Kratom berry compote

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by SquirmingSusan »

The whole "opioid epidemic" hysteria thing drives me crazy. Did any of you see the 60-Minutes segment or Washington Post article on how the pharma industry are driving the epidemic by diverting their drugs to the high addiction parts of the US? It is crazy to cut people off of meds like methadone or buprenorphine, when those drugs are used to TREAT addiction. Are they trying to force people onto heroin?

I decided to try kratom about a month ago because every month I go through major panic that my doctor will decide not to fill my methadone. It's working really well for me, but I'm not sure that the red borneo from SoCal is the best quality out there. I have some green bali from a different vendor that's about twice as strong. It takes 2 tsp. of the red bali for me to not get RLS at night. There are Facebook groups that have lists of vendors who sell high quality kratom.

Also, the stuff tastes horrific. I've been ordering the Japanese "oblate discs" on Amazon. They're made of a very thin layer of tapioca. I put 1/2 tsp. in the center, fold up the edges, twist them together with a tiny bit of water to seal them, then just put it in my mouth and wash it down with water. They also sell little pouches that will hold a teaspoon, but they cost a lot more.

If they make kratom illegal here, I'll go back on the methadone. It's actually a lot more convenient for 24-hour RLS, especially since being sleepy kicks up my RLS, and I have narcolepsy so I get sleepy a lot. We do what we have to do!

Polar Bear
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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Polar Bear »

Good to hear that you are finding an alternative. Your tapioca discs sound worthwhile.
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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by ViewsAskew »

Interesting discs...
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Eternityroad »

I have had generally good success with Kratom. I mix my kratom with powdered malt. It has less sugar than chocolate powder I once used and covers just enough of the taste to swallow the kratom without regret. My dose is 1 tsp. mixed with 1/2 tablespoon of malt powder every 3 hours. I usually mix a little water in it, but if I am out and about I imbibe half of the powder mix straight and chase it with water. Then the other half. I have been off of Lortab for three months now but am having some minor issues with Kratom this past week that I address in another post. I don't get headaches and until this week it was working quite well. For the further issues see my post this evening entitled Kratom Effectiveness Issue.


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Re: Kratom berry compote and food with kratom

Post by neoleopard »

Kratom is actually helping opiod addiction patients wean off of them. Addiction is also an illness. Doctors are partners in your healthcare.If you do not like the one you have, i encourage you to find one that you do like. Squeaky wheel always gets the grease!

My kratom research revealed it is unwise to use kratom while other meds are in your system, period and I too experienced no effects when I consumed it in a full stomach. A near empty stomach is best IMO.
I took a chance starting it right after quitting 1mg ropinerol, but it paid of without a hitch. AGIAN , a
cumulative effect since I worked hard on diet and heavy metal detox before starting kratom. How bad do you want to heal?

My hardcore diet and detox got me from 4 mg Ropinerol with severe augmentation all the way down to 1mg with mild augmentation. The kratom did the rest.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by pinkynose »

Some interesting recipes! I am one of those people who used Kratom to get off opioids. I had been put on them after back surgery 16 months ago. I add a small amount of hot water to my Kratom and shake it up real good so it dissolves. For me this is key as I hate drinking lumps. Then I add grapefruit juice or OJ or whatever and mix it up again. This works best for me.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Eternityroad »

I want to add vitamin C because I heard it acts as a potentiator.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by leggo_my_legs »

pinkynose wrote:Do you need to tell your sleep medicine doctor that you're going somewhere else? I haven't told my back surgeon I'm going to a pain management doctor (recommended by by primary care doctor) because he so egotistical he'll never accept the surgery didn't fix my symptoms. I've had my primary care Dr for 20 years and she knows me very well. She didn't need to call the pain management doctor for me to get what I needed but she would have. Do you have anyone like that who could go to bat for you if need be?

Long overdue response, so sorry I missed your reply months ago now! I really don't have anyone in my normal range of docs who would go to bat for me now, so I see Dr. B in southern CA and he helps me. I have to pay out of pocket, I'm now with an HMO that is hardcore against opiates (at least my doctor is, and it seems like a case of groupthink).

