Trying to cover my bases

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Trying to cover my bases

Post by mudslide »

I have augmented on Mirapex, become depressed on Neupro, and done very well on 10 mg methadone, which I may be losing. In case I can't find a truly knowledgeable specialist locally, am I "ripe" to be seen at a quality sleep center, or should I have tried Horizont before going that route? (I'm not mentioning the other anticonvulsants because I've read that they're not very effective for RLS.)

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Re: Trying to cover my bases

Post by badnights »

I don't think they will base whether they see you, or when they can fit you in, on how desperate your case is.
Since it will likely be a long wait to get in, no matter which QCC you choose, see if you can make an appointment now. You may have time to try and reject/accept Horizant before your appointment.
An idea for you might be very low dose of pramipexole (or - shudder - ropinirole) with Horizant.
Note that gabapentin can cause depression and suicide in susceptible people, I assume the same is true of Horizant (gabapentin encarbil). You may not be the best candidate for it since you experienced depression from Neupro.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Trying to cover my bases

Post by ViewsAskew »

My guess is that you have not tried it, they will have you do so. It may be less expensive to try it first as insurance may not cover what you try with one of them.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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