn't have known about that aspect.

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Re: Does anyone know how the Neupro patch works?

Post by stjohnh »

Steve is correct. No problem w cutting patches. I did it for a month or so when I was on neipro. Be sure and cut the patch before removing the backing.

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