
Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Post by 2BassetMom »

Sorry but I just have to whine a bit! It is 105'f here in the mountains of northern Idaho! We just don't get these temps and it is supposed to go up to 107. Add to that, I have come down with a cold. For some strange reason I am able to sleep more than just the hour I usually get in. We have had a busy week with granddaughters visiting. Fun times, but busy. So I guess I should have seen this coming. I know there are others with odd weather patterns they are enduring but I just had to let you know of my misery lol. My prayers are with the folks that are dealing with the wildfires and the brave people fighting them. Thankful for this group. That's it, whine over.

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Re: weather

Post by Yankiwi »

107° F is horrible! I lived in Moscow Idaho for seven years and it got hot but never that high. On the West Coast of New Zealand the natives think they are dying if it gets to 87° which it rarely does but we'll have to see what next summer has in store for us.

Polar Bear
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Re: weather

Post by Polar Bear »

Here in the northern parts of UK our summer is very moderate, normally around 21/22C. This summer we had temperatures of 30C and sometimes a little higher. We are not used to dealing with this and our lifestyle is not suitable for it.
In particular I am of Scottish/Northern Irish genes and the fair skin with red hair has it's own problems with the sun.

So I was dealing with very hot weather, RLS 24/7, 4 months ago got prescribed meds for blood pressure (calcium channel blockers) and of course ended up with the swollen feet and lower legs. The med was changed to a different Chanel Blocker and the swelling has subsided somewhat but is still there to an extent. I saw that Calcium Channel Blockers can have a negative impact on RLS. Something else to look at as the GP won't have a clue though she is very willing.

Thank goodness we are currently back to our average 22C .
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: weather

Post by Rustsmith »

I live in an area of Colorado that is high desert. Our normal daily high temperatures for July and August are over 100F, but the nights are around 65 because it is so dry. But this summer we only had one week of normally hot weather. the rest has been in the low 90s. Our problem has been almost no rain from our normal summer thunderstorms, which resulted in a number of wildfires. For comparison, 2BassetMom's Idaho weather yesterday was over 100 and we had mid-80's even though we are much further south.

As for freak weather, we didn't benefit but there have been three different storms that hit about 45 miles north of us in Colorado Springs that have each produced hail that was 2 to 3 inches in diameter. One of the storms it the zoo. It killed six animals, put six people in the hospital and destroyed every car in the parking lot. The rental car agencies all ran out of cars for days and the local car dealers are all reporting that their sales are up by more than 30 percent. As for roofing contractors, they are all back up with work that will probably last then through the winter.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: weather

Post by 2BassetMom »

We are having a typical day of 78'f today but tomorrow we go back up to high 80's and low 90's. My cold turned in bronchitis! I had to go to Urgent Care on Saturday morning to see a doctor. She was very compassionate and when I told her I had restless legs syndrome she was sympathetic and gave the impression she knew what it actually was.I came away with prescriptions for an inhaler and antibiotics. Spent a miserable night fighting rls and not being able to breathe. Feeling much better this evening. Steve, we lived in Leadville CO for almost 4 years so I am familiar with the extremes of CO weather. I hope you get rain soon. Our son who is still in Leadville says they need rain. Betty, I would love your normal weather since I am a cool, rainy weather gal. We vacationed in Scotland a few times and I loved the weather. Soon autumn will be upon us and we will hopefully get our regular weather.

Polar Bear
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Re: weather

Post by Polar Bear »

2BassetMom - in normal circumstances we have to go abroad on holiday to experience some really hot weather.

On holiday it's ok, most places have air con and no work is involved.
No one would come to N.I. or Scotland without a light raincoat/umbrella no matter what the weather forecast predicted.
I too love Scotland, it's just a 2 hour ferry ride for us. And to reach family in Aberdeen on the north east coast (other side) of Scotland is a 6 hour drive from the Scottish side of the ferry.

A sort of a funny story. You need to know that Aberdeen is on the NE coast of Scotland. Edinburgh is a bit further south still on the east coast.
Glasgow is much more towards the West coast and the ferry ports to N.Ireland.
8 of us went as a group to Aberdeen from N.Ireland to attend the wedding of my niece. Her parents, us, some good friends.
We went on the ferry as foot passengers and had two hire cars booked to be picked up at Stranraer, the ferry port.
All good on the ferry and we went to the car rental office only to be given keys for a Ford Focus (brother et al got that one) and our keys to our car for 4 Adults and luggage. It was a Nissan Micra !! No way, says my husband. It's all we have says the Car Rental.
There we are, no choice, in the Nissan Micra making our way up past Glasgow and heading for Aberdeen. It was February time and lots of snow and ice.

Great wedding (that wasn't) but that's a whole other story. Lots of family from all over staying in the hotel for two nights and the fun was mighty. All thoughts of cramming back into the Micra forgotten.
Heading back home was great. My brother et al set off about ten minutes ahead of us.
Four of us in our car, lots of chat and laughter about the weekend etc
About 2 hours into the journey bro phoned us, where are you, we're thinking of stopping for coffee?
Where were we?? oh dear !! We could see Edinburgh in the distance. We shouldn't be anywhere near Edinburgh. We'd sat on the motorway, chatting and forgot all about taking the turn off for Glasgow..... on the other side of the country and on the way to the ferry port.

