Two hours of sleep

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by ViewsAskew »

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by badnights »

:D (just don't overuse it)

re the exercise - You're saying that being physically active during the day seems to make the symptoms less bad that night? I'm not surprised. I have notice the same thing. I also notice that when I exercise too much - when I'm too tired and do a workout that's too intense for my current physical state - I have bad symptoms about an hour afterward.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by debbluebird »

Me too. I can over do, then it's bad.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by debbluebird »

I saw the physical therapist today. I told him that I would probably pay for what he was puting me through, all the twisting and stretching. Unfortunately I was right. My leg started getting bad this afternoon. I was sleepy and wanted to nap. I have already taken both methadone tablets early. Jerking was bad and the burning pain in the thigh. He thinks the burning pain is coming from the hip.
The MRI results came back with minimal problems. Full of arthritis, but mild stenosis, several mild disk bulges, with the end results saying negative in all areas. I've already had surgery for spinal stenosis in 2003. At least that's not worse.
He wants me to exercise my legs once a day, 10 reps, to see how it effects my legs. He wants me to strengthen the leg muscles. I see him again in a week.
I've had a lot of physical therapy over the years. It was amazing to see how much I've lost in terms of being limber. It also tells me I need to exercise during the winter. I tend to hibernate in the winter.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by badnights »

It sure doesn't take long to stiffen up and lose muscle mass. I hope you continue with the exercises and after a few days maybe the RLS won't flare up from doing them - maybe it will sort of normalize somehow.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by legsbestill »

There is a webinar on the foundation website about physical devices. My memory is that it says that in studies the restiffics wraps were found to be about the most effective physical treatment for RLS symptoms. Conversely, the relaxis was not found to be effective (though, strangely, it was found to be good for inducing sleep) - this does not correspond with my own experience with relaxis which is that it can be quite useful - especially if I have to go to bed during the day time - it really helps to settle symptoms then. I haven't tried Restiffics wraps. Would be very interested to hear about them.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by jairalhill »

Is PLMW a sign of augmentation? RLS is daily. PLMW is probably 2-3 times a week - unless I try to take a nap, and then RLS and PLMW start double teaming. The PLMW is a recent development, or else it's become more of a nuisance that I went searching for a name for the leg jerking.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by stjohnh »

Hi Jairalhill. Welcome to the RLS commumnity. Lots of helpful people here. I don't think PLMW is a sign of augmentation. Why don't you tell us a little about your RLS, meds you are taking, and how badly the RLS is interfering with your life.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by Rustsmith »

Jairalhill, 85% of people with RLS also have PLMS so it isn't a sign of augmentation. Augmentation requires things such as symptoms occurring earlier in the day and moving from just the legs to other parts of the body. It also requires that you have been taking specific meds, which is why Holland asked about the meds you have been taking. Knowing the dose(s) would also be very helpful to us.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by ViewsAskew »

I have a different take on PLMW and augmentation. It absolutely was for me. I have PLMS all the time - worse than the RLS initially. But, PLMs while waking? Never until augmentation. It was HORRIBLE. Between the increased RLS and the PLMW, I couldn't sleep at all.

This is anecdotal, but over the years I have been here, many people have said the same. First the RLS gets worse and if it goes on long enough, PLMW may also occur if you had not had it before, as well as if you did have it, it could be worse.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by jairalhill »

I've had RLS off and on for years, but it didn't start interfering with life until about five years ago when it became a constant, every night thing. I'm 63. More recently, it's in my arms, sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. The PLMW perhaps has been present for some time, but it's become so pronounced at times that the poor guy seated beside me on a recent flight to Hawaii must have thought there was something severely wrong; the kicking was pronounced. It occurs like RLS - when I'm seated for a period of time or trying to rest. I'll have the twitches (RLS) and then the jerks (PLMW) within seconds of each other.

I'm taking 2 mg of Ropinirole, one dose in early evening and one before going to bed. It makes me nauseous if I take them at the same time. I am able to sleep for 5-6 hours a night, which is an improvement. It's the daytime symptoms that are bothering me more. Recently, RLS greets me in the morning so it's pointless to try to go back to sleep. I'm thinking maybe trying "the patch." Thanks all. It's nice to know there are others "out there" who understand what this feels like.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by stjohnh »

I'm sad to say that you are very likely augmenting on the ropinirole. The reason I say this is that your symptoms are now occurring in the daytime, in your arms and you are on a very high dose of ropinirole. All these are associated with augmentation. This is where symptoms get worse even though your med dose has increased. You will need to get off the ropinirole. This will likely be very difficult, much worse than your current symptoms. If you can get your doctor to prescribe an opioid, at least until the ropinirole is out of your system, it will be a little easier.

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Re: Two hours of sleep

Post by debbluebird »

I agree with Holland. I would also add that you shouldn't just switch to another DA, you would just continue down the path of augmentation.
I've been there. Good luck.

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