Worried about taking medication for RLS

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Re: Worried about taking medication for RLS

Post by reliefis#1 »

By the way. I fired my neurologist after she told me to take four ropinirole tablets instead of working with me to find the proper medication. Paying her too much for bad guidance. Dont want to wish this on anyone, but I would love to have these doctors experience two weeks of RLS symptons. After all, knowledge is power and what better way to learn than "hands on" training as they say in the military. Just saying.

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Re: Worried about taking medication for RLS

Post by badnights »

I agree! Stand a week in my shoes and then tell me!

I stopped gabapentin abruptly on a neuro's advice and it was extremely unpleasant - but I stopped from 2100 mg and I had been on it about 9 months. Also I went from 90-120 mg codeine to 5 mg oxy at the same time, so there may have been some opioid withdrawal in there, but I didn't think so and still don't because I had no nausea. Just wild, wild, RLS/WED.

Do you live anywhere near an RLS Quality Care Center? you can't say for sure until your withdrawal is complete, but your symptoms might not be controlled well enough by pregabalin/gabapentin.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Worried about taking medication for RLS

Post by reliefis#1 »

Thank you for your response. I found out that Florida has approved medical marijuana. There is a doctor in my city that has been licensed to prescribe it. I made an appointment and was screened for qualifying. It is approved for certain medical conditions. Today I went and was approved. I have a bad case of gastritis and reflux. The RLS medication I am taking ropinirole 0.125 mg (which Iam trying to get off) and 300 mg of Gabapentin. I've had gastritis for over 20 yrs. Kept it in control with diet. Iam sure this medication brought on a relapse.

It will take 4-5 weeks to receive the cannibis patient ID card. It was a long process and was interviewed by 3 medical personnel to include a doctor. Has anyone used Marijuana to relieve RLS? I've been told it helps. But I don't know if I also need medication with marijuana. The clinic advises you on the type of marijuana to use. Iam thinking of the oil or pill form. What is the best way to get off gabapentin? Need to also get off this medication. Pain from gastritis is pretty strong. Iam going on the 3rd week of 0.125 mg of ropinirole. Afraid to actually stop taking. Augmentation has been terrible. Must take the last plunge and stop taking it.

Found two RLS Quality Care centers in the area. Will be making an appointment. Also have an appointment with a sleep disorder doctor in 4 weeks. Don't know if I can wait that long. Will see if the RLS clinic will take me earlier. Really desparate. Gastritis pain pretty bad.

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Re: Worried about taking medication for RLS

Post by Rustsmith »

Generally, marijuana can help with sleep issues but often has not been very effective for the movement problems. I heard Dr. B say that inhaled MJ can help some. Also, MJ is probably not strong enough to help with augmentation and the final steps of getting off of ropinirole. For that, you either have to put up with no sleep for as long as a week or else you will need a doctor to prescribe an opioid med to cover the withdrawal symptoms.

For me, I use an edible form of THC to help with sleep. I take gabapentin to help me fall asleep and the THC helps me stay asleep longer. Generally, inhaled forms work fast but also wear off fast. Tinctures work quickly and last longer than inhaled. Edibles take an hour or two to kick in, but last much longer than inhaled or tinctures.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Northwest Territories, Canada

Re: Worried about taking medication for RLS

Post by badnights »

Adding to what Steve has said, gabapentin you should be able to reduce and stop but ask a doctor. Your dose is fairly low.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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