No bother, wer're heading for Glasgow now..... foot well down and loads of time.... just adding an hour or so to the journey.... aye right.... we were a bit optimistic.
By 8pm it was dark and sleet coming down. Brother was in the ferry port asking.... where are you. We still had a few miles to cover. Bro says the last shuttle bus taking passengers down the quay to the ship leaves in about 15 minutes. We told him ''' lie in front of the bus'. :)
As we got to the ferry terminal we had to fill up the car with petrol and could see bro doing a panic jig on the other side of the road in the actual terminal pleading with the bus driver to hang on... there they are.... We literally got the hire car onto the forecourt, threw the keys in the letterbox, and got onto the Shuttle bus barely able to breathe. It was the last ferry of the night and we'd have had a pretty miserable night waiting for the first ferry in the morning.

The wee Nissan Micra did us proud, she was pushed to the limit.
Sorry, that story took a bit longer than I'd assumed. A bit like the drive down to Stranraer :)
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: weather

Post by debbluebird »

We are st 8,100 feet in Colorado. 80 and 90's. It has been warmer this summer, at times. Like Steve said, cools at night, sometimes in the 40's.
I like 60's the best.

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Re: weather

Post by ViewsAskew »

debbluebird wrote:We are st 8,100 feet in Colorado. 80 and 90's. It has been warmer this summer, at times. Like Steve said, cools at night, sometimes in the 40's.
I like 60's the best.

I LOVE the 60s, lol. It's been about 20% hotter in LA this summer than normal and not cooling down at night at all. I am SO tired of 90s and a few days in the 100s. Much too hot for me. This weeks it's in the mid 80s - still hotter than I like, but much better.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: weather

Post by debbluebird »

My kids left for California today. Will be spending time at the beach, going to a Dodgers base ball game ending with 3 days at Disneyland. Wish I was going too. They need a vacation.

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Re: weather

Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh - if you were coming we could have met! I can walk to Dodger Stadium! The weather was SO much better today. We walked to Walgreens around 7 PM and it was glorious out. Glad they are coming now. And, the beach is about 5-10 degrees cooler most times, so highs should be no more than 80 this week.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: weather

Post by 2BassetMom »

Betty, That was quite a story! I laughed while reading it but quietly as to not waken my husband. We have had some funny travel stories from Scotland. The first visit we did ScotRail and B&Bs. We were much younger then and walked everywhere. Last visit was in 2007 when we went with friends. We stayed in Edinburgh 3 days. The first day we all went to the castle and since we had done the tour we explored on our own while our friends did the guided tour. Agreeing to meet in the War Memorial area we parted. They never showed up! We searched the entire grounds and finally gave up and took a bus back to the B&B to find them waiting there. The rest of the trip went smoothly and we laugh about it now. I hope we all are experiencing better temps.

Polar Bear
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Re: weather

Post by Polar Bear »

Yes, BassetMom, today we are at 18C/65F with light drizzle and it's to be the same for at least the next week.
Good for the garden :)
A little lower than average but I don't mind at all.

Isn't Edinburgh wonderful, that first glimpse of the Castle takes your breath away.
We attended the Edinburgh Military Tattoo at the Castle, it's held in August. Spectacular.
In particular these Swiss drummers who are the only non-military performers.
They are civilians - Bank Managers, Clerks, Road Sweepers.... who get leave of absence from their employment to go train and perform. ... uK-d4ka0PM:

Isn't it wonderful where a discussion about the weather will take you :)
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: weather

Post by 2BassetMom »

Betty, I clicked on both links. WOW! thanks for sharing those. Yes it is interesting where a chat about weather can lead. That's one of the things that makes this group special. We are so sleep deprived we will follow any rabbit trail. We are going back up in temps and probably will stay there until September. Enjoy your cool weather that I love so much.

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Re: weather

Post by Rustsmith »

Betty, in 2012 we took back to back cruises out of Dover in August (during the London Olympics). The first week we went up the Norwegian coast, which was spectacularly beautiful. The second week was a tour of the British Isles, including the Channel Isles, Ireland and then two days in Edinburgh. It wasn't my first time in Edinburgh, but it was my first opportunity to attend the Tattoo. That was the highlight of the 2 week trip for me.

But I should explain for others that my mother's family clung to their Scottish roots (my grandmother's maiden name was McFarlan) even though they immigrated to the US in 1830. So every time I have been able to travel in Scotland, it has the feeling of home to me although I never seemed to be able to understand the Glaswegian accent even though that is near the McFarlan homelands in the Scottish Highlands.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: weather

Post by 2BassetMom »

Steve, My mom instilled in her children a love for Scotland. My husband and I have been 3 times and would love to go back. I had such a feeling of coming home when I first stepped off of the plane. My grandfather was born in the area between Glasgow and Edinburgh, Blackball. His last name was Frickleton. My grandmother was born in Scotland too. She immigrated when she was 3 years old, my grandfather at age 19. I love that land and I love the weather.

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