Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
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Welcome to Angela Fillingham

Post by Rustsmith »

Monday, May 14

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Angela Fillingham, whose 4 year old granddaughter has just been diagnosed with RLS. The family would apreciate info, help and support and to be able to undertand what she is suffering.

You should find information that will be useful in our forums, especially the one on Special Populations (which includes pediatric RLS). You should also take a look at the information that the RLS Foundation has on pediatric RLS on their website (
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to Cantsleeporfunction

Post by Rustsmith »

Tuesday, May 15

Welcome to

Cantsleeporfunction, who has severe RLS 24/7. It didn't start that way. It started only on her calves at bedtime or sitting for long period of time (ex: opera, movie theater). Now due to Mirapex and maybe other RLS drugs, my RLS symptoms are in my arms, soles of my feet, all my legs and back. She can't sleep or work, she has lost her memory, and is so tired!! She is taking generic opioids but they only last 3-1/2 hrs at best and never control 100% of her RLS. She tries to stay positive but at times she just breaks down and cries because she feels useless, tired, has great fatigue and to make matters worse, she has been told she also has fibromyalgia, which nobody treats in the southeast. She is depressed but still acts like everybody's cheerleader. She now needs her personal cheerleader. She has had RLS for 10 yrs now. She used to have a great job, made good money, went out with friends but now she never leaves the house.

You have found a group who will be very happy to serve as your personal cheerleaders. First off, please post a note with the specifics of your current opioid treatment. It sounds like you have a short half life medication that could be improved upon with something that lasts longer. We may be able to offer some suggestions for you to discuss with your doctor, especially since it appears that he/she is willing to prescribe opioids. That is usually our greatest hurdle.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to EthelL

Post by Rustsmith »

Tuesday, May 15

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EthelL, who has been suffering from RLS for about 13 years. It was tolerable at first, but she now suffers from severe chronic depression and multiple sclerosis. All antidepressants cause excruciatingly worsened RLS, except two-Wellbutrin, which I am highly allergic to, and Trintellix, which causes relentless nausea and vomiting. I would not wish this on anyone, but it is comforting just knowing that there are other people out there that understand and might be able to help with suggestions and advice.

Please post a note telling us what you are doing to manage your RLS. And if you are in an area where medical marijuana is legal, then take a look through our posts on that topic. It may be of some help with your depression along with the RLS and, depending upon your MS symptoms, maybe that as well.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to drFred

Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, May 18

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drFred, who has RLS and nothing seems to help. He is trying to connect with others who have RLS and is looking for suggestions and help in dealing with it.

You have come to the right place to connect with others who have RLS. Please post a note telling us about what you have tried to manage your RLS and asking any questions. We would love to be able to offer you some suggestions of new things to try.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to elsif

Post by Rustsmith »

Saturday, May 19

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elsif, who is 27 and on 4mg of ropinerol to combat increased frequency of RLS while on antidepressants. RLS has gotten worse since and he is on the max dose apparently, so he us in augmentation. He has had RLS since infancy. His mom, her twin brother, and his grandma have it, but his twin brother doesn't. He has it most nights of the week for 3 hours at least and is also getting it in his arms. He is in a long distance relationship and it sucks for the week she's visiting because he spends most nights sleeping on the couch.

Take a look around and then please post a note telling us what you intend to do from here and asking any questions that you have. And feel free to join in any of our ongoing discussions.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to moose

Post by Rustsmith »

Saturday, May 19

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moose, whose RLS affects her everyday and prevents her from relaxing until she takes medication in the evenings.

Please post a note telling us about your medication so that we may be able to offer you some suggestions to discuss with your doctor for improving your situation.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to Foxwell8

Post by Rustsmith »

Sunday, May 20

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Foxwell8, who has an urge to move legs all day and night-especially reading,watching TV ,starting to sleep.

Please post a note telling us what you are currently doing to manage your RLS so that we can offer some suggestions to better manage your need to move.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to Flamingoer

Post by Rustsmith »

Sunday, May 20

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Flamingoer, who has suffered with leg pain at night for a lifetime as well as having had problems with feel rested. Flamingoer is currently trying to deal with these symptoms without prescribed medications and needs help!!

Please post a note telling us what you have tried and asking any questions that you have so that we can make some suggestions.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to Marshanurse

Post by Rustsmith »

Sunday, May 20

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Marshanurse, whose RLS is causing her to lose sleep which in turn causes her production and concentration at work to be below expectations. She is feeling tired and don't want to do much on her weekends off.

Please post a note telling us what you are currently doing to manage your RLS and asking any questions you have so that we can offer you some specific suggestions to improve your situation.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to Adaysfullhouse

Post by Rustsmith »

Monday, May 21

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Adaysfullhouse, whose RLS causes misery at night, when trying to take naps or on long car rides!!

Please post a note telling us what you are doing to manage the symptoms so that we can offer you some suggestions for improvement.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to SCSmith1977

Post by Rustsmith »

Monday, May 21

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SCSmith1977, who has had RLS for a long time and only found out what it was through a sleep study in 2013. SCSmith has been taking gabapentin to control the symptoms and within the last 6 months it has worsened to include the arms and legs during the daytime as well, not just at night. So, SCSmith is now taking Requip at the lowest dose and it is helping with the night time symptoms but not the day time ones.

Please post a note asking any questions that you have, or feel free to jump into any of the ongoing discussions.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to MIA

Post by Rustsmith »

Wednesday, May 23

Welcome to

MIA, who has RLS and is looking for information on how to manage. She has not been able to tolerate the medications for this so now looking to see how others manage RLS with/without medication.

Please post a note telling us about the medications that you have tried since there are often options. You can also take a look through our Physical Treatments forum to get an idea about non-medication type ways of managing RLS.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to Borzoibabe

Post by Rustsmith »

Wednesday, May 23

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Borzoibabe, who finds that when she can't sit or sleep it makes her so frustrated and exhausted and she can't explain what it feels like. It's an endless number of hours in a day when you are up all night and can't rest or even sit down.

Please post a note telling what why you are doing (or have tried) to manage your RLS. There is always something else to try and we would love to be able to suggest something that you can discuss with your doctor.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to AlonsoDil

Post by Rustsmith »

Thursday, May 24

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AlonsoDil, who couldn't do the desk job he had held for 10 years after his restless legs syndrome problem got worse. He just couldn't sit still at a desk for 8 hours a day.

Please post a note telling us what you are doing to manage your RLS and asking any questions that you have. We would love to be able to help you out.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Welcome to cindyaking61

Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, May 25

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cindyaking61, who has moderate restless legs and her mom has severe. She has watched her mom up all night long quite a bit lately and is looking for some help/support. Her mom is 84 and this concerns her so much that her body is under so much stress.

Please post a note telling us a bit about what both of you are doing to manage your RLS. We would love to be able to suggestion some improvements for you both.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.
