Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

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Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Last night I didn't medicate myself because I had a wine cooler with a late dinner and wasn't sure how long it would take to clear.

Woke up exhausted, agitated, that feeling of having one raw nerve left, wanting to cry, no emotional fortitude to handle anything, and with restless legs. Awful. I took 1/4 of .5 mg clonazepam. Sleep apnea stats were normal last night so it wasn't that.

This is a reminder that my meds are doing something at least, because that's how I used to feel every day. I don't feel rested on my meds, but I don't feel like THAT. Wow.

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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by Rustsmith »

I forgot to take my meds at lunch yesterday. I went out for a run after lunch with the intention of doing 10 to 12 miles, but I just wasn't feeling right, so I cut it off at 9. Once home, my back and shoulders started to ache a lot, so I soaked in a hot bath. That temporarily fixed my back and relaxed me enough so that I now felt exhausted (which shouldn't happen after only 9 miles), so I took a nap. I got a deep sleep, but woke up slowly, which never happens in the afternoon. I was still dragging around when my wife asked if I had taken my meds at lunch. Ahah, I had not, so the aches, pains and lack of appetite were due to withdrawal. I finally took my meds at 5:30P, and was then able to eat a light dinner. I spent the evening with a heating pad on my back and was able to get a decent night's sleep, which was sort of surprising. Glad that happened yesterday and not today when we have to be hosts at the local symphony concert.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by ViewsAskew »

It really is amazing how much of a slap we get when we are late or forget! So sorry you had to feel so crappy.

For me, it is more like Steve experienced, if I forget an early dose - the icky early withdrawal feeling. At night, if I forget, I am usually eating a late dinner (we eat between 8 and 9 most nights) and all the sudden, WHAM, I am dancing! Then I remember that I did not take the 6 PM dose. If I am busy and running around, I often do not notice it until 9 to 10 PM, when taking it doesn't help much and I am usually up moving until the far reaches of the AM dawn.
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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by Polar Bear »

I used to set my phone alarm to ring at the appropriate times during the day i.e. 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm. My grandchildren used to shout to me.... tablet time !!

Somehow this routine disappeared and I think I'll just go now and set up my alarms again.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Steve, I'm glad you figured out what it was and were able to get some rest! I hope the symphony was fun. I don't think my issue was withdrawal, but you have given me something to keep in mind...maybe it was? But I don't think so because that's how I felt when I first started seeing my sleep doc, and I wasn't on the meds then.

Phone reminders are a good idea. I was doing well with a pill box, but that requires the discipline and time to set it up. I need to do that again as it helped me.

On the humor front, I was looking in this forum and thought, 'Oh wow! Someone else is talking about unmedicated PMLS! This is I have got to read!' :lol:

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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by debbluebird »

I messed up today too. Late on meds. So I am going to bed later then I would like. Symphony sounds wonderful.

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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by badnights »

I use my phone alarms a lot. I use 3 alarms a day, but at slightly different times on different days of the week to work around hockey etc games. I got an app called Early Bird Alarm that lets me do this. The only complaint I have about it is that it doesn't shut itself off and try again in 10 minutes if I ignore it for a time - it just keeps going and going. I pick the least obnoxious music or sound I can find because I have to listen to it 3x every day!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Not-so-friendly remimder re unmedicated PMLS

Post by Polar Bear »

leggo - I have 2 x 7 day-= pill boxes and fill them both at the same time, usually on a Sunday while watching tv.
So I'm only setting it up every two weeks.
Each 7 day pill box has a separate daily pill box. That daily pill box is divided into 4, morning, lunch, teatime, bedtime. The daily pill box is always with me. This works very well as long as I remember to take the pills .....
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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