Yes, egotistical doctors are the worst. I also have issues with pain aside from the RLS, but I can't find a pain management doctor who will see me. I think they're pretty full here, and prefer to focus on interventions (ie steroid injections, surgery, etc) rather than med mgmt.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Oozz »

Just want to continue sharing my experience. I have been taking Kratom for several days and I also monitor my sleep quality every morning via a Heart Rate Variability monitor.

Kratom provides the best sleep quality of any drug combination I’ve used. This includes variations of the following: Mirapex, thc, cbd, and lyrica. My morning HRV average for the aforementioned drugs is 69-73. On Kratom I am averaging 80.

I have been taking 800mg right before bed or 2 hours after going to bed (wake up and take it). I should note I only get RLS at night.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by legsbestill »

Wow. I found the opposite. It worked well for the urge to move symptoms but it kept me awake. I hope it continues to work well for you.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Oozz »

Its interesting though because, although I feel like my sleep is refreshing and my HRV is high, this scientific article would indicate that opioid have a negative affect on sleep cycles.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by badnights »

Its interesting though because, although I feel like my sleep is refreshing and my HRV is high, this scientific article would indicate that opioid have a negative affect on sleep cycles.

That's more along the lines of what many of us have found.
Kratom contains an opioid-like substance (I can't remember - maybe more than one) but it must also contain other chemicals that we know nothing of. Maybe the combination in certain kratom strains is something that doesn't disrupt sleep.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Lasvegased777 »

I can wholeheartedly state that Kratom is
responsible for my no longer being a narcotic addict.
I was on methadone for 5 years and a miriiad
of other heavy duty opiates for decades
I ended up on 24mg. per day of Subutex.
I weaned down then jumped over to the
I've had RLS since I can remember as a child.
When I stopped taking the Kratom my
RLS returned with a vengeance.
You might say I forgot about my condition because the opiates masked the symptoms.
But when the opiate crackdown happened
it became Impossible to get opiates.
One could argue that the Kratom is like
trading one addiction for another.
Both Kratom and most opiates work quite well
for RLS. But Kratom is only a partial opiate agonist and it primarily affects receptors other than Mu. I'm certainly no doctor so I say
do your research! This plant is at least
for me, 100% effective for relieving RLS
at night so you can sleep.
I've used White, Green and the Red strains
and found them equally effective for RLS.
I do want to caution people that Kratom
CAN be mildly addictive.
Some people could be allergic or hypersensitive
but most will find relief.
Find the right dose for you and try not to
increase it. Kratom changed the quality
of my life.

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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by badnights »

Lasvegased777 I agree, kratom has helped many people with WED/RLS. and probably people with opioid-addiction problems as well. Kudos to you for getting off opioid despite an addiction; that must have been a horrendous journey.

It is so difficult - in many ways - to have a disease whose most effective treatment is an addictive substance! I have not, thankfully, had any addiction problems despite taking opioids for almost 10 year, and I'm very grateful for that.
When I stopped taking the Kratom my
RLS returned with a vengeance.
Does this mean you're not on kratom now? But the rest of your post seems like you're still using kratom. If not, what do you use to control the symptoms?

You might say I forgot about my condition because the opiates masked the symptoms.

I don't think opioids mask the symptoms, although it might turn out to be the best phraseology if some theories of how WED/RLS happens are true. It seems to treat the symptoms, that is, eliminate them, stop them from happening. There is a theory that WED/RLS symptoms are simply neuron signals originating in parts of our spinal cords or peripheral nerves that are generated continuously but are blocked in normal people; the blocking fails in WED/RLS. So I guess if that theory is true,then opioids could be said to be masking, not stopping the symptoms (and normal people naturally "mask" or block the signals that would cause symptoms).
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Kratom berry compote

Post by Eternityroad »

I have using Kratom successfully for RLS for a year and a half. My big concern is the ongoing efforts to ban it. It has been banned in 5 states already. Not in Nevada, thank goodness.

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