reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

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Polar Bear
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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by Polar Bear »

I have spoken with a lady at the nearest shop, she would prefer to talk with me face to face and discuss my needs, suggesting that magnesium etc may be beneficial as well as the CBD oil.
She did say that it is a 10ml bottle, oil to be taken 3 times daily and should last about 2 weeks, cost £40. I don't know what strength it is but based on our initial conversation regarding sleep she felt I'd probably need something more than the usual simple low starting dose.

This link is to one that is sold by a national chain of Health Shops, it is cheaper than the one discussed above. ... 99#reviews
How do you know which to buy?

Also an article I read suggested that the best is organic CBD is best because of pesticides used in the growing of some crops.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by legsbestill »

Wow that's a LOT cheaper than the one I was taking. It was a brand called Charlottes web cbd. I used the top strength version which was 'everyday advanced' and apparently provided 50mg/ml cbd extract. I think that meant 50mg per serving. It was taken sub-lingually using a dropper. I was assured it was top grade stuff but it was something like €160 for 30ml container. Could even have been more.

I just didn't find it made a huge difference to my ability to get to sleep (I eventually resorted to full blown THC cannabis - taken as an edible - which does help). It may have helped somewhat with anxiety and general nerviness so that if it had been more affordable I would have continued to take it but I don't suffer unduly from those anyway so couldn't really justify the continued expense.

It is probably worth checking the strength of the product you buy - ie the amount of actual cbd per serving or per ml as I was told that some of the oils out there have very little actual cbd per serving. Good luck Polar Bear. I hope you have a positive outcome.

Polar Bear
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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by Polar Bear »

legs - I've yet to be convinced, at first I was ready to mug someone to get it :) .... further research has shown me that a low dose of CBD is alerting, it takes a higher dose to encourage sleep. It seems to be marketed towards anxiety and pain rather than sleep.

The first shop price of £40 for 10mls isn't awfully far removed from your 160 Euro for 30ml. (E160 = £140)
Yes, the chain of health shops is cheaper by a half, but probably less concentrate.

As for trying cannabis itself...... A bit awkward. We had an ongoing issue involving cannabis/debt/depression and all the ripples affecting everyone that this caused. That plus dh being law enforcement.

I am still interested in the CBD but need to hear from people to have found it to be an efficient sleep aid. Perhaps find a relevant chat forum.

Thanks for all advice.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by yawny »

pamhb wrote:I've also started experimenting by mixing in some THC oil from indica plants...I also felt a strange popping sensation in my muscles the first time I tried it, and had greater RLS symptoms that night. I intend to try again on a night where I have nothing on the next day, should I have the same experience.

Hi pamhb, I'm curious about the muscle popping you experienced. I have a few questions because I have muscle popping and know of no one else that experiences this. The muscle movements have been around since I started using cannabis but I can't say their start dates coincided.

Were the muscle pops small like a twitch, or did they involved large muscle areas? How long did this effect last? And have you ever experienced this muscle popping from anything else?

Thanks for your feedback, and anybody else that has experienced this, please join in. These muscle movements are ignored by my doctors but they are present 24/7 and easily wake me up. I'm guessing I have 100-200 a day but not motivated to actually count them. I've been struggling to figure out how to treat them, and have no idea what causes them.

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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by ViewsAskew »

Would you call the muscle popping fasciculations? When I have had them, they feel very strange.
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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by pamhb »

Yawny -- it feels like a constellation of very small muscle twitches -- fast, numerous, and concentrated in my lower legs. I've never had them before. I had fast food that day which likely contained MSG, as well as trying out the THS oil, so either might be the culprit. I intend trying out the THS oil again on Thursday night, but in a smaller amount. I'll let you know if the symptoms repeat themselves.

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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by yawny »

ViewsAskew wrote:Would you call the muscle popping fasciculations? When I have had them, they feel very strange.

Ann, I would call them fasciculations, but the country girl part of me calls them muscle poppers, muscle jumpers, and fish floppers. I have them everywhere and weird places like my scalp (no muscles here so not sure what is going on?). In the daytime they are tolerable, but as soon as I start to doze off to sleep they alarm me and often cause an anxiety response. I'm working on that response but it's hard to be logical in that sleepy state...I wonder if Vulcans can do this? Anyway, two neurologists have thoroughly checked me over and say it's most likely anxiety. But I wonder after all the anti anxiety meds I take how likely this is the case.

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Re: reflections on a bad trip to the RLS specialist

Post by ViewsAskew »

Interesting, yawny. I get them at times. They tend to happen waves -- none for a long time and then a will have them (anywhere, one spot, or all over) for a day to a few weeks, then none again for some time.

I also get formication - a sensation of something on my skin, but essentially an hallucination. It is almost always my scalp. As I type this, I realize I have not felt these in quite a long time - thankfully!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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